Possible Halo Movie Movement?

The folks over at TheOneRing have reported the following:

A few days ago, Microsoft quietly added several job listings to its careers website. The company is looking for a Creative Director, Producer, Game Engineers and more to “help develop a new experience in the Halo universe.” Microsoft just contacted MTV Multiplayer with an official statement, confirming the prospective hires will work on Peter Jackson’s “Halo” project.

So what does this mean? Well… in all reality probably nothing. We all know that Microsoft isn’t done with a potential Halo movie project that we all know will eventually happen, but really them having staff turnover or adding a few new team members to the development staff doesn’t really say anything other than “things are still status quo”.

I have no doubt within the next day or two some hype alarmists will start posting stuff about how “Halo Movie Back On” or other nonsense like that, but in reality this really isn’t much. It will happen at some point… maybe even this year… but I don’t think this is much of an indicator one way or another. (Thanks to Steven for the heads up)

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