This entry was posted on Monday, April 28th, 2008 at 11:32 am.
Categories: News Chat.

Judge MikeMike Judge will be teaming up with Jason Bateman in Extract. We get wind of this team up from our friends at Variety:

Mike Judge will direct and Jason Bateman will star in the comedy “Extract,” the first project to be produced under Judge’s new shingle, Ternion Prods., which he formed with writer-producers John Altschuler and Dave Krinsky.

Ternion is fully financed to develop film, TV, digital and new-media projects through a finance and development deal with Media Rights Capital. The shingle will also produce films and TV projects through the traditional studio and network route. Penned by Judge, “Extract” explores what it’s like to be the boss when everything seems to be shifting around you.

Judge wrote Office Space and I welcome another business comedy; this time from the perspective of management. Jason Bateman is a hilarious comedic actor and I am thrilled that he has been getting so many roles over the past few years. I consider his team up with Judge to be cause for celebration and will keep my ear to the ground for news of this project!

If this film is half as good as Office Space, it will be cause for all to celebrate!

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