This entry was posted on Monday, April 28th, 2008 at 5:06 pm.
Categories: News Chat.

Because Meet the Spartans was met with such raving reviews and wild success, can we expect anything less than more from the braintrust that brought us this cinematic feat?

Cinematical says:

Grosvenor Park is going to finance a new, untitled project from Jason Friedberg and Aaron Seltzer, otherwise known as the writer/director team behind Spartans.

The pair have just started directing from their script in Shreveport, LA, and while there’s no word on what this latest comedy will be about, it’s got a cast that includes Matt Lanter, Vanessa Minnillo, Carmen Electra, Kim Kardashian, G-Thang, Nicole Parker, Crista Flanagan, and Ike Barinholtz. Sounds excellent, eh? We won’t even have to wait long for it. The film is scheduled to be released this August.

I don’t think it would be wise for these guys to even admit they were doing this movie. If I was responsible for Meet the Spartans, I would write my next movie under a pseudonym and hope it was a success so I could later come clean and clear my name.

Secondly, can we really have any faith in a big screen release movie that goes from script in hand to finished product in just over three months?

Someone should kick these guys into a bottomless hole for not even having the spine to TRY for another outing. At least if they TRIED to make a decent film I could reserve judgment but it doesn’t even seem like they are putting out any real effort.

Get it out, get paid. Go home and cry yourself to sleep.

6 Comments, Comment or Ping

  1. HA! HAHA! HAAAA! dude!

    i remember when DougNagy posted up that review!!!!
    OMG that was the funniest review EVER made! i laughed so much after i read Dougs review that was some funny shit.

    i still cant get over how aggresively shockingly amazingly rude and funny that review was

  2. omg i hope they do, i wont even watch it i just wanna read the review….

  3. DarkKinger

    I heard they will be spoofing “blockbuster comedies”. Wow, how stupid is that; they can’t rely on their shitty jokes, so they want to spoof better movies like Superbad because “OMG, they’re popular!”

    Is it any wonder why we have these movies coming out and still no Serenity 2?


    yeah! and no godzilla 2 either! at the end it makes you think therell be a sequel…

    and when will i get my bionicles movie!!

    i also think power rangers can be made into a good movie if they cut out the homoness

  5. Kristina

    People have no one to blame but themselves. I will not see this because I like to think that I have common sense. Others apparently aren’t so lucky, and have bought into this whole lame spoof trend completely. General rule of thumb: if it’s not called Airplane, Hot Shots, Naked Gun, or doesn’t have Mel Brooks involved, it’s shit.

  6. Gutpunch

    As much as we like to cry about it these films make money and business men like money and these two turd slurping shit mongers can make it fast.
    I wonder if they have any filmmaking friends in Hollywood?

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