New Hellboy 2 Pictures

A number of new stills from HB:2 have been loosed on the web. I have chosen a few of my favorites, but the whole shebang may be viewed over at /film:

I am pumped to see this film. The attention to detail is fantastic and seeing the trailer on the big screen poured gallons of anticipation into my pants. This summer is going to be geek-tastic my friends; let us celebrate.

13 Comments, Comment or Ping

  1. frankwolftown

    This movie looks about 1,000 times better than the first Hellboy movie! I can;t wait for it to come out.

  2. shadopup

    Yeah there are some promising and eagerly anticipated movies for comic books coming soon and this is certainly one of them.

    Doug, you are my favourite poster on themovieblog, always hilarious.

  3. Michael_C

    It looks great. Absolutely great. And I know the discussion on different actors playing the same roles, but I don’t think I can see anyone else other than Ron Perlman as Hellboy. Can’t. Won’t. Nada. Same as ‘Brother One’ in “City of Lost Children.”

    Hellboy needs to get some nook on screen. At least SOME insinuation. No more of this flappy-pappy shit with fire-pants. Always miffed me with the comics.

  4. Phil Gee

    I’ll tell you something Doug; if this summer dissapoints like the last one then i’m probably never going to get excited about the summer movie season again. Indy, Batman, Bond, Hulk, are movies that i need to be awesome.

  5. JAMIE

    this is going to be amazing..BUT
    the incredible hulk will kill this movie AND ironman and batman

    i see it now- abomination vs the hulk…..i think itll be the best superhero movie of all time
    hey i know this is alot to say but if its the best of the summer then it SHOULD be the best of all time….i mean what are you going to put in front of it?? spiderman 1, 2 or 3? pfft you could say superman was good back then in the 80s but compare it now and any comic book movie will kill it. so. sinse the speciall effects are so awsome today i think that this summer will have the best superhero movies
    AND sinse i think the hulk will be the best of them all this summer then….i think it should have no problem going on my “all time” list

    i just love abominattion im sorry and i think that a movie with him will be awsome

    uughh- THERE I SAYD IT

  6. I agree with you 100% Phil Gee

  7. Phil Gee

    The full trailer is up and this time, i’m impressed. It looks like a lot of fun:

  8. Michael_C

    Thanks for the link, Phil.

    Bless the bowler that’s a fsking trailer. I wanted to not get all peewee and hyped up for any movies, but damn. And firepants, with that haircut, is probably one of the most desirable women I’ve seen in an expanse of eight movies.

  9. AjaxLou

    Definitely looks good. Hope the suits let del Toro has his way this time.

  10. Ezell

    The first one sucked and did not do well in the box office why does a film like this get to be maid when there are so many great movies producers and studio’s put on shelf never to be made into a film why waste good money and production time on the worst comic book movie ever.

    but this is just my opinion and you said Pulp Fiction is overrated.

  11. spagett

    ha had to the delete the Dark Knight pics eh? Saw that coming. Hellboy will do I suppose.

  12. Darren J Seeley

    Wow. Dark Knight and Iron Man pix go up in smoke (still don’t get the Shellhead removal, ’tis only a month away. Will I get a Paramount hat? No? Darn.)

    But hey, Hellboy can stay. I guess Universal isn’t as stingy as WB and Paramount. Maybe there is something about Hellboy II that the studio isn’t afraid to show.

  13. Ezell

    they need the picts cause they need to make it look better than the first one not saying much why guys does this film appeal to you i really want to know.

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