Jennifer Garner gets First Look deal from WB

Jennifer Garner and Juliana Janes have sold their souls to the WB for a first dibs contract on anything they aim to produce under their Vandalia Films name.

Variety says:

Garner, who has worked with Janes for six years, has been looking to expand her role as a film producer.

I like Jennifer Garner as an actress, and with the exception of Electra everything I have seen her in is at least tolerable. No real stinkers there.

That being said, she looks to be sitting on the other side of the lens for a while as she aims to produce. At least until she can get the ball rolling on them. One film of note is 3 Days in Europe which looks to be an action romance. Not since the days of Bird on a Wire have we been treated to this rare blend. Hugh Jackman has his fingers in on that one too.

Of course all of these projects that Garner is putting her efforts into are ones she intends to star in as well, however that doesn’t mean that she will be in them. She admits that she would have to be pretty pumped about a project to get behind it and not be in it.

4 Comments, Comment or Ping

  1. HisDivineShadow

    I’m prob in the minority on this but as an actress, (I fricken hate jen garner) I think she looks weird and hate her show “alias” thought it was a pile of shit.
    Don’t like her much at all and I would love to tell her that to her face. Her husbands a dildo as well.

    I feel better now.

  2. Kristina

    I never really dug her as an actress until Juno. As much as that film is overhyped, she is just LUMINOUS in that film.

  3. Darren J Seeley

    It is unfortunate that I am on the same page as His Divine and Kristina. You two are not in the minority on the mere fact that Jennifer Garner is extremely overrated as an actress but She was okay in The Kingdom and her bit in Juno was fine- so I wonder if she was simply picking bad projects (”Catch & Release” for example- hey, I *think* my late fiancee *cheated* on me before we met, he died a day before the wedding, so before his frickin’ body gets cold *in a week* I’ll mess around with one of the groomsmen who disrespected his memory by screwing the caterer girl in our bathroom…”13 Going On 30″…don’t get me started…)

    As for her hubby, I won’t slam Ben anymore because the dude’s on an upstreak right now -his part in “Hollywoodland” and his directing effort ‘Gone Baby Gone’.

  4. HisDivineShadow

    Recently quoted in Variety in a colume on writing, Ben Affleck stated he got into acting so he could write screenplays.

    Heads up…..

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