15 Funniest Movie Scenes That I Can Remember Today

In celebration of April Fools we thought we would celebrate with a list of our most beloved ha ha moments in film. I may be missing some fantastic scenes, and for this very reason I would ask you to share and discuss your favorites in the comments section!

1) Borat - Wrestling In Hotel

When I first saw this scene in the theatre I was bent in half from laughing so hard, Cohen has been known to press his luck with authorities, but to wrestle Ken Davidian nude in the middle of a seminar full of strangers took a tremendous amount of balls; and we are in their debt for taking this chance.

2) Airplane - I Take It Black, Like My Men

When a young boy asks a young girl if she wants cream in her coffee, she responds with this comment that is right out of left field. Airplane is full of fantastic one liners, but this one remains my favorite. The set up is outstanding and the delivery was perfect.

3) The Saddest Music In The World - Man Drinks Out Of Glass Leg

I saw this film just recently and it is a dark comedic masterpiece. A doctor who cut off his lover’s legs in a tragic accident years ago, seeks to woo her back with beer filled glass gams. His own son (Mark Mc Kinney) steals the legs and offers them to her as a gift; winning her affection in the process. To deal with this tragedy, the father stars to drink out of a spare glass leg as he reminisces about his lost love.

4) Brain Candy - The Happiest Memory

A pill locks you into your happiest memory and causes you to live in a state of bliss. Through the magic of cinema we see the happiest moment of Mrs. Hurdiker’s life, and it is a tremendously sad and unfortunate holiday. This scene is hilarious because it shows us the best moment of her life - so the rest in comparison must be a wasteland or sorrow and loneliness. The Kids In The Hall are among the greatest sketch troupes in history and it is a fucking shame that they don’t make more movies together.

5) Revenge Of The Nerds - Tricycle Race

Toshiro takes an alcohol suppressant in the drunken tricycle race, but still gets incredibly hammered. When asked how he is feeling at the 18th lap pit stop he responds by saying Fucking Great! I remember losing it as a kid watching this scene and it’s just as funny today.

6) 40 Year Old Virgin - Chest Waxing

You could see the strain on the actor’s faces in this scene. It took everything they had not to break character and lose their minds laughing. Each punch-line is delivered with severe pain as hair is ripped from Carrel’s chest. This scene was forged in pain, like all great comedy.

7) Team America World Police - Doll Sex

Funniest sex scene ever. This film also has the greatest comedic vomiting scene of all time.

8) The Big Lebowski - Nobody Fucks With The Jesus

A convicted pedophile names Jesus is the bowling nemesis to our band of heroes. The shit slinging dialogue between them is as classic as it gets.

9) The Party - Birdy Num Num

Peter Sellers talks to a bird and repeats the words “Birdy Num Num.” It doesn’t sound funny, but watch Sellers dance - he is a master.

10) Monty Python and the Holy Grail - Black Knight

Dismemberment + denial = hilarious.

11) Strange Wilderness - Laughing Shark

This was a bad movie with some funny scenes, the laughing shark footage is among the funniest ever made.

12) Welfare Party/Flodder - Get Off Your Sister

This Dutch comedy features a white trash family full of ill mannered antics. The sister is an unstoppable force of whoredom and at one point of the film he mother has to break up a sexual encounter she is having with her brother. If you can get your hands on this one - you will be glad you did.

13) Star Trek 4 - Spock Mind Melds With Whale

This may not be funny to many others, but I found this scene to be incredibly entertaining. I think this may be the funniest moment in a Sci-Fi film. Spock is in a whale tank, looking like an escaped mental patient and is mind melding with a whale to save the future.

14) Anchorman - Milk Was A Bad Choice

Ron Burgandy shamed, humiliated and robbed of the job that completes him, shambles the streets as a broken, breaded man. Under the heat of the noon day sun the drifter holds his big box of milk high and proclaims it to be a bad choice. We have all been there.

15) That’s Dog’s Blood

After taking his grandsons to a dog fight, Royal Tennenbaum is confronted by Chas (the father of the boys). When a spot is discovered on one of the face of one of the children Royal is relieved to find out it is only Dogs Blood. When Chas freaks on royal and tells him to stay away from his children, the elder Tennenbaum suggests his son is having a nervous breakdown brought on by the death of his wife.

25 Comments, Comment or Ping

  1. chris bunker

    This is a great list and I totally agree with what u have as #1. Do u like the “Hot Shots” or “Naked Gun” films i just think the sex scene in hot shots with the food is classic. Keep up the great work.

  2. Phil Gee

    I will add to this fine list, the scene in Borat where he stops by the yard sale and demands to know where the Gypsy in charge got her treasures from.

    I’ll also mention this one moment in ‘Anchorman’ which always makes me fall of my chair. During the big fight between the Burgandy, Mantooth and all the other rival news anchors, Luke Wilson arrives for his cameo and introduces himself. Burgandy says “you bums have been in third place for years”. Wilson replies “oh yeah, well you’re about to be in…..dead place”.

    It’s the most blissfully stupid line i’ve ever heard and the way he delivers it just kills me everytime. I often try to use that line in polite conversation.

  3. Brandon

    My choice from the insane Team America would be the Vomit Scene. I can’t even describe how hard I was laughing in the theatre. I thought I was going to die (I literally couldn’t breathe). Mostly because it started off as your standard vomit scene..then went sooooo long..and then the sputters..oh God.

    And props for Holy Grail..I enjoyed Lancealot’s ridiculously long run to the castle..followed by the “aha!” and stabbing death. Fantastic comedy gold.


  4. Phil Gee


    Nice choice Brandon; Lancelot’s run is the best.


    The 40yr Old Virgin chest waxing is classic, Doug, but I think if the actors would’ve caused some retakes, it could’ve ended up as one of the best “outtakes” features on DVD! Great list…

  6. Nueztoy

    Spaceballs. two scenes:
    “Who made that man a gunner?”
    “No, no, no, no… light speed is too slow”

  7. HisDivineShadow

    Haha thanks for making me laugh today.

    Brain Candy what a underated comedy.
    I personally liked the opening where mom gets home and asks where’s dad, and the kids say “oh he’s upstairs masterbating to gay porn again”.

    That Star Trek 4 scene was also halarious. (I think its soo funny cause Nimoys playing it so seriously.

    One thing that’s also kinda funny about Star Trek 4 is think about the people at Starfleets point of view. “The worlds being torn apart by the whale probe, Kirk takes off in a Klingon ship flys around the sun and returns in about 10 min with a couple of whales from the past” (just another day).

  8. Mkfreak2

    The ending of Dr. Strangelove
    “Peed on a corpse”- Kiss Kiss Bang Bang

    Two of the funniest scenes ever.

  9. Rickious

    What? Not one scene from “Army of Darkness”? Boo!

  10. Kristina

    Anything in Hot Fuzz. Seriously. ANYTHING.

  11. Andee23

    Robin Hood Men in Tights

    Prince John says to the Sheriff of Rottingham

    “Save me, save me! Hurt them, hurt them”

    To Which the Sheriff of Rottingham Replies

    “Right! Save them, save them, hurt you, hurt you! I’ve got it!”

  12. Kristina

    “Pearl Harbor Sucked and I Miss You” from Pearl Harbor nearly made me piss myself.

  13. Mozzerino

    My Top 10 that I can think of at the moment.

    It’s the whole movie. Seriously, I can’t single out one scene, how could you decide? Stonehenge, This goes to eleven, getting lost behind the stage, complaining about the food, etc….
    This is and will always be the funniest movie ever.

    2. The Dude, Walter and Donnie discussing the injustice of soiling the Dude’s rug in THE BIG LEBOWSKI

    3. Ben Stein explaining “Vodoo economics” in FERRIS BUELLER’S DAY OFF.

    4. Steve Coogan and Rob Brydon discussing the color of Rob’s teeth in TRISTRAM SHANDY: A COCK AND BULL STORY

    5. Leslie Nielsen breaking into Ricardo Montalban’s office in NAKED GUN.

    6. The Folksmen discussing poor record-company support in A MIGHTY WIND. “If you punched a hole in it you’d have a good time!”

    7. Woody Allen remembering his classmates in ANNIE HALL. “I’m into leather.”

    8. The “Pearl Harbor sucks”-song from TEAM AMERICA

    9. Seth Rogen and Paul Rudd tripping out in Vegas in KNOCKED UP.
    “There are five different types of chairs in this room.”

    10. Gary Cole visiting Ron Livingston to tell him about the TPS reports in OFFICE SPACE.

  14. Brandon

    It’s the whole movie. Seriously, I can’t single out one scene, how could you decide? Stonehenge, This goes to eleven, getting lost behind the stage, complaining about the food, etc….
    This is and will always be the funniest movie ever.”

    Mozzerino, have you ever listened to the commentary track for the movie? Its almost better than the film as all the guys stay in character.

    When the limo driver gets pissed and calls them “limeys”..they counter with calling him a “Limm-y”. Greatness.

  15. John J. Rambo

    A couple from There’s Something About Mary. I saw this at the theater during a sneak preview. The theater was packed and these two scenes had the audience rolling in the isles. I literally have never seen a theater of people so besides themselves with laughter…

    1. The hair gel scene.
    2. The frank and beans scene.

  16. sfsilver

    A couple of favorites of mine to add:

    1.Dawn Davenport doesn’t get her “cha cha heals” on Christmas morning in “Female Trouble”, John Waters subversive comic masterpiece. This is the ultimate dysfunctional family Christmas morning scene. A Christmas tree is used as a weapon. Kills me every time.

    2. Catherine O’Hara and Fred Willard discuss penis reduction and vagina enlargement surgeries in “Waiting for Guffman”

    3. “I don’t trust something that bleeds for 3 days and doesn’t die” (not exact quote) by Mr Garrison/Uncle Fucker song from South Park Bigger Longer Uncut. I went expecting to be mildly amused and these two moments in particular elevated the film to instant comedy masterpiece.

  17. nbakid2000

    I watched “Haggard” last night all the way through (Bam Margera’s movie) and laughed my ass off at the scene in the record store when Rake Yohn (Hellboy) gets set up to be attacked by the record store clerk.

    And the part when Raab Himself gets into the accident with the semi was hilarious too.

  18. Raoul

    I’ve got 4 scenes from “Men At Work”, w/ the Sheen brothers, all of them include the incredible Keith David in a most hilarious role as the psycho Vietnam vet:

    When they find the dead guy in the garbage can, David says, “Lookee here, somebody threw away a perfectly good white boy!”

    Again, when he terrorizes the pizza dude: “Back in Fu-Bai, I would’ve snapped his neck like a twig!”

    The scene with the two idiot cops when David says, ‘”You can tell Mr. Sneaky-man I can tell the difference between a flashlight and a .45!”

    Lastly, when they pan up to David’s face after they’ve handcuffed the two clueless cops to the merry-go-round in their underwear, and he says, “Well, now, don’t they look sweet?”

  19. doug nagy

    Men At Work is classic!

    I saw one last night that was also insanely funny.

    Fear And Loathing - Gary Busey (as a cop) asks for a little kiss

  20. Anthony

    In the 40-Year Old Virgin, my personal favorite scene is when they are playing video games asking “You know how I know you are gay…” Much funnier than the waxing scene.

  21. Azizan

    fifth element,

    the scene where bruce willis buys some Chinese food and a letter came in. here’s the line:

    Mr. Kim: You got a message.
    Korben Dallas: Yeah
    Mr. Kim: You’re not gonna open it? It might be important.
    Korben Dallas: Yeah, like the last two I got were important. The first one was from my wife, telling me she was leaving. The second was from my lawyer, telling me he was leaving… with my wife.
    Mr. Kim: Ah, that’s bad luck. Grandfather say it not rain everyday. This is good news, guaranteed. I bet your lunch.
    Korben Dallas: Okay, you’re on.
    Mr. Kim: Come on…
    Mr. Kim: YOU ARE FIRED! Oh.
    Korben Dallas: Well, at least I won lunch.

    love that scene. watch it 2-3 times every time i see the movie

  22. Viddiction

    The list looks pretty impressive and thanks for putting up this list.What about “15 scary scenes ” in the last decade ?

  23. sinema

    yeah i still laugh for borad scene in hotel when i remember

  24. Dragonslayer

    Saving Private Ryan-Fuck Hitler

    German guy tries to trick others into thinking he’s on america’s side, and they aren’t convinced, which leads him to say, “Fuck Hitler”

    I loved that scene.

  25. Dragonslayer

    Spaceballs-Say goodbye to your two little friends, and I don’t mean your pals in the Wenibego!

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