Ben Hur: The Mini Series

Posted by on 10. 04. 2008in News Chat

BenhurIt looks like the fable of Ben Hur will be crafted into a made for TV miniseries. We get word of this project thanks to the professionals at Variety:

Wyler, whose father William Wyler helmed the 1959 Oscar-winning feature starring the late Charlton Heston, is producing the new version as a miniseries with Alchemy TV. Alchemy has already sold the miniseries to Spain, Germany and Canada, and Wyler is in negotiations with two networks and a cable channel for the U.S. rights. The new version will be based more closely on the 1880 Lew Wallace novel than either the 1959 version or 1925 silent adaptation.

Wyler intends to skew the lead role younger, placing Ben-Hur in his mid-20s. New version will also downplay the religious aspects of the source material. “We want to look at the spirituality within the piece rather than directly relating it to a specific religion,” Wyler said. “It’s a very complex story. It’s been 50 years since my father’s version, and we think we can bring something new and contemporary to it in the same way that ‘Gladiator’ did for that genre.”

I usually hate remakes, but if they are going back to the source material and plan on adapting it for television - I am interested in seeing how it turns out. I will admit, much of my excitement is directly related to chariot battles. Chariot on chariot combat delights me, and I cannot get enough.

Wyler son of Wyler will have his own father’s shoes to fill as he helms this project and with luck; he will do his memory justice.

I cannot say I am pleased with the decision to cast a mid 20′s Ben-Hur. I think a grizzled, weathered warrior is more appropriate for this type of project, but I don’t call the shots. It seems that the hero figure in films are getting younger and younger as time goes on; or perhaps I am just getting older and the sour grapes are rotting in me mouth.

No word on when this mini series is set to launch, but we will be certain to keep you posted on the progress!

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4 Responses to “Ben Hur: The Mini Series”

  1. Phil Gee says:

    Well he is a prince so they just figure it makes sense to have a younger guy. I’m interested about this because i love the story but i don’t see the reason for Ben Hur needing to be stretched into a TV series. The film told the story perfectly.

  2. Dragonslayer says:

    Movie was awesome, this sounds stupid

  3. Dennis Carothers says:

    If you downplay the spiritual aspect of the great movie, you not only do a disservice to the author
    but you disrespect William and you distrespect the the God for whom the novel was written.
    Why? Are you willing to bet you eternal salvation against Jesus Christ?
    Think about it..Do your research

  4. Noman Jari says:

    Haven’t seen it yet, but looking forward to it. The Charlton Heston version was awesome.

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