Crispin Glover Joins The Forlorn

We get wind today that Crispin Glover has joined The Forlorn, a film about survival and cannibalism. the following news was made available thanks to our friends at cinematical:

After some rumors back in February, Variety reports that Crispin Glover has officially signed on for a role in the film. They also say it has begun lensing, although IMDb and the Donner Blog say that the film is now in post-production.

The Forlorn will focus on that doomed group of pioneers known as the infamous Donner Party. On their way to California, these pioneers get stuck in what is now Donner Pass. With the beating snow and the quickly depleting food supply, a smaller group called the Forlorn Hope (hence the film’s title) whip up makeshift snowshoes and attempt to find help. Their food runs out, many die, cannibalism occurs. Those that remained finally find help and a number of relief efforts are made to save the pioneers at camp. The first group was lucky, weak, but lucky. After that, starvation again led to cannibalism and by the time the final relief effort reached the camp, only one man was alive.

The last cannibal is a lonely place to be. A diet of friends and fellow adventurers is a sad state of affairs. The fact that one person lived to tell the story is a miracle, it’s as if the tale demanded to be told and chose the story teller amongst all that strived to live. I would like to think I could eat a person if I was starving; but I can’t look at a piece of liver without gagging, so I would probably plod on till doom overtook me. As a man from the north there is something romantic about being culled by the winter. If you haven’t strength to pass through the cold, nature will never give you another spring.

Crispin Glover is pretty much the greatest person on earth for this film. This is a man I can see with human meat in his maw. I am hoping that he will be the one to survive the ordeal but we will have to wait and see for ourselves. This guy does insane and “going insane” better than most anyone, and bringing him onboard this project is a solid gold decision.

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