X-Files 2 Teaser Poster

With X-Files 2 getting closer and closer, you can expect more and more stuff from the film to get “leaked” and released in the coming days. For now, the good folks over at ComingSoon got their hands on this X-Files 2 teaser poster. My opinion… meh… it is what it is… a teaser poster. The purpose of these is more or less just to announce that something is coming and not much more than that. On THAT level it does its job.


6 Comments, Comment or Ping

  1. Kristina

    You’d have to look at the very bottom of the poster to be sure what the hell this movie is.

  2. Klendathu

    Cmon guys, it’s either this or floating heads. Very creative, kudos to designer.

  3. RJ

    I loved the TV series but not been upto date with stuff regarding the new film, anyone got a link for detailed explaination on it? (Yes I am lazy, and a bit drunk).

  4. Andee23

    I was a fan of the television series I loved the earlier seasons and even tolerated the later seasons. With that being said I am not really looking forward to the new film, I felt that way when it was initially announced that the film was actually going into production and none of the news and promotional materials released thus far has raised my expectations for the film.

    Anyone else have similar sentiments?

  5. Alex

    Wow. That’s a really good teaser poster. Can’t wait to see this.

  6. Jordan

    Looking forward to see this i loved the tv show and the fist movie was good the teeser poster sets the stage

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