Shia LaBeouf Injures Hip And Crotch

It looks like Indy Jr. sustained some injuries during the filming of Kingdom Of The Crystal Skull. We get wind of these afflictions thanks to our friends at MTV:

“I pulled a rotator cuff in my hip,” Shia LaBeouf said, gesturing to his waist. “It’s the only time in my career I’ve ever been injured. What happened was, because the injury got worse and worse as the movie went on, I pulled my groin also. [The groin] is not a good thing to have anything happen to.”

But injuries are temporary, and film is forever. And this particular scene, the one where he pulled his hip, just happens to be his favorite scene in the movie — one where he gets to finally step into the light as the heir to Indiana Jones. And we can’t tell you a darn thing about it … yet. Though we will say (because Shia admitted to it on the red carpet), that it has to do with a sword fight.

So the crotch in question was pulled during a sword fight. Well, that is as good a way as any to injure yourslef. I am always excited to see sword wielding in a film and am curious to see how much Indy Jr slashes away at his enemies. Will the sword be to Shia what the whip is to Harrison?

We here at the Movie Blog wish Shia and his crotch well. Get plenty of rest, and take your vitamins - you have another giant robot movie to make and you are going to need your strength.

12 Comments, Comment or Ping

  1. krazie835

    I hope his crotch is doing well lol.

  2. swarez

    Aww. The Beef hurt his little beef tube.
    Never happened to me and I hope it never does. Get well soon dude.

  3. nbakid2000

    This movie is going to fucking suck.

    “step into the light as the heir to Indiana Jones”???? Fuck that. If I want Indy Jr, I’ll ask them for Indy Jr. I want a fucking INDIANA JONES movie. I don’t want them to do a fucking, “here you go son, it’s time for you take over the family business” movie.

    If this sucks I suggest we all storm Skywalker Ranch and put Lucas (and David Koepp AND Steven Spielberg) up for crimes against fandom.

  4. nbakid2000

    *Put Lucas up on trial for crimes against fandom.

  5. nbakid2000

    And look, I don’t have a problem with Shia having a really cool action scene. I just don’t feel comfortable with the way this article was written, and it’s (to me) a bad omen and I’m afraid Indiana Jones is not going to be the focus of the entire movie.

    However, I do realize that it IS journaling so this reporter may be full of shit and just saying stuff to make it sound interesting. HOWEVER. If he’s not…I stand by what I said in the above post.

  6. Klendathu

    God I just want to punch that little punk right in the face.

  7. Kristina

    He’s not a little punk. Guy entertains me. He made Disturbia much better than it had any business being. That being said, I already have one Dr. Jones. Don’t need an heir(or pretender) to the throne.

  8. kryptonite

    Harrison Ford is 137 years old. He needs an heir, or a walker. Your choice. Me, I’ll take new movies, as long as they’re entertaining. NBAKID2000 has never seen this movie, and neither have I. Neither one of us can predict whether this movie will be any good or not, so how about we….

    ….wait and SEE the movie before passing judgment? Novel concept, I know….

  9. vargas

    I don’t like Shia LeBeouf. I don’t know what it is about him but he irritates me. He nearly ruined Constantine for me. He’s the Ralph Macchio of the 21st century and I never much cared for Macchio. I really hope this new Indiana movie doesn’t suck.

  10. Klendathu

    He’s annoyed the SHIT out of me in ever single movie I’ve seen him in so far. So I’ll stick with my my original statement: God I want to punch that little punk right in the face.

  11. nbakid2000

    I actually really really really like Shia, I’ve liked him ever since Even Stevens. The guy seems really nice and can fucking ACT. Have you seen the alternate takes they did for scenes in Transformers with him riffing? Hilarious. “Fat people aren’t bad people.”

    Also, he did awesome in Disturbia, as Kristina mentioned. I just don’t want Indy 4 or the franchise to become HIS movie/franchise.

  12. Omar

    Shia is probably the most likeable young actor out there. He’s fun to look at, charismatic and has good comedic timing.

    …….And a great kisser…………….derb

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