Best Dark Knight Poster Yet

Ty gives us the heads up on this new Dark Knight poster found over at In my opinion, the very best poster they’ve put out so far. What do you think?


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40 Responses to “Best Dark Knight Poster Yet”
  1. TJ

    Alright I finally get to say i’m impressed. The posters have been good but nothing quite struck me as epic and memorable. The closest was the Joker in the street one. Which was good but this really had “MUST SEE” all over it. Yes I know it’s a must see already but this poster is the first one that I think just SCREAMS it. Very impressed terrific work here. This is one I will proudly seek out to have put on my wall.

  2. Kristina

    If it was a burning JOker face, it would be cooler, but hey, this is still good.

  3. Henry from Dallas

    Heath would’ve loved this one….R.I.P.

  4. Bacon Double Cheeseburger


  5. Keith


  6. Grundy

    It makes no sense why would the bat symbol be burned into a building. Is Batman a part of Project Mayhem now?

  7. Christian

    That is freaking sweet. I’ll be watching this day one for sure. I wonder if John/Doug is going to do a podcast after they watch the movie like with Spiderman 3 or Transformers.

  8. Rusty James

    hmmm. Ledger credited after Michael Caine? Anyone else think that’s weird?

  9. Andee23


    John announced yesterday on TMB Uncut Live Edition that he will do a “Iron Man” podcast night monday after he’s seen an advanced screening of the film. Though I wish he would do some as well for The Dark Knight and The Kingdom of the Crystal Skull.

  10. Darren J Seeley

    I like the poster a lot. They been doing great stuff with the ad campaign; the majority of posters have been stellar.

    @ Rusty:
    Since credits are contract-based, it either suggests to me that Caine has either more screen time than the other “supporting” actors/his role more pivotal. The other thought that comes to mind? Caine /is was a bigger name actor than Heath Ledger.

  11. leeloo

    thats a pretty sweet kickass poster.

  12. EZELL

    I like the one where they have there backs to us it lets us use our imagination and is very powerful.

  13. mikey

    Wow. Just wow

  14. DarkKinger

    Did I mention that I am looking forward to this movie? Well, I’m getting even more excited.

  15. Coquito Von Tito

    *cries at the sheer awesomeness of the poster*

  16. bigsampson

    same its just awesome

  17. Colin

    Very impressive! I love it.

    Keep your eyes peeled for a new trailer (Including more Harvey Dent and more Joker) due in less than 2 weeks.

  18. nbakid2000

    I don’t buy the reason that Caine is a bigger name than Ledger argument. No one (and I mean NO ONE) is going to go see this movie/think about seeing this movie because Michael Caine’s in it. They’re all going because Heath Ledger is dead.

  19. Matt

    Definitely a great poster. But I do want to question why the bat symbol is burning in the building. I agree with Gundy… is Batman part of Project Mayhem now?

    Still a badass poster though.

  20. Kristina

    Maybe it’s listed based on who’s in the movie the most, or which characters are the most prominent? I dunno, but as I look at that row of names from left to right, I think the names are listed in terms of screentime.

  21. Phil Gee

    Cliche tagline aside……….DAMN THIS IS NICE!

  22. Colin


    Congratulations; you’ve won the most moronic comment of the day/week or maybe even month.

    TONNES of people were psyched about TDK WAY before Heath Ledger passed on. They were also psyched about what they had seen/heard of his performance way before he passed on, but congratulations on coming out of the box you’ve been in for the last X amount of months.

  23. Tarmac

    Grundy, I was thinking the EXACT same thing!

  24. Gutpunch

    Now that is a fucking poster. Fantastic work.

    The billing issue has nothing to do with popularity but more with agents wanting their client to have a good spot. I’m working on a poster now that has had many changes due to name placements of the stars involved and you’d be amazed at how big of an issue it is with the management companies. But for the rest of us it’s a pain in the ass.

  25. Bruce

    loves it.

  26. CanuckLou

    Love it!

  27. JAMIE


    @ Henry from Dallas

    here here

  28. BN

    Awesome looking poster but does anyone else notice in the smoke that’s near the top of the building a familiar face? Under the word “TO” on the top banner, let your eyes scroll down to when you reach the building.

  29. Rob


  30. JAMIE

    @ BN

    HEY! i see it too!! yeah i see it….right under the “to” i see a barely visible flaming batman insignia….

    good catch man!

  31. digital drew

    YOU KNOW, this got me thinking…. batman must not be a very good hero… if Gotham City is alllllways in peril. how many years has it been ? just hang’em up already Bats.

  32. nbakid2000

    @ Colin

    The reason people are going to this thing is because a) what you said and b) people who were on the fence or not interested before are going to see this thing because Heath Ledger died. You’re wrong.

  33. nbakid2000

    As far as the face…I see what looks like Joker’s eyes in the center of the Batman insignia and in the smoke….MAYBE something that looks like Two-Face?

  34. Jay

    @Kristina…”If it was a burning JOker face, it would be cooler..”

    Naw, it’ll look tacky to me. The bat logo is the ultimate display

    I like it the way it is. Superb poster!

  35. Marco from Manila

    We need another Joker poster.

  36. Nixon

    I;m thinking that joker did it to blame batman,
    and the face i see it too..


    And to answer that question about

    “digital drew

    YOU KNOW, this got me thinking…. batman must not be a very good hero… if Gotham City is alllllways in peril. how many years has it been ? just hang’em up already Bats.

    First of al Gotham City is the most highest criminal in the city with tons of rape and so on…

    Its about batman fighting the crimes not a single enemy…

    and remember its the most corup[ted city DC universe…

  37. townes

    not bad, nothing too special, not too good

  38. JAMIE


  39. Tommy

    Oh yeah, I really really really LOVE this movie poster and I can’t wait till this movie hits the big screen. It’s gonna be awesome!

    BATMAN FAN? Visit The Bat-Blog!

    Thanks, Tommy

  40. Daniel

    As for “Why is Heath Ledger listed 3rd,” here is a possible answer: It forms a natural gamut with the negative space between the names. At first, they are close together, then they are far away. This gamut is only broken at the far right, which makes sense since it says ‘and Morgan Freeman’ instead of just ‘Morgan Freeman.’

    Bottom line: negative space gamut

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