Nim’s Island Review

Hello Friends, Thank you for checking out our Nim’s Island Review!

The General Idea

Plot synopsis from IMDB: Anything can happen on Nim’s Island, a magical place ruled by a young girl’s imagination. It is an existence that mirrors that of her favorite literary character, Alex Rover - the world’s greatest adventurer. But Alexandra, the author of the Rover books, leads a reclusive life in the big city. When Nim’s father goes missing from their island, a twist of fate brings her together with Alexandra. Now they must draw courage from their fictional hero, Alex Rover, and find strength in one another to conquer Nim’s Island.

The Good

The location for this film was very nice, it was an untouched island paradise full of life and wonder. It made me want to run away and make a ramshackle hut out of driftwood. I would spend my days drinking coconut milk and hunting boars.

The Bad

Jody Foster talks at great length to her imaginary friend/literary subject that shares the name Alex Rover (played by Gerard Butler). This was peculiar and annoying. On top of this delusional friendship she is also an agoraphobic hypochondriac. Her character had a truckload of issues, which was strange to me. This is a movie for kids, so I wondered why we spent so much time watching an adult wrestle with her demons.

The story was all over the place and never entertaining. I was in a theatre with a number of children, they appeared to be part of a birthday celebration and I felt sorry for them. This film had the emotional pull of washing laundry. I actually say two parents walk out of the theatre with their kids; and I can only suppose that it was from boredom.

This fable flip flops between the author, the girl on the island and the father stranded at sea. None of their journeys are very interesting and they are forced together into a climax that does not excite or inspire. The ending was my favorite part of the film however - simply because I wanted to get the fuck out of the theatre.


This is an incredibly boring film that was unable to gargle forth a message through its own muddled mess. I cannot see this being a hit with kids, I felt sorry for the birthday party that was at my theatre and hope to fuck that they at least got decent loot bags for siting through such a buzz-kill. The acting wasn’t bad, (Foster is always bitchin’) but the story blew and this is certainly one you should skip. Out of 10, I would give Nim’s Island a 3

3 Comments, Comment or Ping

  1. Kristina

    Yeah, I got a shit vibe from this thing.

  2. ERLEE

    This movie makes you use your imagination!!! Without imagination you would be asleep in 15 mins. from the start of the film. While watching this movie I imagined myself at the proctologist’s office getting a deep, fisted exam. I also imagined getting a root canal to be more entertaining than this film. The story line was all over the place and unbelievable. The characters started out with promise and slowly slipped into ridiculous. Don’t waste your money, use it to buy hemorrhoid cream for having sat through that dried up, hard turd of a movie Hollywood pushed out!!!!

  3. Mark A. Salinas

    Predictable and a bit over the top.

    I would recommend waiting for it to come out on DVD but… if a movie for the family is the goal and nothing else will work this movie could pass.

    Mark Salinas, MN

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