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Incredible Hulk Theatrical Trailer

By John - April 30, 2008 - 12:40 America/Montreal

The new Incredible Hulk Theatrical trailer has just hit the net. I just love the look of this thing!

If you’d like to see the larger HD version of the trailer you can go here


  1. Robert(wolf) says:

    ”Is that all you got” BHAM!!! LOVE IT!

    Also the 2 seconds we see Bruce Banner chaning to Hulk looks creepy and horrific, like it should be.

  2. Phil Gee says:

    I looked at the credits and there was no ‘and John Campea’ there at all. There’s no justice.

  3. Smotchberry says:

    Now that’s what I am talking about. After the goodness that was Iron Man, and the potential of this trailer, I can finally say that I am looking forward to this movie.

    Although, I still have trouble truely liking The Hulk compared to my other superhero friends. Probably cause I grew up with the likes of Spiderman, Batman and The X-Men. Hopefully, this movie will help me like this character a bit more.

  4. Bruce says:

    I’m glad that other people are looking forward to this movie. Most of the time, people just bash the Ang Lee version and say this one looks worst.

  5. alfie says:

    well bruce I was one of those guys but that trailer finally sold me. Looks great…although the effects still look very iffy. but you can never judge CG on internet trailers…gotta wait until you see it blown up on the big screen but I loved that trailer. Can’t wait.

  6. digital drew says:

    At first I thought it was a redo, but i guess this is a sequel? It appears to be, given the firsts cliff hanger.

    The back shot of him sitting with betty (i forget, think thats her name) is pretty comical. This trailer really made me think of the Ultimates story more, given how they filmed edward norton… he has a pretty similar look to the character in the comic. Same with Robert Downey JR, as Stark, and Sam Jackson as Nick Fury. The avengers with an ultimates story line could be the greatest thing ever.

  7. jackie says:

    This looks amazing, and Hulk is a lot more real looking than in the Ang Lee Hulk movie.

  8. Royal says:

    So far, I’m not too enthusiastic about the way Norton portrays Banner. It’s almost as if Norton is over-acting. Based on the two trailers, I’d have to characterize my mood as ambivalent. I’m keeping my fingers crossed, however.

  9. AjaxLou says:

    Definitely looks like a lot more action. The Hulk’s skin seems off though and not just because of the colour. The texture is off - it seems veggie like.

    The Abdomination is plain terrible looking.

  10. DarkKinger says:

    I fuckin’ love it!

  11. Peter T says:

    i feel that this should’ve been the only trailer, the previous one to this showed way too much I feel and didn’t get me pumped at all.

    This one although awesome in the extreme was ruined for me by the previous one.

    Still, it looks a bit kick ass :)

  12. FunkyMunkey says:

    Much better than the first trailer, but I can’t say I’m very excited about it, tbh.

  13. louis says:


  14. Mike Mai says:

    i think my pants are wet.

  15. Brandon D. says:

    Good…It looks like they showed all of the best parts of the movie in it though. I think Hulk will be better than Iron Man but who knows.

  16. Jake Vermont says:

    Looks pretty great……. but as an VFX enthusiast i had to look at the 1080p HD version frame by frame and i discoverd some compositing and lighting errors….. well most of the VFX shots look very good but there are still some improvements to do, the Hulk Model looks good though except for the eyes they look too comicish best digital eyes i’ve seen so far belonged to the KingKong Model from Weta…… compared to the ILM IronMan, HULK is a little bit weak…… as you can’t compare Industrial Light&Magic to Rhythm&Hues….. sad that they’re doing the VFX for Mummy3 but Digital Domain is on board as well thats good

  17. chris (the real one) says:

    i liked it….did anybody else catch the low theme of the original tv at the end…it was quick but great..lol, nice

  18. Gutpunch says:

    Meh. I don’t know. The CGI is way off I think and doesn’t come close to the near perfection of Ang Lee’s Hulk.
    The Abomination is exactly that basically so nuff said.

    And I can’t believe they are using the car gloves that he had in the last computer game. Looks damn silly to me.

  19. Mr. Fuckito says:

    Love interest

  20. tobor68 says:

    “caution: this film contains depictions of tobacco consumption.”

    well, that’s it….this is gonna suck!

    honestly, the fx don’t look much better than ang lee’s hulk. i was hoping for something along the lines of “kong” impressive. i hope the story rocks.

  21. Raddy says:

    the hulk movies should be done with motion capture like beowulf. i am excited to see the new hulk movie coming out and i think the special effects look pretty cool. but it is hard to make the hulk look real in a real environment. so i think they should try it in motion capture

  22. BJG says:

    It all looks like it’s trying to be so different. Edward Norton seems blah, the effects are iffy and Liv Tyler can be a brick but we, as always, shall see.

  23. James says:

    I don’t think it’s fair to compare this trailer’s CGI to Ang Lee’s final CGI, but I don’t see how anyone can see that this new Hulk looks better than the previous one. I’m not usually a stickler for CGI and can usually just go with it and suspend my disbelief, but I’m shocked at how poor the Hulk (and Abomination, for that matter) looks in this trailer..not just in terms of blending in with the live action, but in the design of the creature. The Hulk here looks….I don’t know…kinda scrawny and not very imposing.

    The final cut will be the test of course, but I’m just throwing out my early observations…

    My excitement level for this film did NOT improve upon seeing the trailer, that is for sure…..

  24. Kanthan says:

    I remember being far more excited in seeing the Ang lee trailer. I just can’t seem to get excited about this film anymore although this trailer is far better then the first one. I think it showed a little too much though but it seems it a direct sequel and not a rehash.

  25. Kanthan says:

    I do however have to say the hulk looks crap in CGI!

  26. NM says:

    Really looking forward to this film since the first trailer, which makes me question why they need to create a 2nd trailer, or should I say a summary of the whole film. The industry need to hold back on the amount of content they show in their trailers as it can easily put people off going to see it.

  27. Dean says:

    i watched ang les’s hulk the other day, i didn’t think it was too bad. very good actually. lack of a “bad guy” was the only poo thing about it and i thought that hulk looked awesome. i thnk they have taken a step back with this one.

  28. Bruce says:

    My problem with the Ang Lee version had nothing to do with the way the hulk looked. It was the story. I mean who’s great idea was it to have poodle hulk?

  29. JAMIE says:

    @ YOU GUYS and John

    the hulk wasnt in ironman!!!1 wtf!!

    so now my question to John is:

    do you think ironman will be in the hulk??

  30. JAMIE says:

    ive been saying the hulk will be better then ironman and i stick by it. abomination is just waaaaay to cool man, watching hulk vs abomination fight scenes will kick ass

    specially if theyre 20 minutes long like they sayd

  31. Jay says:

    Much improved trailer than the previous one.

    Easily more action here and improvement on the story as well.

    This has to be marketed well to stir up more people.

  32. taylor says:

    Does anyone else think this movie has a couple disadvantages right off the bat?

    1. People still have a bad taste from the first one

    2. This is supposed to be a reboot of the franchise but there is no origin story so is it really fresh? No, but at least it’s confusing.

    3. the hulk is physically too large in the first one, and this one looks no different. I don’t care what comic books say, most people don’t read them. Most people remember the tv show hulk which was a much more believable size.

    hoping it’s good anyway

  33. dingo101 says:

    Meh. I’d like to think this’ll be a great movie, but so far nothing I’ve seen in either of the trailers make it looks like it’ll be any better than the last try. Hopefully, I’m wrong.

  34. George says:

    Looks like they are using the awesome theme music from the tv series.

    Listen closely at the very end of the trailer….its only 3 or 4 notes but it is definitely there.


  35. Nkhangweleni says:

    I just wish i could be the incredible hulk myself i just love the guy hiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiihaaaa!

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