New X-Files Picture/What Are They Thinking About?

We have a new X-Files picture to have fun with today. Thanks to cinematical for the hookup!

Look above at the above picture of Mulder And Scully. Consider their faces. Look into their eyes. What are they thinking about?

*** For those of you interested in a plot synopsis (spoilers) from the back of the novelization please go to

24 Comments, Comment or Ping

  1. dougnagy

    Scully: I think I’m going to give the baby Jesus another chance.

    Mulder: As an atheist I cannot support your decision; neither can my nihilistic turtle neck sweater.

  2. nbakid2000

    They just found out the title of the new movie.

  3. Joseph

    who cares what they’re thinking?

  4. solartaco

    Scarlett’s tits in the picture below.

  5. DarkKinger

    Mulder: Did you like last year’s blockbusters?

    Scully: What the fuck do you think?!

  6. Phil Gee

    Mulder: I had the best question for the movie blog uncut live on Wednesday but SoulVideo didn’t grab my question.

    Scully: There’s always next week.

  7. Mike G

    Mulder: I suppose I need to let Scully give the Baby Jesus another chance or she won’t let go of my private parts.

  8. Rafa1215

    Dana what happened to your boobs? Don’t blame it on the kid. Blame it on the UFO’s.

  9. Mr.Death

    Jesus Scully, stop touching that!

  10. Robert(wolf)

    Mulder: I’m this close Scully, I’m this close to getting online.

    Scully: You know the internet is just a myth.

    Mulder: It’s not just as myth, it’s real, just like big foot and The Biker Mice From Mars.

  11. Karmicmonk

    Mulder: That blouse looks ridiculous on you.

    Scully: I can’t believe you just said that.

  12. Fredo

    Mulder: I’m fucking old as shit.

    Scully: So am I.

    Mulder: The Smoking Man gave me a shot of botox in my ass.

    Scully: He’s dead, remember.

    Mulder: Oh.

  13. Bobsyeruncle

    “Jeez, Scully. For a moment there, I thought you were Madonna. And here we are in a cathedral. That would qualify as irony, right?”

  14. Marla Singer

    this sexual tension is getting out of control! we should do something about this…immediatley

  15. Gerry Alanguilan

    Mulder: You’re thin!
    Scully: You’re old!

  16. Rodney

    Scully: “What the hell are we doing here?”
    Mulder: “Meh… what ELSE were you doing?”

  17. HisDivineShadow

    Douchovney, man she allways has to have it her way….ner ner nerr!!!!!!

    Anderson, god I hate this prick.
    This is the last fucken take!! Dammit,,,!!!

  18. JC

    Duchovny: I really need this paycheck.

    Anderson: I know you do.

  19. Salacious

    Scully: “Cough”

  20. Persetti

    Mulder: Oh my god…she looks like a skeleton now. How long has it been?

    Scully: Get out of my head you son of a bitch

  21. Bjorn/

    Mulder: You’re holding it too hard, Scully!!

  22. Jay

    Mulder: All these years and I still ain’t got a chance with you.

    Scully: Now, do you believe??

  23. leeloo

    MULDER: throughout the long history of man there has always been phenomenon that cannot be explained or understood that is thrown to the masses as supernatural or alien in nature without any proof or evidence that such things in fact do exist or is in relative relation to the existential quandary of the human condition when whether conditional or unconditional is conditioned to resist the plain facts or lack thereof regardless of the weather conditions at all and is accepted as unrelentingly diverse the total subconscious of the human species to its devastatingly hopeless fated and futile desire to be more than a biological conundrum of the physical, the restrained and worthless weight of the inevitable in both the hard plain truths of scientific and religious conclusions that is, in its basic nature, an unrelenting and inescapable unending question.

    SCULLY: …fu you selfish pig.

  24. John Iver

    What what, in the butt

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