Mariah Carey Returns!

Mariah-Carey-Picture-1We have word today that Ms. Mariah Carey will be returning to the silver screen! (Godzilla wept.) This surprising news was bought to our attention thanks to the murky caves of Yahoo:

Seven years after making what is widely regarded as one of the worst movies ever, Mariah Carey is back with another road-trip flick. But her new movie, “Tennessee,” has little in common with 2001’s “Glitter.”

Premiering at New York’s Tribeca Film Festival last Saturday, it follows two brothers seeking their estranged father. On their travels, they meet Krystal, a waitress played by Carey.
“Mariah said, ‘This is going to be refreshing for me; this is actually something that I want,’ even knowing that it was a gritty, hard shoot,” director Aaron Woodley told Reuters in an interview. “Some people even told me that they forgot it was Mariah Carey when they were watching the film.”

I still have to see Glitter. After everyone on earth said that it sucked; I felt it a safe one to skip. To be honest, after such a huge flop I will give it to Mariah - the gal has guts to do another picture. I don’t think it was a wise or necessary decision, but she isn’t a chicken - I will give her that.

I get confused why successful recording artists want to moonlight as movie stars; they have money, they have recognition, why do they want more work? As someone who values time as a resource, I will never understand this desire- but hey, it’s not my life. I certainly hope this film is outstanding, for her sake. Glitter was panned by all; and they enjoyed doing so. The sharpened maws of critics are waiting for this one to come down the pipe and will gladly tear it to shreds. If Mariah makes back to back stinkers - it will probably put her in the loony bin.

We will be sure to keep our ear to the ground for reviews coming out of Tribeca, and share the word on the street with you - when it is made available to us.

I think a Mariah movie night will be in order, in the not too distant future.

4 Comments, Comment or Ping

  1. Kristina

    Glitter was WRETCHED, man. I watched it on TV once, and had to turn the channel. It’s not offensively bad, but it’s hilarious watching Mariah Carey think that she can act.

  2. tobor68

    i’ve worked with aaron woodley, he’s from T.O. if you’ve seen his film rhinoceros eyes you know this guy can write and direct.

    while i have little respect for carey’s work she might turn in a decent performance. even the best actor turns in a crap performance with a weak director.

  3. Roguepirate

    Glitter was a pseudo bio-pic about herself wasn’t it? All she had to do really was reenact all those events in her life but it failed.

  4. Anthony T

    I think Mariah Carey is entirely irrelevant in both film and music today.

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