My Best Friend’s Girl Trailer

Oh my dear sweet merciful crap. There’s a My Best Friend’s Girl trailer on the net now, and I have to lay on my stomach while typing this because watching it made my ass hurt too much to sit. What a disaster of a movie waiting to happen.

So what do you get when you put in a lead (Dane Cooke) who has no business being in film whatsoever, mixed with an actress who can’t actually act (Kate Hudson) and then just for fun throw in a one hit wonder (Jason Biggs) who will never be anything other than that “American Pie guy”? Well, you get “My Best Friend’s Girl”. Behold the mess:

(Source: Cinematical)

13 thoughts on “My Best Friend’s Girl Trailer

  1. I have to say that I am looking forward to seeing this movie. All Kate Hudson romantic comedies are entertaining and they always seem to make me laugh.

  2. I have to add my name to the hat here and say that no hudson isnt great, but she can act. Her and Cook IMHO. Seems like a good premise for a movie. I’ll probably go see it..

  3. Somehow I get the impression that this movie has a good idea, but a not so great execution. The basic idea/plot looks promising, but the acting, the music and the slapstick seems wrong.

  4. I have to disagree with you on that one John.

    Clarify, just the point that Hudson is a bad performer, I personally think she’s got talent.

    Not the best actress around, certainly not the worst either.

  5. Kate Hudson CAN act it’s just that she’s been doing paycheck movies after her great performance in Almost Famous.

  6. The great thing about these movies, is regardless who hates, them there will always be people that just enjoy the style and humor and watch it.

    I personally will watch this after it hits DVD, but I can see me watching this. Looks decently good.

  7. So, the idea for this movie is to take Hitch and make him do the opposite of what he was in the original movie. I could see it, except for the fact that the “great catch” is supposed to be Jason Biggs and the “bad guy” is played by Dane Cook? This movie will make money because people are stupid and they will flock to see this crap…

    BTW, John. Kate Hudson is not a bad actor, but it may be my crush on her that’s blinding me! LOL.

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