50 Cent In Negotiations For Spectacular Regret

It looks like 50 Cent is on his way to becoming a thespian of many works! We get news today that he is in talks to star in Spectacular Regret thanks to the professionals at Variety:

Curtis “50 Cent” Jackson is negotiating, and Danny Huston, John Ortiz and Kelli Garner are set to star, in “Spectacular Regret.” The independently financed drama was scripted by Joshua Leonard, who will make his dramatic feature debut as director.

Jackson will play a death row inmate whose imminent execution has made him a cause celebre. The drama interconnects with four Angelenos struggling to overcome past events.

Despite ongoing criticism and nay-saying, 50 Cent continues to land roles in film. This is both peculiar and strange; but not surprising. Hollywood has a history of putting pop-stars on the silver screen regardless of their ability, in hopes of attracting fans and making money. Remember Elvis? He sucked as an actor and made a gaggle of films.

Who knows how long the acting career of 50 Cent will continue. If I had to hazard a guess, I would suppose that he will be able to get acting gigs until he no longer has the desire. I do not foresee any end in sight, and acceptance of this fact may help us all deal with the situation. Perhaps once this film is on DVD a 50 Cent movie night is in order. Every time someone is shot, mentions shooting someone or shoots up - you take a shot of booze. This could be reason enough for his acting career.

5 Comments, Comment or Ping

  1. HisDivineShadow

    I don’t support any film this scumbag is in.

  2. Kristina

    Spectacular Regret-what anyone should and will feel after watching a 50 Cent movie.

    ex. “I paid to see that new 50 Cent movie and was filled with Spectacular Regret.”

  3. chris (the real one)

    yea hes a bad actor, but a scumbag?….jeez

    i didnt pay for it but, get rich or die tryin wasnt horrible, 50’s acting was horrid, but i kinda liked the movie.

    hes a famous celebrity who is smelly rich, of course hollywood is gonna give him work, if paris hilton can be in movies so can he….but i wont watch them

  4. HisDivineShadow

    A famous celebrity ? Yeah I guess to TMZ maybe. I’m sorry but anyone who takes on a gang name and sings rap *music* I don’t want anything to do with…

    And the reason I feel that way is because I don’t like rap *music* and gangers.
    I’m all for movies in where cops kill gang memebers.
    Like STREET KINGS starring Keanu Reeves.in theatres friday!

    I’m turning a bad into a good here..

  5. chris (the real one)

    lol..not a rap fan. ok i can get that, the punctuation around the music seems to imply that u dont consider it music and/or lump it all together with mainstream rap. rap isnt all the gangster crap u hear but thats another story.

    not considering 50 cent as famous is kinda strange tho. im not a fan of his music but u cant deny the fact that he’s internationally known and has three platinum albums. i think that constitutes famous….if not that than at least celebrity status.

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