Sex and the City Poster

Since on one else here thought it was worthwhile, I thought I would introduce to you the poster for the Sex and the City movie. The estrogen soaked fanbase wasn’t enough to get this show extended, but apparently huge bags of money left on the doorstep of the cast managed to encourage them to reunite for a movie.

In case you lack a vagoo, CinemaBlendlays it out for you.

It’s the film based on the popular television series. The primary cast is back in their original roles and it hits theaters on May 30th.

For me, I just put this up to applaud SJP’s style for being able to wear fishnets with day wear. I think it is a bold move and I would encourage other women to follow in her teasing promiscuity.

It will get you true love. Honest.

If you want to see Parker’s Eveningwear Barbie look, you can go to CinemaBlend.

19 Comments, Comment or Ping

  1. chris (the real one)

    yuck….not even a little pretty….have no interest in this movie what-so-ever….so why did i post….because…..

  2. James

    Yay…more drivel about the lives of self-absorbed New Yorkers…

  3. Alfredo

    To borrow a line she likes a foot.

  4. Bobby

    Does anyone really care about this at all… ??? In a world with movies like “The Dark Knight”, “Iron Man”, The Incredible Hulk”, Indiana Jones and the Kingdom of the Crystal Skull”… who cares about Sex and the (Its Done) City…??? Uhhhh….


  5. Kristina

    She looks like a prostitute. I’m all for empowered women, but if your idea of power is spreading your legs for all takers, you got issues. The show is overrated, but it had its moments. I watched a few episodes on Youtube recently to try to see if I’d be interested in the movie. There’s funny stuff there, but i’ts still nothing more than a bunch of old cum buckets clanking down the streets of New York.

  6. Gutpunch

    Is it just me or have film speculator totally overlooked this film and what it will do at the box office? I think this will be a juggernaught of a film because EVERY woman I know will kill to see this film, actually kill people.
    This will most likely beat some of the more geek worthy films this summer.

  7. Rodney

    Gutpunch, I guarantee you that this film will not even come close to Batman, Indiana Jones, Iron Man or Star Wars Clone Wars.


  8. frankwolftown

    The amount of vaseline that will be used for the cameras on this movie is going to be unbelievable.

  9. Suresh

    I’m looking forward to the movie. Poster sucks, though.

  10. Gutpunch

    Rodney, well I sort of agree with you there but I think this will beat Hulk and Hellboy 2. But never underestimate the power of expensive shoes and dresses so it wouldn’t surprise me the least if it did similar numbers or better to those you mentioned.
    Sex and the City is THE TV series that women come back to over and over again and will continue to do so for a long time.
    I think this film’s box office will be a depressing surprise to many film geeks out there.

  11. Kristina

    Sex and the City is going to do Devil Wears Prada numbers, maybe even a little higher due to established name recognition, ONLY IF the movie is good enough that women give great word of mouth to their friends. If the movie disappoints the fanbase, it’ll sink.

  12. Kristina

    And why the fuck is Sarah hogging all of the promo for this movie? The show is about all FOUR OF THEM, and now I get why Kim Cattrall hates this woman so much. Sarah, you are NOT hot shit, and you alone will not sell this movie. I have yet to see a poster with the other women featured on it.

  13. DJ Machismo

    Why do they always have to highlight the ugliest of the four ladies?

    I’ve watched a few episodes with the wife, the show isn’t that bad, but in my eyes Sarah Jessica Parker is the horse faced demon of Sex and the City.

    I’m with you Kristina, can definitely see why the others wouldn’t like her. Her head is big enough as it is, before adding her ego.

    But I am digging the fishnets.

  14. Gutpunch

    Parker is one of those women that can be insanely hot and sexy one moment and then a horse faced freak the other. I guess it depends on the amount of soft focus.

    Shooting this film must have been a bitch for the cinematographer. I talked to the guy who shot Snatch and Lock Stock once and he said that he didn’t want to shoot Swept Away for Guy Ritchie because of the time they would have had to spend to light Madonna the right way. He knew that with the budget and time they had that would have been hell and he didn’t want to become the guy that made Madonna ugly.

  15. Phil Gee

    They’re not even trying are they?

    Unless they’re trying to make Parker look rancid; then they are suceeding.

  16. Kristina

    Phil, you know how movies are all about creating another world? Well, in the world of SATC, SJP is apparently a hot piece of ass who gets more dick than Paris Hilton.

    Thank God I live in the real world.

  17. James

    Yes, unfortunately for Paris, the real world comes with Valtrex prescriptions.

  18. Phil Gee

    And in the real world, SJP is the most important thing in a SATC movie. Apparently, people only want to see it for her and thusly, she must have top billing and be the only one on the poster…..

    …give me a fucking break here. I may never have watched the show but i know the concept and i know it’s about FOUR girls and i damn sure know that people want to see the movie for ALL of them, not her. Or am i wrong Kristina?

    My comical overreaction aside, it just seems logical that you would put all the girls on the poster. After all, you can’t make Kim Cattral look ugly, no matter how hard you try (well i think anyway).

  19. Gutpunch

    The show is about SJP’s character first and foremost and her three friends second. I’m pretty sure that this poster is not the final poster for the film, rather a character poster with the other cast members following shortly and then one with all four of them.

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