Terminator 4 Shit Canned?

The rumor mill has birthed another just in time for the weekend. The word on the street is that Terminator 4 has been cancelled?! We get this saucy scoop from our friends at slashfilm:

Has Terminator 4 been Terminated? UGO’s Movie Blog claims that a crew member “was recently overheard discussing his newfound free schedule due to the production shutting down.” For now we’ll mark this rumor as unconfirmed and hope for clarification, confirmation, or denial from the Halcyon Company in the coming days.

I went back and fourth on my excitement for this film, but settled on cautious optimism. Now that curiosity has set, in and my hopes raised - the carpet is ripped from beneath my supple feet. We cannot confirm or deny this rumor at present; but I will certainly be surprised if it turns out to be true. Did Christian Bale board a broken bus, and does this mean that the robots have won?

John Conner, your work has been in vain.

11 Comments, Comment or Ping

  1. apple

    that totally sucks if it’s getting canned. i want to see a new trilogy focusing on the future with a ton of skeletal robots and high tech vehicles duking it out.

  2. dougnagy

    I am with you on that amigo

  3. Bjorn Fogelberg

    Yikes that’s vague. “Somebody heard somebody say something…” Or perhaps somebody had a dream about it.

  4. Darren J Seeley

    I’m split.

    Part of me does not want this to be true. But then there’s that other half that screams good riddance!

    The reasons why I don’t want it to be true is that I liked the casting. I liked the idea that the focus was not on John Connor. Skepticism aside, I would *still* see the film, even if I’m not the biggest McG fan. (Although I did kind of like ‘We Are Marshal’- perhaps he should just do sports dramas?) …but see…here’s the problem I have.

    We “don’t” need to see Future War - what would be the point, really? There *is* no point.

    There’s *also* the TV hit based off Terminator, Sarah Connor Chronicles. It’s suffice- and we get some Future Wr there, some questions asked and answered.

    Is “Terminator 4″ really 100% needed? No.
    If this is bull, so be it.
    If this is legit, so be it.

  5. HisDivineShadow

    This rumor is bs.

  6. Kristina

    I lean more toward “good riddance” than “hope this is fake”. I thought this was a shit idea from the word go, so if it’s off, yippee skippee for me.

  7. Sahil

    I was not a fan of Terminator 3 so I didnt care much about this one until they said Christain Bale was going to star in it and then I was 100% on board with the idea.

  8. JAMIE

    Darren J Seeley

    The sarah chronicles were so horrible i dont want to think that as the end of it.

    and there is a future war needed because ever sinse the 1st movie theyve been waiting for this one- hence the whole “im from the future” thing that went on in all those films.
    its been building up for this movie- all the terminator films- theyve all been made to set things up for the last apocaliptic fight between man and machines that NEVER HAPPENED GUYS! so obviously yes! it IS necessary! its like having lord of the rings stoping at he 2nd movie! you cant! cuz if you do then theres no ring thrown in the volcano! the whole 2 movies were a set up for the 3rd which was about destroying the ring- its the same thing here.

    ther WILL be a terminator salvation sooner or later and im 100% sure of that. weather its in 2 years or 8.

    you know- technically the story hasnt even BEGUN yet- they just went back in time pretty much- now this movie should be in theyr own “present” which is like in the year 3000 (or w.e.)

  9. HisDivineShadow

    I still think this rumor is bs btw.

    And JAMIE I tend to agree….
    I really hope that they don’t streach this future war out for three films and create some other resistance hero other than Connor.

    It was clearly established in T1, that Skynet was disabled long enough for the resistance to reprogram the time nachine and send the Terminators and Kile Reese back to the past.
    We should see THAT in the first hour of T4. Then of course when nothing changes (in the future) the last half of the film should be Connors crew going back into a (rebooted) Skynet and taking out the Time Machine (since that’s the root problem).
    Could even have Connor get a hold of one of the last nukes and blow the place right out of the timeline. (Restoring the timeline as if Skynet never happened).

    The fricken end……!

  10. Jay

    Stop fyking wit dis franchise…yawwwwwn!

  11. Sahil

    Sorry Jay but they are going to make a Terminator 4 sooner or later. The 3rd movie was complete shit but it made like $230 Million in the box office alone plus dvd sales.

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