Thandie Newton Tapped To Play Condoleezza Rice

It looks like Oliver Stone has found an actress for the role of Condoleezza Rice in Thandie Newton. We get word of this casting news thanks to the legendary caves of Yahoo:

Oliver Stone has found the actress to play Condoleezza Rice in “W,” his upcoming movie about President George W. Bush. Thandie Newton is in final negotiations to star as the National Security Advisor-turned-Secretary of State.

Meanwhile, Ioan Gruffudd is in final talks to play former British prime minister Tony Blair. “W,” which is expected to start shooting shortly, will look at Bush’s formative years and path to the president as well as his life inside the White House.

Oliver Stone’s “W” is putting together a pretty outstanding cast. James Brolin, Eliazabeth Banks, James Cromwell and now the mysterious Thandie Newton. This film should be ready ready for release about the same time W walks out of the White House. I think this is a good time to release the film, and will serve as a recap of the president’s career.

Oliver Stone is great with biopics and I am interested in seeing him tackle Bush. Love him, or hate him - he has been a polarizing figure in the world and everyone certainly has an opinion of him. Oliver Stone claims that he is going to try and keep an objective point of view about the man; I think this is impossible, but we will wait and see. I am certainly pumped to check this one out and look forward to its release.

11 Comments, Comment or Ping

  1. Austin

    I’d just like to go on record as saying this moving will tank. Does anyone (besides Doug, I suppose) _really_ want to see a movie about the current president?

    And for those that do want to see it, do you think the public at large is as interested?

    I’m gonna go ahead and put this one in the same column with the failed Iraq War movies, and wonder why Hollywood is content to eat the box office on bad ideas like this…

  2. Doug Nagy

    That is a fair question Austin. I know I am very interested to see the film but you may be correct is assuming that most people will be too “Bushed out” at the end of his term to give a fuck.

  3. nbakid2000

    Oliver Stone good with biopics? The only one I’ve ever seen is The Doors, and that sucked. Huge.

    I’ve also heard not a lot of good things about JFK. What other ones did he do?

    This film will bomb, as Austin said.

  4. Doug Nagy

    Dude, you didn’t like the Doors?

  5. Kristina

    No one wants to see a movie about Bush unless it’s a comedy.

    Thandie Newton can’t act worth shit.

  6. Klendathu

    Oliver Stone objective?

  7. krazie835

    Isn’t Thandie Newton a bit to beautiful to play Condoleezza? lol.

  8. Kristina

    If they can ugly up Charlize Theron, they can ugly up Thandie Newton.

  9. krazie835

    Well, I’m there then! I’ve never been impressed with any of her work though. She was fine in Crash, and The Pursuit of Happyness, but she has never wowed me with a performance.

  10. Steve L.

    What Kristina said. I was going to say something along the lines of “she’s too fucking hot to play that biyatch.” and then rethought that statement thinking of Charlize Theron.

    Sorry Doug, but I’m with the rest of the crowd on this one. Even though more than half of them, if not all are probably American and don’t want to go through 2 hours(sorry, forgot this was a Stone movie…3-4 hours) of torture just having finished 7 1/2 years of it with that nutjob in office.

  11. HisDivineShadow

    Yea have to agree with Austin. I’m not interested…

    I fucking hate bush….

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