This entry was posted on Monday, April 28th, 2008 at 4:18 pm.
Categories: News Chat.

As we speak John is already on his way to go see Iron Man. Relax, I have already conveyed the required degree of jealousy upon him. But just recently IGN posted news about a press conference yesterday Where Favreau commented on his hopes for the future of Iron Man. A Trilogy.

[We] hit the Iron Man press junket yesterday to chat with the cast and crew of the new film on the eve of its release, and during the event a recurring topic was whether or not we’ll be seeing a sequel to the Marvel/Paramount superhero movie. Both star Robert Downey Jr. and his costar Terrence Howard were optimistic that a second film will get made, but director Jon Favreau was willing to go so far as to say that he’s got an entire trilogy mapped out already.

Favreau slips some things that can be read into as spoilery so don’t go read the interview if you are taking no chances on that.

Of course he admits that he would love to do it, and has it all thought out in his head as to where he would want it to go, but wisely admits that he isn’t stating it WILL happen. A sequel is inevitable unless all this buzz and positive reviews spiral into complete failure, but Favreau doesn’t have to be the one to do it. I like his movies, so I for one wouldn’t be against it.

The thing he needs to consider (without spoiling anything to the upcoming release) is that he has to hit on the alcoholism. The man of iron has a weakness. No, its not the dayglow pacemaker, its his alcoholism. Its lonely at the top and Stark can’t handle all that pressure. The man who appears to have it all has nothing.

Then we can see if the hinted War Machine will appear to fill his boots so he is not flying under the influence.

I like that Fav is thinking of a solid trilogy and that he recognizes that just because the movie has three films it really isnt a trilogy (even though Hollywood disagrees). There has to be an ongoing story or saga to make it so. THIS is the kind of film making I want to see.

Im so pumped over this movie I cannot wait for John’s review. Now I am excited about the potential franchise. This better not suck.

11 Comments, Comment or Ping

  1. Michael

    Interesting. I hope the don’t mess up with the first film!

  2. Michael

    Interesting. I hope they don’t mess up with the first film! (Correction, lol)

  3. @RODNEY

    great news. and thanx.

    the mandarin will be in the sequels they sayd. and i hope i see radioactive man and crimsom dynamo in it too because EVERY SINGLE ironman villain is so lame and wack other then radioactive man and dynamo.

    yeah you nailed it with the alcohlism rodney, although we cant tell if theyll hit that subjetc from the trailers so far. hopefully they do, because all hero/villains have something that stands out about their lives or personality and alcohlism is it for tony stark

    and yes- i think that the black guy in the army suit will be war machine.

  4. Steven Carroll

    I have just 3 words regarding a possible sequal.


    Here’s Hoping.

  5. alfie

    this is definitely a film I walked out of hoping that come the first monday after opening weekend they greenlight a sequel immediately. I have seen it twice now and I don;t want to get to swept up in “new film” over drive but it I really think it is one of the greatest comic book movies of all time. Its better than all 3 spideys, xmen….probably not as great as the originla superman which I still think is the greatest but its fucking awesome and I want more.


    Agreeing w/ JAMIE & Steven Carroll, I would really love to see The Mandarin & Fin Fang Foom in sequels.

  7. Shane

    Everything about this film looks fantastic, so I really hope it lives up to my expectations. If it does, then I’m all for some great sequels, just so long as they don’t “Spidey 3″ them.

    The fact that Iron Man doesn’t have too many great villains might work in his favor for better sequels. Less chance of them feeling the need to squash in 3 at once.

  8. Gutpunch

    I’m trying to keep my hopes down because the hype for this movie has been incredible. I’m hoping to see it on thursday.

  9. Steven Carroll

    Where is the REVIEW? Ahrg! Hopefully soon. Looking forward to seeing what John has to say.

  10. fing fam foom?


    like i sayd:

    radioactiveman mandarin and dynamo are the ONLY vilains from ironman that dont make me want to punch a baby everytime i watch them.

  11. Steven Carroll

    Iron Man has an 86% over at Rotten Tomatoes at the moment. That’s pretty damn good.

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