Official Indiana Jones Plot Synopsis

We have the official Indiana Jones plot synopsis for you guys today, thanks to our good friends over at IESB:

The whip-toting, punch-packing, snake-hating, globe-trotting archaeologist with a fedora is back on screen in “Indiana Jones and the Kingdom of the Crystal Skull,” debuting worldwide Thursday, May 22, 2008. This newest adventure begins in the desert Southwest in 1957 – the height of the Cold War. Indy and his sidekick Mac (Ray Winstone) have barely escaped a close scrape with nefarious Soviet agents on a remote airfield.

Now, Professor Jones has returned home to Marshall College – only to find things have gone from bad to worse. His close friend and dean of the college (Jim Broadbent) explains that Indy’s recent activities have made him the object of suspicion, and that the government has put pressure on the university to fire him. On his way out of town, Indiana meets rebellious young Mutt (Shia LaBeouf), who carries both a grudge and a proposition for the adventurous archaeologist: If he’ll help Mutt on a mission with deeply personal stakes, Indy could very well make one of the most spectacular archaeological finds in history – the Crystal Skull of Akator, a legendary object of fascination, superstition and fear.

But as Indy and Mutt set out for the most remote corners of Peru – a land of ancient tombs, forgotten explorers and a rumored city of gold – they quickly realize they are not alone in their search. The Soviet agents are also hot on the trail of the Crystal Skull. Chief among them is icy cold, devastatingly beautiful Irina Spalko (Cate Blanchett), whose elite military unit is scouring the globe for the eerie Crystal Skull, which they believe can help the Soviets dominate the world … if they can unlock its secrets.

Indy and Mutt must find a way to evade the ruthless Soviets, follow an impenetrable trail of mystery, grapple with enemies and friends of questionable motives, and, above all, stop the powerful Crystal Skull from falling into the deadliest of hands.

Nothing too surprising here, pretty much what we expected - other than Shia’s nickname of Mutt. I am not sure if I heard about the name before and just forgot, but I don’t fancy it. I know Indiana Jones took his name from a dog; perhaps the nickname of Shia pays tribute to this fact.

We get new production stills yesterday, the plot synopsis today and I would hazard that more media will follow shortly. May 22 will be upon us soon enough and a film we have been pining ages for, will finally be upon us.

5 Comments, Comment or Ping

  1. Kristina

    Mutt. As in, animal of mixed or uncertain parentage. Jesus Christ, could it be any more obvious?

  2. nbakid2000

    Sounds exciting. I still think it’ll suck but I’m on the edge of my seat and my mind waiting for this thing to come out. A co-worker and I have a bet to see who will be first in line for tickets on May 9th - me or her.

  3. HisDivineShadow

    This sounds great. I thought that shai labou (how do you spell his name, Who cares) was going to play Indys son.

    I’m glad that’s been debunked. I’m totally in line for this movie!!!!

  4. Kristina

    @HisDivine Shadow

    Umm…I hate to burst your bubble, but that synopsis all but confirms that Shia is Indy, Jr. He’s got a “grudge” against him? Why? Cuz he’s a deadbeat daddy! He’s named Mutt. Why? His dad was also named after a fucking dog. I mean damn, might as well take a sledgehammer to my head and scream, “Who’s your daddy?” over and over.

  5. Meli

    I really don’t like the nickname Mutt at all; it’s plain stupid. Hopefully it works in the movie and doesn’t sound as lame as it does in my head. I really really want this movie to be good and I’m excited to see it, but the outline above sounds a little ‘eh’ until they start looking for the Crystal Skull.

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