College Trailer

The first trailer for the upcoming film “College” just came out. It looks to me like one of those non-apologeticaly stupid yet fun flicks that has no delusions of being anything more than that…. and those can work. The trailer isn’t mind blowing, but it has a couple of good giggles in it (then again, anything with a Star Wars reference in it usually kicks it up a notch on my enjoyment meter)

9 Comments, Comment or Ping

  1. Gutpunch

    Oh lordy lord. The funny fat guy is always a classic implement in nerd movies. And the scrawny guy with the glasses.
    A big fat PASS! for me.

  2. thegoodfella

    Sorry John, but that looks fucking horrendous.

  3. CW05

    Looks like Superbad goes to college. Just nowhere near as funny as Superbad.

  4. Matthew

    Someone please tell me that skinny kid with glasses was not the kid from “American Idol.”

  5. Sound Designer Dan

    Yup, that’s Kevin Covais from American Idol.

  6. DJ Machismo

    Will be watching this for further information. Looks to have some potential.

  7. Shane

    Come on John! How could you dis Drillbit Taylor for stealing the exact same characters from Superbad, but not mention the obvious similarity in this film? ;-)

    Ah hell… I’ll probably still go and see it. Silly mindless fun. Nothing groundbreaking, but as opposed to the likes of Meet The Spartans, there does seem to at least be the possibility of an original bit of humor in there.

  8. nbakid2000

    I’m in. Looks like fun.

    Honestly, I thought Superbad was overrated. Didn’t make me laugh as nearly hard as everyone else apparently.

  9. calviin

    I second that, nbakid2000

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