Soul Train: The Movie

175Px-Soul TrainWe learn today that the televisoon program Soul Train has inspired a film of the same name. We get wind of this news from the fabled caves of Yahoo:

A “Soul Train” movie is on track to arrive in movie theaters next year, the creator of the venerable urban dance television show said. Don Cornelius told Reuters that he has teamed up with Warner Bros. Pictures to develop a buddy comedy that he hopes will spawn multiple sequels. The project, currently called “Soul Train: The Movie,” revolves around two male dancers on the show who get into “a lot of good stuff and some bad stuff as well,” said Cornelius, who will serve as a producer.

It features “lots of music, lots of comedy,” he added, as well as “a little bit of violence.” He also promised it would be “more than slightly sensual.” “‘Soul Train’ has always been about sexuality,” Cornelius said. “It’s almost never been about guys, and almost always about girls. It’s what has kept us afloat for these three decades or so.” He has a bit more time on his hands these days, because “Soul Train” ended its historic run in 2006. The show, which claimed to be the longest-running show airing in first-run syndication, served as an important promotional springboard for black music’s biggest stars since launching nationally in 1971.

This film wants to pack a lot of stuff into the Soul Train. It will be a sensual, musical, action-packed, comedy buddy movie; this is a pretty tall order from a show where people danced to music. I am wondering if they are going to set this movie up in a similar manner to Hairspray where we see behind the scenes action, life on the job and then a few song and dance numbers. I would guess that this would be the case, but we will see.

Cornelius himself admits that the show has always been “about the girls” so I am unsure why they would want to make this film into a buddy movie with two dudes. I think the film would be truer to the show, and more entertaining if we told it from the perspective of female dancers.

I am afraid the Soul Train is going to just be a weak backdrop to some lame action story where our heroes start off as dancers and end as crime fighting saviors of the people. The worry could be needless, but whenever people try to do too much with a story I always get concerned. A lack of focus is seldom good.

Concerns aside, I hope the soundtrack is full of bitchin’ motown music. The sweet, sweet basslines of motown take you on a journey into funkland.

6 Comments, Comment or Ping

  1. HisDivineShadow

    Me and my co-workers all got a good laugh on this one.
    Being. That we’ve done work for the “Cornielius”.

    If he’s writting the script its gonna be a joke.
    That guy can barely dial a phone by himself.

    If this is a comedy it might have a chance…… But I will never see this pile.


    This movie is basically Starsky and Hutch meets Hairspray… Is that what you’re saying Doug? Because, if it is, it will succeed, only because there’s probably a guaranteed appearance by Snoop Dogg. LOL

  3. dougnagy

    Place your bets! ha!


    Total North American box office take (just based on what I think the movie will be) $75-80 million…

  5. Kristina

    This movie sounds like a bad idea.

  6. DirkAnger23

    I would rather take a hammer to my testicles………..repeatedly………….than waste my time with watching this.

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