Burn After Reading Images

We have some pictures to show you today from Burn After Reading. We get the hookup thanks to Alex “The Party Wolf” Billington over at firstshowing:

“Computers are Neat-O!”


“I hate my life”

“Who’s the mother fucker that interrupted my NyQuil drinking!

I am pumped to see this film. These are great shots that are loaded with emotion, and I am glad they made their way to us. Burn After Reading is going to be ready just in time for the new school year. Expect it in theaters September 12, 2008.

6 Comments, Comment or Ping

  1. Jay

    Doesn’t Brad Pitt look so young in that pic???
    Like a high school kid.

    This film may end up showing at the Toronto International Film Festival in September.

  2. Mozzerino

    Wow, bloody Brad Pitt really has good genes.
    He looks like he’s 21 in that pic.
    That film wasn’t on my radar at all, what is it about?
    It has one hell of a cast, that’s for sure

  3. digital drew

    The only thing i know JM form is being John Malkovich, but that movie made him awesome. so im happy to know i will be seeing him again in the not to distant future… I dont even know what this film is about, but the cast is good enough to bring me in.

  4. Marla Singer

    i dont know what genre this is but brad pitt always cracks me up!

  5. JAMIE

    @ doug

    ha! wow the 4th caption cracked me up dude - that was mad funny, doug ur the man

    “Who’s the mother fucker that interrupted my NyQuil drinking!”

  6. probitionate

    Anyone wanting to read the script…let me know.

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