Retrospective Will Smith - 5 Defining Films

I have to admit it. I am a big Will Smith fan. For me he delivers goods nearly everytime. So with another Will Smith summer blockbuster nearly on our doorstep, Yahoo! takes a look at his career

The most profitable man in movies, Will Smith reigns as Hollywood king. With his latest blockbuster - Hancock - hitting theaters on July 2nd, take a look back at Smith’s top five career-shaping films.

The five movies they mention are certainly benchmarks for Smith and worthy titles. Here is my take on them.

Six Degrees of Separation - With a solid cast alongside Smith, this is the first movie that people were reminded that Smith was no longer the Fresh Prince.

Independence Day - This summer hit caught the rest of us who didnt see Six Degrees. Now we all know he isnt the Fresh Prince. A solid foundation for Smith to launch his adult stardom.

Men in Black - Monopolizing on his charm and comedy action appeal MiB solidified his “I make this look good” presence.

Ali - Failing to remain the cocky action star, Smith decides to show us he can act. Does a good job at it too.

I am Legend - Still adding his trademark flair to the bitter role of the Omega Man, Smith adds another chapter to his action/drama resume.

Some people love to hate him, but that comes with his level of fame. You don’t have to like all his movies, I certainly don’t, but I still consider myself a Smith fan. So with Hancock coming out and seeing Smith’s cocky attitude driven characters that sell movies like a Highschool Musical Sequel to a preteen girl, this role seems dutifully meant for him.

I for one am looking forward to it. I like me a good superhero film, and this seems to be of a different flavour, even if Will is going to give us the “Awwww Naw” again.

13 Comments, Comment or Ping

  1. Jason Angel

    dont know if u intentionally left this out or not but,

    Pursuit of Happiness?

  2. Latin Friend

    Pursuit of Happiness!!!

  3. Mila Kunis

    pursuit if happiness?

  4. Darren J Seeley

    I was about to say… Yahoo is on crack for saying Six Degrees and ID4. Legend Of Beggar Vance would be more like it…but y’know? Pursuit of Happyness is Smith’s best work dramatically.

    About ID4. Yes, it is a good popcorn flick, a big ball of processed cheese. But to imply Smith carried the film is an error and Yahoo’s blurb “Now we all know he isnt the Fresh Prince” is a cock of shit. I’m not saying it was a bad thing, and I’m not suggesting I didn’t like Smith in ID4. But folks, wake y’ ass up! He was the Fresh Prince Fighter Pilot! With all his one liners with him.

  5. Bobby

    Rodney…. UHHH….

    The Pursuit of Happiness!!!

    Best EVER in a dramatic role…!!!!

    Can’t believe you forgot that one bro…


  6. EZELL

    LOL got love pretty much every thing he has been in except MIB 2.

    Enemy of the state really helped his acting career and what about his T.V. show Fresh Prince Of Bellair which is on right no as I type this.

  7. Blake

    To all above posters: the 5 movies listed are directly from the article on Yahoo! All Rodney did was add his opinion to each of the 5 that were selected.

    That being said, I think Yahoo! (not Rodney) definitely should have included Pursuit of Happyness on that list.

  8. Tim

    An old sleeper hit, not a big money maker like the other benchmarks but I would have to go with Six Degrees of Separation. Surprising performance.
    Very different from the shining and heroic Fresh Prince that we know and love today.

  9. Hans

    Bad Boys!!!!

  10. plmartinho

    I think you forgot “The Pursuit of Happyness”. It´s his most admirable work, as an actor, as an individual and as a father. It surprises everyone who sees it. And don´t forget he has 2 nominations for the oscars (Ali and P. Happyness) so I would consider him, at least, one of the most versatile actors in the business today.

  11. digital drew

    I think you pretty much could of swapped Ali for Pursuit of Happyness

  12. Antonio

    I bumped into Will while he was filming Bad Boys II in Puerto Rico. He was being escorted by hotel security right past my buddy and I, and we asked for a photo only to be pushed back (hard) by one of the hotel security guys. Will saw this, yelled at the security guy and made him take a photo of my buddy and I with Will right in the middle. I told him right there and then that he is a classy guy and I would see every movie he made in the theater.
    Stand up guy and I hope his stardom lasts for a very long time.

  13. hfhfgh

    That man is utterly unwatchable crap and so are all of his movies.
    They are all so freakishly bland. Complete mystery to me why people like him… beyond bland and boring

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