This entry was posted on Monday, April 14th, 2008 at 5:55 pm.
Categories: Funny.

Will the insanity never end? Reports are now coming in that the beloved Iron Man trailer is going to be turned into a full length movie version. I’m sure they’ll ruin it for sure.

Wildly Popular ‘Iron Man’ Trailer To Be Adapted Into Full-Length Film

33 Comments, Comment or Ping

  1. Karl Hungus

    Hmm, well that was amusing.

  2. Klendathu

    God I love The Onion

  3. James

    And here I was merely holding out for the SE dvd of the trailer only, with never before seen seconds and director commentary track….

  4. Herby

    Have to watch it again for the crawls at the bottom.

    My favorite so far… “Yahoo tries to compete against Google by goggling “How to Compete against Google.”

  5. Kristina

    Oh my God.

  6. Torim

    they are right in doing this, this movie will make billions if not trillions of dollars.

  7. Jon H

    Brilliant clip.

  8. Karmicmonk

    “in seattle today, a man bruises 23 people in a punching spree” Thats pure gold, nay thats one precious metal above gold.

  9. Jagmir

    i don’t get it…

  10. Nixon

    so wats going on, add more scenes, in movies… ?
    either way Iron man ain’t gonna make a lot of money since GTA4 is comming out…

  11. nbakid2000


  12. Kristina

    I really hope they don’t add any scenes to that Meet Dave trailer. The trailer was bad enough!

  13. HisDivineShadow

    I predict the tralier movie will make at least 50 mil.

    Pretty funny John.;-)

  14. Mikey

    Punching spree….thats brilliant

  15. Turboz

    Ok so it took me about 15-20 minutes to realize this was only a joke I was sitting there like.. WTF how could they make a trailer a movie?… thinking… and thinking.. and then I realized what was going on here.

  16. Turboz

    PS… was anyone reading the ticker below?

  17. Freddy Castellano

    umm this makes no sense to me…..they are saying they are going to make a movie out of the trailer…isnt the trailer already a movie that we havent seen yet….in the video they are saying wouldnt it be amazing to see those 3 second clips as full scenes…umm…watch the movie…i guess im stupid but i just dont get this

  18. Freddy Castellano

    well i guess i am stupid

  19. bigsampson


  20. Gerry Alanguilan

    Are they insane? Everyone knows that film adaptations of trailers always suck because they don’t stay true to the character established in the trailer. They always change things around, add material not in the original…. such a waste of time. Greed. That’s what it is. This is the quintessential example of everything that’s wrong with Hollywood.

  21. geoff

    fantastic! god bless the onion

  22. aldude

    I cant believe it !!! 23 people punched , thats terrirble. Who cares about the trailer, just dont watch it.

  23. Christian

    lol. That was great! I’ve always wondered why trailers weren’t being made into full length movies.

  24. legolamb

    Some of you guys sound like you don’t know what the onion is all about.

  25. Herby

    New favorite crawl.

    “Canadian dollar store crap now equel in value to American dollar store crap.”

  26. Herby

    “Shooting at Clevland School of the blind cause $200 in damages, no injuries.”

  27. Scott

    I’d hate to live in a world without sarcasm.

  28. Slushie Man

    I don’t know what the Onion was about (I do NOW, I goggled it), but even I could tell this was obviously a joke. I really can’t see how anyone could not understand that.

    Funny funny stuff, BTW.

    And Scott, I agree. it seems some people on this board live in that world. Hopefully the rest of us don’t get sucked through that portal.

  29. Sahil

    Wow I cant wait. I wonder if they will make a movie out of The Dark Knight trailer. It looked pretty good.

  30. Jason

    I wonder how much the Ontion got paid from Paramount for this.

  31. Meli

    LOL! way too funny.

  32. kanthan

    I love this, really Exposes the idiots who get so annoyed when movie adaptations of comics or books are announced

  33. sfsilver

    Brilliantly skewers the bread and butter of this site for sure. If we couldn’t drone on endlessly about how adaptations aren’t going to match up to the alleged genius of some 7th rate animated kiddie series from the 80’s or a comic book that less than .008% of the population even knew existed there’d be little to talk about here.

    The Onion rocks.

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