JK Rowling in Court to Challenge a Harry Potter Lexicon

Harry Potter fans are obsessed with the world that JK Rowling, and one intrepid superfan who is responsible for the most notable lexicon online had decided to write a book about it all. The Harry Potter Lexicon was about to become a published reference manual until JK stepped in to define the difference between supporting your fandom and copyright infringement. The year old case went to court where JK Rowling herself was called to testify.

Yahoo reports:

Rowling said she has stopped work on a new novel because the lawsuit in federal court has “decimated my creative work over the last month.”

Rowling is suing RDR Books to stop publication of Steven Vander Ark’s “Harry Potter Lexicon.” She says her copyrights are being violated.

“This book constitutes wholesale theft of 17 years of my hard work,” she testified Monday.

The argument is being made that the Lexicon is being published as a reference guide, and by that definition sourcing materials is permitted.

My thought on the matter is that Steven Vander Ark made sure that in his contract with RDR Books, a clause stating that RDR would foot the legal bills should this “reference guide” be challenged under copyright law. It sounds to me like he knowingly and willingly entered a book deal with the intent of using someone else’s materials and predicted that JK Rowling would have an issue with it.

JK Rowling has said herself that she finds the online resource to be a wonderful collection of the Potterverse for the fans to enjoy. She even admitted that she used the Lexicon more than once to fact check while writing some of the Potter sequels.

She never contested that the online resource was a valid use of her materials. Her issue is that Vander Ark would benefit financially from her product if his book was published. I for one happen to agree. There is a big difference betwen a fansite (regardless of how elaborate), and a profittable product that infringes on her copyrights.

One thing fans won’t let go unnoticed is that JK mentioned that this court appearance has stopped her from working on a new novel.

New Harry Potter novel/spinoff? Doubtful. Shes laid that story to rest. The fans insist it will still happen if they offer her enough money, but money she already has more than she knows what to do with.

Harry Potter Guide? Perhaps - which makes you wonder if this case needs to close so she can publish her own lexicon.

Or is it something altogether new?

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  1. Slushie Man

    I hope J.K. Rowling slams him into the ground in court. He deserves it.

    And the new book is a new children’s book. After she finished Harry Potter (Of which I still have yet to read the final two books, not a HUGE fan of HP, but I enjoy them when I have nothing else to read), she stated she was beginning work on some new children stories and that she doesn’t want to be known solely for Harry Potter, but for all her children’s stories.

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