Southpark Slams The WGA Strike

This made me laugh my ass off. In the Southpark episode entitled “Canada On Strike” the idea is that the whole country of Canada goes on strike unless their demands are met, specifically they want some of that Internet Money. The whole episode is a pretty direct attack on the leadership of the WGA and their strike. As a matter of fact, the leader of the Canadian strike calls himself:

“I’m Steven Abootman, President of the World Canadian Bureau. Also known as the WGA”.

The episode takes some hilarious pokes at Canada (my home) and also makes some solid points about the WGA strike. It’s a little one sided for sure, but amazingly funny nonetheless. Check it out.

Part 1

Part 2

Part 3

21 Comments, Comment or Ping

  1. Sound Designer Dan

    This week’s episode LITERALLY had the longest running penis joke and had one of the best lines of the year:

    “My penis is on the loose. If you see it, just catch it with some cheese!”

  2. Gary

    Classic, nice one.

  3. kate

    you shouldn’t post material that you obviously don’t own the rights to.

  4. digital drew

    The past two episdoes have been FANTASTIC. brilliant even.

  5. daniel findley


    you shouldn’t post material that you obviously don’t own the rights to.’

    yeah john you are bad!

    loved this episode this season needs to come into form i recon matt and trey are spending too much time on their upcoming movies.

  6. pete

    south park is online legaly on much better quality and all the episodes with only a few ads

  7. Slushie Man

    “you shouldn’t post material that you obviously don’t own the rights to.”

    Except that the creators already allow it online for free and support that, so they’d probably give him a high five and a slap on the shoulder for allowing more people to see their work.

  8. Vek

    I really enjoyed some of this episode especially the internet celebrities fighting, however the WGA strike was justified and the ill-formed attack by Matt Stone and Trey Parker is odd. Obviously they stood to gain nothing from it as they’re animation writers but the strike was to prevent rollbacks and to lessen the role of creators of films and television in the financial remuneration of their creations. A lot of times Parker and Stone get it wrong and on this occasion they have.

  9. Vek

    *to prevent rollbacks and the lessening role of …

    Big error there, apologies.

  10. Silva

    John you should support there site

    All episodes are free, very little advertising and much better quality than yo tube, and unlike other shows available outside the USA.

  11. Mike Peterson

    Actually, I just tried to watch the full episode at and they are NOT available in Canada. It says:

    Sorry Canada
    Full Episodes
    Coming Soon

    So, maybe someday, but for now, I’m stuck watching the Youtube versions.

  12. Slushie Man

    Yeah, until the site supports other countries other then the U.S., please stick with Youtube for stuff like this so everyone can watch it.

  13. daniel findley

    sorry england
    full episodes
    coming soon

  14. Robert(wolf)

    ””Get ready for some chocolate pain” lmao

  15. nbakid2000

    Not one of the better episodes in my opinion. Parts were funny, but the rest was kind of “meh”.

  16. digital drew

    And ill add, while i thought it was hilarious, i dont agree. There is tons of money in the internet. If the writers could of agreed on getting a % of the $ earned from advertising on the online content, they yes there is money. If there are ads online that means, so one is paying to put them there.


  17. JAMIE

    lol i love southpark

  18. Rusty James

    I think this was one of the funniest episodes of South Park ever but the WGA stand point it advances is just clueless.
    Streaming video content is hardly some far off fantasy technology. I’ve heard nothing but praise for Netflix’s streaming platform so even if it’s not profitable right this secod it’s just around the corner. It’s pretty ironic that this very episode of South Park is available on the web where it’s bringing in advertising revenue. It’s like they came up with an argument that’s as deliberately out of touch and obtuse as possible.

    Sometimes I suspect that Matt and Trey’s politics are less than sincere.

  19. Rusty James

    I think this was one of the funniest episodes of South Park ever but the WGA stand point it advances is clueless.
    Streaming video content is hardly some far off fantasy technology. I’ve heard nothing but praise for Netflix’s streaming platform so even if it’s not profitable right this secod it’s just around the corner. It’s pretty ironic that this very episode of South Park is available on the web where it’s bringing in advertising revenue. It’s like they came up with an argument that’s as deliberately out of touch and obtuse as possible.

    Sometimes I suspect that Matt and Trey’s politics are less than sincere.

  20. cib3k

    For everybody who isn’t able to see the full episodes on, just use your favourite p2p/torrent client and download them. They’re out almost as soon as the episode ends on tv, the quality is great and there are no commercials inside. Screw the networks and their limitations.

  21. Gerball

    Screw them and their limitations come on dude at least they are trying, they gotta make money some how…so until the are air in the relevant country they arent available..

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