The Dark Knight Bootleg Trailer

This bootleg has been swirling round the net, and as soon as a proper version gets loosed - I will hook you up! Heath is good in this one, that is for certain.

21 Comments, Comment or Ping

  1. Ty

    Ive watched this trailer about 20 times already and everytime i see it i am amazed at heath ledgers performance, there arent words that i could use to describe his version of the joker this is gonna be a great movie , and i will enjoy ever minute of it

  2. Brandon

    I hate being at work. I can’t watch this until I get home and even at that point..I’m sure it’ll be down.

  3. DJ Machismo

    It just keeps getting better and better.

  4. 1138

    Seen this trailer on other sites and man Heath is damn good! It really is a shame, but at the same time truly creepy! If he stayed in character off the set, it’s no wonder people were worried about him. Who would want to stay in character who happens to be a homicidal maniac???!!! A character of pure EVIL????!!! But I’m sure this will attest to Heath Ledger’s amazing blooming gifts as a actor. An actor who could have led the new generation of actors!

  5. Phil Gee

    I love seeing these kind of bootleg trailers for the audience reaction. It’s awesome to hear this crowd so loud and then absolutely silent the second the trailer starts.

    I can’t say anymore about how great i think TDK is going to be. I’d just be repeating myself.

  6. krazie835

    You get a hint at Harvey turning into Two Face

  7. Kevin C

    I keep having this feeling (more of a last ditch hope) that Ledgers death was some sort of twisted publicity stunt and hes going to show up on a late night show saying “FOOLED YOU!” dressed in full Joker garb to promote the film. Ah well, it will be fun seeing his final performance, its shaping up to be a doozie.

  8. Kristina

    I love the trailer, but the last bit with Alfred and the Lambo seemed out of place.

  9. Phil Gee

    Yeah Kristina, they did the same thing with the Superman Returns trailers; put a little gag at the end.

    I think that’s just a little something WB wants to put in so the mainstream audience knows that the movie isn’t all doom, gloom and grit. It’s like Iron Man is an entertainer at a party making people laugh and TDK is another one in the corner jumping up and down saying “wait, i can be funny too, i can, i can”.

    Doesn’t matter though; i know TDK has it’s tone in order.

  10. Meli

    After this trailer I honestly don’t want to see anymore until the movie is out. It’s going to be so exciting sitting in the theater as the lights go down…I can’t wait.

  11. Colin

    Funny how so many see the joke as “copying” of Iron Man or Superman Returns humour.. when Batman Begins had plenty of one liners between Bruce and Alfred before either of them existed.

  12. goodbar1979….wow

    sunday cant come soon enough :)

  13. EZELL

    Oh my god that was so Epic Nolan and Bale and Ledger WOW are they the greatest thing to happen to Batman or What.

  14. DarkKinger

    Just 2 more months!


    “Either you die a hero, or you live long enough to become the villian”. FUCKING GENIUS! Top 5 for sure…

    I have to agree with Kevin C about Heath’s tragic death. It really does suck that he’s not around anymore. Even if it would be a shitty joke, having that kind of talent back would be awesome for Hollywood and its fans.

    What’s on Sunday?

  16. Colin

    On Sunday the trailer will be poster on in high resolution.

  17. Mike

    Calling Maggie Gyllenhaal “beautiful…” Yikes. The man truly is psychotic.

  18. Jamie

    All those that doubt Heath, will eat crow, come July 18.

  19. EZELL

    Who ever said they doubted Heath? Well I did when first heard he was the Joker but when I saw that first teaser all I could think about was WTF wow that voice he does is great, perfect, and then I see Trailer 1 and you see the way he walks, moves, his facile expressions and I am thinking Jack better watch out. I see this Trailer and I say Who’s Jack.

  20. Andee23

    Amazing Trailer, I thought my level of anticipation for this film couldn’t be built any more than it already has been up to this point. I love how they set up what the dynamic of Bruce and Harvey’s friendship is, or lack there of and the foreshadowing that is done in respect to Two Face is. Done so well and Heath as the Joker OMG could he be more incredible the man can be insane,scary, and yet somehow comical at the same time. Dark Knight, is going to be a great film and the Nolan/Bale Batman franchise is going be remembered as one of the best comic book franchises of this or any generation.

  21. Wormwood

    I was among the small group of “whysoserious” groupers who were fortunate enough to see this at the Scotia /Paramount theatre in Toronto on Monday - and never in my life have I seen such security over a TRAILER. It was ridiculous. The security was so tight (confiscating everything) and so poorly planned that the frustration of the security quickly over rode the excitement about the trailer… we were in the theatre for almost 2 hours for 1.5 minutes of trailer. In a way, I’m GLAD this has leaked out because man… hopefully they’ll just give up on their useless trailer clamping next time…

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