DC Vs. Mortal Kombat

There are rumblings of a Mortal Kombat Vs. DC Comics video game in the works. We get wind of this project thanks to Peter over at slashfilm:

I remember playing Capcom’s Street Fighter vs. Marvel Superheroes back in the ay when kids still frequented arcades. I’m more of a casual gamer now, but this caught my attention. Rumor has it that the new Mortal Kombat game is actually Mortal Kombat vs. DC Comics. Some people think it’s fake, although one site claims to have a confirmation from Midway, and other fans are screaming “Batman cannot get decapitated! Ever! This game is an abomination!“

I have said that I hate Mortal Kombat at least a dozen times on this site; so this game prospect does not cause me to well up with feelings of celebration. One thing that does interest me however - are the fatalities. Will superman freeze people and shatter them with his fist? Will Batman throw a batarang through someone? Will Wonder Woman hang people with her golden lasso? These are the questions that need answers, and If the fatalities are bitchin’ I will even throw in a few quarters (against my better judgement).

International Friends - would a Mortal Kombat Vs. DC Comics video game interest you? If so, what DC characters would like to see in the game?

19 Comments, Comment or Ping

  1. TigerClaw

    There are rumors circulating that the game will not have blood or Fatalities cause DC Comics didn’t want there characters to dismember people and such.

  2. Shinobi

    Here’s the trailer: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=CmwUP6fzra8

  3. melbye

    it’s a stupid idea. Mortal Kombat and the DC universe doesn’t fit at all.

  4. DJ Machismo

    Neither did SNK and Capcom, or X-Men and Capcom, but those seemed to work out pretty well.

    Definitely reserving judgement until it comes out, however I know I’ll be searching for vids of all the fatalities for sure.

  5. The Movie Vampire

    This is the gayest shit I’ve ever heard

  6. reed

    300 Movies to See Before You Die

  7. chris (the real one)

    x-men and capcom, snk and capcom……those kinda made sense, kinda. and capcom makes fun games, but midway has killed mortal kombat since the 3d ones….bah just bad ideas all around

  8. apple

    yeah, it’s NOT going to have the M rating. So there might not be blood or even fatalities in this game, which sucks all the fun out of MK for me.
    I was never a big DC fan but I can’t see how Superman would ever be a good character to play as. He is invincible and so how can anyone defeat him since his only weakness is krptonite.

  9. apple

    I would like to see a Star Wars Vs Mortal Kombat game, that I can see working better than DC VS MK.

  10. Ty

    If The Joker is in it he better have a Sick ASS fatality

  11. Nazz

    They’re using the GI Joe Reloaded version for Storm Shadow…I just wished he is more ninja-ish.

  12. apple

    how about Pokemon vs MK?
    GI Joe vs MK?
    Transformers vs Voltron?
    Sega vs Nintendo?
    Capcom vs MK?
    Image vs DC vs Marvel vs Wildcats?

  13. Nazz

    Shit…Wrong post

    Sorry about that

  14. apple

    Star Wars vs Tekken?
    Street Fighter vs Tekken?
    MK vs Tekken?
    Star Wars vs Marvel?
    Star Wars vs LOTR?
    Star Wars vs Pokemon?
    Star Wars vs GI Joe?
    Star Wars vs Star Trek?
    Star Wars vs Star Trek vs Babylon 5?
    Star Wars vs Star Trek vs Babylon 5 vs Battlestar Galactica?
    MK VS Soul Calibur?
    MK VS Virtua Fighter?

  15. Darren J Seeley

    I always wanted a Marvel vs. Tekken, with one one of the main characters for Marvel being (who else?) Iron Fist.

    (”What does ‘Tekken’ mean?”)

    As for Mortal Kombat, I’m not too thrilled with it. Unless the final boss was…Doomsday.

    Note: how would an MK character fight “Plastic Man”? “Superman”? “The Flash”?

    Should they kill off Karate Kid?

  16. Andrew

    MOST. RETARDED. IDEA. EVER!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

  17. Shane

    Look, if it was a movie, yeah this would be a totally retarded idea. How would you combine the two universes into a sensible story… but it’s just a video game. All we have to worry about is just the gameplay aspect of it. Would it be fun to have Scorpion fight Batman? Would it rule to have Goro and Superman beat the crap out of each other? Yeah… it will be fun.

    That’s the beauty of a fighting video game, we don’t have to think too deeply about the plot or the rationale. You just get to see two characters wailing on each other.

    With any sort of cross-over movie, the main complaint is that the plot is too awkward and that really all people want to see is the battles. Well that’s what we have here… just the good part!

    I fail to see the problem. I wish we got more stuff like this… and really this is where the big epic cross-overs should be done, in fighting games… not plot driven movies.

  18. The Movie Vampire

    Mortal Kombat - Gore = Useless

  19. bryan

    There aren’t enough or interesting characters in MK. Capcom stretched over Multiple series. Don’t think it’ll work.

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