This entry was posted on Monday, April 28th, 2008 at 10:47 am.
Categories: News Chat.

We have the new teaser poster for Dragonball today thanks to our friends at slashfilm:


This poster doesn’t give me much insight into the film; but that is the nature of a teaser poster I guess. Those of you that are fans of Dragonball Z let me ask you; does this poster have any meaning that I am unable to decipher? Does this poster excite you?

40 Comments, Comment or Ping

  1. chris (the real one)

    im an old fan of dragon ball z but this poster isnt that exciting. the orange orb thing is supposed to a be a dragon ball, but besides that no meaning…..just a crappy poster

  2. DAN

    Wasn’t the four star Dragonball the one that was given to Goku by his grandfather before he died? The one that started everything?

  3. Smotchberry

    Wow. This is bad. Really bad. In all honesty, if I didn’t know better, I would think that this was some cheap Asian knockoff of “Dodgeball”, “Rollerball” or any other movie that ends in “ball” (yes even those).

    There’s just nothing exciting, or remotely interesting about it.

  4. Phil Gee

    It’s ‘Balls of Fury: The Revenge’ Smotchberry; well said.

  5. Mikey

    Big time, and old time fan of DBZ…
    And this poster does nothing for me…

  6. DJ Machismo

    Of course I’m a big enough DBZ fan to see this movie once it comes out on DVD.

    Ah the benefits of having a librarian for a wife. All the free movie rentals I could ever want.

    It is amazing how few people get movies from a library for free and instead pay per movie at rental stores.

  7. Michael

    Does anybody in this website realize that this movie is not about Dragonball Z but Dragonball!!!!!!!! God it’s like no body acknowledges that. It about Dragonball!!!!!!!!!! As of the poster, it really looks cheap. Since I’m a fan I hope they come out with a decent trailer and better poster.

  8. Gordon Shumway

    Blue with blazing orange seems to be the poster colour scheme of choice these days.

  9. dougnagy

    Sorry about the Z Michael.
    I have never watched the program; forgive my ignorance.

  10. Robert(wolf)

    The Dragonball graces the poster, I like it…..ROCK THE DRAGON!!!!

  11. Steven Carroll

    The 4th Dragonball. Nice Poster.

  12. DJ Machismo

    Of course its about Dragonball, but damnit DBZ just always comes out while typing.

  13. Michael

    Doug Nagy….You are forgiven… The thing to know about that Dragonball has more story to it than Dragonballz. Its a good show.

  14. Steven Carroll

    Can’t wait to see the Pig (can’t remember his name at the moment) riding around with a Pair of Women’s Panties as a Hat. If they put that in at least.

  15. im sure theyll make sequels with dragon ball z or maybe (hopefully not cuz i hated it) dragonball gt

    frinken awsome and- the actor they chose for goku looks just like him

  16. Sean

    Steven Carroll, the pig isn’t in the movie; as as matter a fact there is no talking animals in this movie, it’s been confirmed. And the poster isn’t great, it does look cheap, but I’ll give it some hope.

  17. Freddy J

    Man, no talking animals? No Oolong? And I’m gonna assume that Master Roshi isn’t the perverted old man that I know and love. I mean what is the Dragonball universe without it’s perverted characters? *le sigh* I have no hope for this one, I’m not even gonna rent it, this is looking like download material here I’m afraid to say.

  18. chris (the real one)

    sorry i dont think the turtle hermit (master roshi) will be as big as a perv as in the manga or anime. i think chow yung fat is gonna be roshi

  19. this poster actually looks pretty sick

  20. Christian

    I know it’s a teaser and all, but what a crappy font.

  21. @ DOUG
    dude the dragon balls are 7 balls lost in the universe and when found you can ask a dragon (rather then a gene) for wishes. and yes, its got meaning to it hence thats like what the cartoon revolved around. thats why its called “dragonball”

    and thanx- looks pretty raw

    even if its a teaser theyll still keep the same font (which to me isnt bad at all)

  22. Jake Vermont

    didnt they want to introduce supersajajins?? if yes they cant just make the entire story about dragonball. there must be a link to DBZ

    i’m not quite sure……

  23. Freddy J

    Jamie, just gotta correct you a teensy weensy bit. For this story the dragonballs are actually 7 balls from Earth. The universal dragonballs aren’t until Dragonball GT.


  24. bigsampson

    dan and freddy hit the nail in the coffin but as a person who rented bootleg copies of this from the YAOHON grocery store in san jose ( any one remember) but to be honest without the main ingredients that made the series popular before its us introduction was all the benny hill like nature of master roshi and oolong….hey i think this movie has a chance of bieng one of the crappiest cheese fests of all time… i look back on the episodes i loved as a kid…they kinda suck….the movies always had the best art…..if you like toriyama i think he did a short series i read in jump mags back in the day called D.N.A. any one remember that one?

  25. @ freddy

    yes! you are correct sir!
    and theres also some from that wierd torquoise planet that all the green picolo dudes live at (those are the universal ones perhaps)

    i forgot all of this cuz last time i watched it was like 8 years ago :(

  26. Jake Vermont

    no i think they want to make sequels if they want to introduce supersajajins. because the whole cast is like the ones from DB- goku and picolo. it would be waaaaay to much to put freeza, cell, majin boo and all the others in one movie, its best to keep to like 2 villains (spiderman 3 anyone???). it would be better if they make a DB movie then make 2 or 3 DBZ movies and just pretend DBGT never happened.

    look at the cast for this movie and youll see that obviously this will be only a DB movie. besides just the anticipation of DBZ will make fans go crazy after they watch a DB movie.

  27. after filming scenes from the movie- the extras sayd that there are scenes of picolo and goku winning some matches in a tournament.

    so- thats cool! theyll show the tournaments!



  28. krazie835

    I believe they’re 7 Dragonballs lost around the Earth. Not the Universe, that doesn’t happen until Dragonball GT with the black star Dragonballs.

    The image in the poster should have some meaning since it is the Four star Dragonball that was given to Goku by his adopted Grandfather, and that Dragonball is important later on in GT. I hated GT by the way.

  29. Azizan

    When I first heard that they’re doing a Dragonball movie, I was praying for a 3D cartoon (ala the Budokai PS2 games). then, suddenly, its a movie with REAL actors acting in the FLESH portraying CARTOON characters. one dominant thought passed my mind - man…this is gonna suck!

    why do I say that? remember Street Fighter? they wrecked the whole awesomeness of the video game. I kindda like Van Damme, but that movie, to me, was just a complete disaster. I know that Dragonball starts as a comic, whilst Street Fighter starts as a video game but somehow, I have this very uneasy feeling that DB will meet the same fate.

    trying to keep an open mind - the movie poster offers nothing much due to its nature as a teaser poster. and it seems that the poster designers are playing it safe - no WOW factor seen anywhere. but I kindda like that they used th 4th ball, a symbol that translates to the BEGINNING of DB. and it’s also the FIRST poster of this movie.

    I can only say that I hope they don’t go and violate the DB charm and glory (keeping my fingers tightly crossed here!). we’ll just wait and see. and hopefully, we’ll get to see more posters out in a few months time.

  30. Azrael

    im a big fan…
    but the poster doesnt excite me or put me into orgasm

  31. Mark Vincent

    Nice Azrael.Only Sailormoon can do that.Hahaha! Seriously.The Chinese made their version of DB way back forgotten.The nemesis were the Red Ribbon Army.Didn’t acknowledge that much in the Asian market.

  32. Joel

    I hope it’s nothing like the old street fighter movie!!

  33. Kristina

    Corn-filled fecal matter looks better than that.

  34. Marc

    The fourth dragonball that is on this poster was the dragonball that Goku(main fighting dude ya know) was given from his grandfather Gohan. And that is how the first episode of the regular Dragonball started.

  35. KRISK

    This teaser poster simply persuades more people to boycott the movie

  36. okay!

    @ everyone!!!!!!!

    its a TEASER poster



    if you look at the poster and after you look at it you dont know anything about the movie and you get nothing from it…..then the poster did its job!!!!

    i will emphesize the word teaser- i cant stress this enough.

  37. PhoenixP3K

    Kung Fu Hustle comes to mind when I think of what the movie should aspire to be. It can’t be 100% serious or photo realistic, but at the same time it has to respect the action, gore and violence of the anime.

  38. SEAN

    I know for a fact that an actor is playing king piccolo. I seriously want to see if they’ll use the part where goku lands where grandpa gohan is,and tells that he came back planet vegeta. I also want to see him face emperor pilaf,general blue,commander red,captain yellow,general white,assitant black,violet,agent purple,tambourine,drum,mai and shu and maybe have the last classic db battle with piccolo jr.

    I hope they include villains from the 2 db movies,the devil guy and the fat king that ate too much and became a monster. Though I really doubt it. I hope they use the storyline from db movie 3 for chiaotzu being a prince and tien choosing to collect the dragonballs or be a true friend to chiaotzu.

    I’d like to see if they show when goku defeated dr.gero,because some hardcore dbz fans know what he looks like besides the replica of him known as android 20. He had long white and was bald where the brain is on android 20’s head.

    He’s never mentioned in dragonball though,just dragonball z,goku says he defeated him when he never even encountered him in dragonball.

  39. vasel

    I mean come on guys, you act like a poster, tells the truth about a movie. The matrix poster didnt have anything but a whole bunch of ecryptions that none of us could have been open to but look at it now, one of the greatest movies of our time. So what does that say, if a poster shows him wearing uniform, or looking like Goku on the poster, it say its a good movie. Need I remind you of The “HULK” movie that should never had happened, or what about DareDevil. how big of a disappoiment was that, what about Batman and Robin. All of these movies had cool posters, had lost of publicity and was considered to be the show stoppers of their years. But they all fell. I like what they are doing with Dargonball, and that is keeping us guessing and hoping for the best. In conclusion, stop worring about a dang on poster and wait to see a real trailer before making a decision weather to see a movie or not. It might suck, it might be great, but until it come shut up and wait.

  40. vasel

    I mean come on guys, you act like a poster, tells the truth about a movie.

    The matrix poster didn’t have anything but a whole bunch of encryptions that none of us could have been open to but look at it now, one of the greatest movies of our time. So what does that say, if a poster shows him wearing uniform, or looking like Goku on the poster, it say its a good movie. Need I remind you of The “HULK” movie that should never had happened, or what about DareDevil. how big of a disappointment was that, what about Batman and Robin. All of these movies had cool posters, had lost of publicity and was considered to be the show stoppers of their years. But they all fell. I like what they are doing with Dargonball, and that is keeping us guessing and hoping for the best.

    In conclusion, stop worrying about a dang on poster and wait to see a real trailer before making a decision weather to see a movie or not. It might suck, it might be great, but until it come shut up and wait.

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