Will Smith Secret Scientologist? Should It Matter?

Will-Smith-Scientologist.jpgIt was a couple of days ago that a story broke about Will Smith actually being a Scientologist and Sony Studios trying to kill the story. The good folks over at Defamer broke it, and here’s the short version of what went down:

- MSNBC broke a story that Will Smith was a secret Scientologist.

- Sony Studios (who is releasing Smith’s new film “Hancock“) allegedly flipped out and contacted MSNBC in an attempt to get them to pull or change the story.

- MSNBC refused to pull the story

- Sony released a denial statement from Will Smith about being a Scientologist.

- Smith’s Scientologist friends got upset about the denial

- MSNBC later updated their story to say that Sony never contacted them in an attempt to get them to pull the story.

- Defamer insists their story is accurate and is standing by it.

So is Will Smith a Scientologist? More importantly should it matter? Personally I don’t give two squats what religious philosophy a person holds too weather it’s Scientology, Hinduism, Atheism, Christianity, Islam or what have you. Your personal beliefs are your personal beliefs and as far as I’m concerned you’re free to have them and even express them if you wish no matter if I agree with them or not. When you’re on the screen you’re a different character and all I care about is if you play that character well or not.

However, it is interesting that (at least according to this story) a major studio sees association with Scientology to be a potentially damaging thing. Perhaps they still see a Tom Cruise backlash and don’t want to be associated with it.

It would be hard to blame Sony for thinking this way. After all, Mission Impossible 3 was forecasted to take in about $205-220 million domestically. In the heart of the whole Tom Cruise craziness the film only managed to take $135 million. Cruises next film, “Lion for Lambs” only managed $15 million. So if the Tom Cruise Scientology thing is a part of that rapid decrease in Cruise bankability, you could understand Sony wanting to distance Will Smith from it (at least until after Hancock comes out.

So here are a couple of questions for you guys:

1) If it came out that Will Smith was a Scientologist, WOULD it effect (not SHOULD it effect) your interest or desire in anyway to see his projects?

2) Now, do you think Smith coming out as a Scientologist would effect the desire of OTHER PEOPLE to see his projects?

I’m really curious to hear what you guys think.

60 Comments, Comment or Ping

  1. Jonathan

    Jesus Christ… if anyone that was previously a fan of Will Smith’s work stopped watching his movies if he came out as a Scientologist, they should seriously follow these two easy steps:
    A) go fuck themselves
    B) do the world a favor and jump in front of a speeding bus

  2. Kevin C

    It wouldnt affect what movies I see. I think Tom Cruise is fruitloops but I cant wait to see Valkyrie, cuz the guy is a great actor.

    Same would go for Will Smith, to a lesser degree, because I dont know if Smith is as good an actor as Cruise yet.

  3. Brenda

    The public melt down and pure insanity that spewed forth from Tom Cruise is pretty hard to ignore. The man is sick, and he’s the main face for this cult. I’m sorry, but if Will Smith choose to be a part of that, it would seriously influence my opinion and respect for him.

    It’s difficult to be entertained by someone you don’t have much respect for.

  4. AjaxLou

    1) No

    2) A small percentage. It would only have a real impact if he began to publicly promote his beliefs.

    Lumping people together is stereo-typing and prejudicial. As long as one acts professionally their personal beliefs and/or life styles should be of no concern.

  5. RyanMag

    Why do people feel the need to make so much fun about a group of religious fanatics called Scientologists who believe that we came from aliens(besides the easy target of the science fiction ties), when more than half of the USA is made up of a group of religious fanatics who believe we came from a big man in the sky?

    We aren’t so different, we all believe what we believe. Let’s just try to accept that while we watch Cruise and Smith in their movies.

  6. RyanMag

    OH yeah, i forgot about the questions.

    1) No, it will definitely not affect my interest in his movies.

    2) Yes, because there are rude and arrogant people out there who think they are better than everyone else.

  7. Matt

    1.) No

    2.) No

    Unless Will Smith goes off the deep end like Tom Cruise and starts jumping on couches and secluding Jada Pinkett to his mansion with an ankle bracelet like Tom does to Katie. I personally think Will Smith is too cool and smart to publicly talk about Scientology and I don’t think he is a Scientologist anyways.

  8. CastleKnight

    1) Personally it would make no difference to me whether or not Will Smith is a scientologist. I think Scientology is a flawed religion but I would not judge if I want to go see a film based upon the beliefs of an actor involved with it. I think Hancock looks like a very good film with an interesting premise and I intend to go see it whatever Will Smith believes in. It makes no difference to me.

    2) I think this will do nothing to hurt the box office receipts of Hancock. It may get the film a lot more attention but i highly doubt that many people will be put off by this revelation. Tom Cruise is different because he has become a bit of a freak over his religious views and people are actually repulsed by him now meaning his films do not do as well at the box office. I do not see this happening for Smith.

    Lions For Lambs is a bad example because the trailers for the film were awful, reviews mixed and some people were bound to disagree with the political views that Redford put forward. Cruise only had a supporting role and personally I don’t think him being a scientologist had anything to do with the poor box office results the film got.

    @Brenda: I disagree with your final line. I can think of many musicians and film actors that I think are complete idiots and still like their work. Eg) I hate Russell Crowe as a person. He constantly gets into the trouble with the press, comes across as irritating in interviews and is a member of a horrible music group. However I can still be entertained by him. He was immense in Gladiator and very good in 3:10 to Yuma.

  9. Hey Ryanmag,

    You said:

    Yes, because there are rude and arrogant people out there who think they are better than everyone else.

    Do you see the irony in your comment? Basically you just said that anyone who has a different opinion than you on this issue is “arrogant and rude”… thus you’re essentially saying you’re better than they are. You then go on to accuse those who have a different opinion than you of “thinking they are better than everyone else”.

    Personally, I agree with you in principle. As I said in my post, what a person believes doesn’t bother nor concern me. But I can totally understand, with all the Cruise whackiness, why some people would be put off by an entertainer who decides to associate himself with that whackiness.

    Personally, I still like Cruise as an actor very much and like watching his work… but I wouldn’t let him babysit my kids (if I had any that is)

  10. Jay E

    1.) If the movie looks interesting (or gets really good reviews), I will see it.

    2.) It will affect those who are uninterested in a movie but will see it because an actor they like is in it. These people go to the movies and say “I don’t know anything about this movie, but Will Smith is in it and I like him, let’s see it”. If you remove the “I like [Will Smith]” from the equation due to Scientology, you have less people of this mentality seeing his movies. The percentage of total box office sales these people create may be small, but to a studio it does not matter. Studios want everyone to see their movie, and anything that prevents even a small percentage of people from seeing their movie is money lost.

  11. Hey Jay E

    That’s actually a great observation. I think you’re probably 100% correct.

  12. RyanMag

    Hey John,

    I suppose I jumped the gun on that answer to the question and made MYSELF look rude and arrogant, and i can see where I came off as contradicting myself. I guess what I basically want to say was simply:

    Yes, I think there are other people out there who won’t see it because of this reason.

    And thinking about it more, people have the right to do so no matter how sad of a fact it is.

    If anyone just read your response, John, I probably just disappointed their hopes in a FIERCE COMMENT BATTLE. But what can I say, you called me out and all I could think was “shit, I DID do that.”

    Thanks for the response.

  13. Andrew James

    Not to mention RyanMag, you said:

    “…half of the USA is made up of a group of religious fanatics who believe we came from a big man in the sky?”

    Really? I’ve yet to meet these people. It must be the 50 percent I haven’t met yet.


    1) No
    2) Yes

  14. FilmNerdJamie

    In answer to both of your questions, John; it will ultimately boil down to how Smith acts about his new found faith publicly (if indeed the man IS a Scientologist).

    People have known for Y-E-A-R-S of Cruise being a member of that church. It was only recently when he basically got in people’s faces about it (i.e. went fucking nuts) and specifically his going after Brooke Shields that made the public turn against him.

    If Smith were to pull that kind of shit, then yes he’s fucked. But remember, John Travolta has been a hard-core Scientologist (for even longer than Cruise) and the general still likes him. And that’s because he doesn’t shove his beliefs down other peoples’ throats. Quiet the opposite, he usually prefers to keep Scientology out of the conversation entirely.

  15. Kristina

    It wouldn’t stop me from seeing his films. What stops me from seeing his films is his desire to rest on his laurels and do the Big Willie AWW HELL NAWW thing in every movie. He’s a really talented guy, and I’d like to see him push himself rather than kill aliens every summer.

    However, it would change the way that I look at him as a person. I’m not a big fan of organized religion to begin with, and Scientology seems like some extreme cult organization. Everything I’ve read and seen about the organization honestly gives me the willies. I can’t help but look at him differently if this is true. Why does he feel the need to HIDE about it, if this is true? That in and of itself is a red flag that something is shady about those people if they feel the need to hide behind their money and power. Anybody can waltz into a Catholic church, plop down into a pew, and worship. Why is Scientology hidden away? What do they have to hide, if they’re such a benevolent religion? Something is not right there. If you’re involved in an organization like that, it doesn’t matter how nice of a guy you are. You are judged by the company you keep, and Scientologists are some potentially sinister company. It would be like finding out that my best friend is a Nazi. Doesn’t matter how nice she is, fact is, she’s a fucking NAZI.

    I’m not saying that Scientologists are Nazis, but you get what I mean. I hope.

  16. Dave

    1. yes

    2. yes

    If anyone would like to do some reading about scientology and its victims, a good place to start would be here: http://www.xenu.net

  17. Anonymous

    1. Yes, because Scientology is a cult.
    2. Yes, because Scientology is a cult.

    Hey guess what? Scientology is a cult. A pyramid scheme. A load of fucking bullshit. It’s followers are brutally brainwashed. It aggressively leaches money from it’s followers to make the leaders richer. Scientology destroys lives.

  18. bjon86



    I know what you mean by Scientology being “hidden” but the truth is, it isn’t. Nobody’s stopping you from going into one of their buildings. Shit, in any city where they have a building, somewhere near that building they will have their “stress test” thing where they sell their Dianetics books. They have all their basic books in every library in the U.S.

    And all that creepy stuff you’ve either heard or read, is most likely stuff you’ve gotten from “some guy” or “some book” whom or which was not the correct source.

    All I know about it, is they programs that get people off hard drugs and have them completely drug free with no more feelings of addiction and they have a program that get criminals honest and straight again for real. They also have courses a person can take that help that person become an excellent student.

    So, sorry but that doesn’t sound creepy to me. It’s sounds like they wanna help. Oh and, RyanMag, all that shit about Aliens is total bullshit. I have a couple friends that are Scientologist and they laugh when people talk about Scientology saying that “we came from aliens.”

    So I’ve said my peace.

  19. Gerhard Köpke

    (I am from Germany, so excuse any mistakes, but I guess you wouldn’t understand German. :D)
    Are you guys even aware of what scientology is about? You should be, after what Tom Cruise said in that crazy scientology-interview, you probably all know of. After that, everyone should have taken a closer look at Scientolog (But I guess some Americans are actually as ignorant, as the rest of the world thinks. No offence, because I have been to the States for a while and know at least a few, that are no ignorant fools.).

    Scientology isn’t just any church. They are a bunch of maniacs, that treat their “members” pretty bad. Of course not Cruise and Smith, because they are free advertising. But other than that…they are manipulative, they want to get rid of non-believers, they threat any members that want to get out and so on.

    I mean, I always liked Smith, but I think he is as stupid as Cruise for falling for that crap. I actually wouldn’t mind, if he never did any more movies.

  20. Gfunk

    1. No… I still like to see Tom Cruise movies, if there good, even though he has turned into a complete wack job. Although, I admit, I’m not quit as excited as I use to be for a Tom Cruise movies, due to is theatrics. But I would feel no different with Will, especially if he’s normal about it, as I couldn’t really give two shits what his religion is as long he not all up in peoples faces about it like Tommy.

    2. Yes, refer to Jay E’s answer as its pretty dead on.

  21. Phil Gee

    1) Honestly, who is in a film is almost never a factor in whether i see it, it’s all about the concept, so no.

    2) I have enough faith in the human race to believe that only a select few people would engage a self-inflicted boycott of an actor’s movies because they are a Scientologist. People think Tom Cruise is a prat so they haven’t gone to his latest films; simple as, i think.

  22. funktard

    I don’t care about religion at all, personally I’m pretty agnostic, but I find the fucking Christian people who think that modern religions are ridiculous kind of funny. They believe in angels and resurrection, but aliens are ludicrous? Okay.

  23. Phil Gee

    You have to admit, those angels have cool names. I can’t say Xenu with a straight face.

  24. Jano

    1) No (unless, as someone referenced before, he starts jumping on a couch -see explanation below)
    2) Maybe.

    Someone must have said this before as well, but if Mr. Smith starts acting publicly like John Nash (as portrayed in Rusell Crow’s rendition. I have never meat the real Nash) or Tom Cruise some people will not help but remembering his antics every time they watch one of his movies.

    I got the link to the “Valkyrie” trailer this morning and I just watched it a couple of minutes ago. To be honest the trailer looks interesting (good actors, good director, hopefully a good script); however, I could not help but unconsciously search for one of those deranged manerisms that Mr. Cruise is showing these days.

    I have the impression that Johnny Depp is also kind of “weird”…can I watch his movies without thinking about his “weirdness”? Yes. With Tom Cruise however I cannot detach his public behavior from the characters he portrays now.

    By the way, I don’t care about Scientology (actually, I find it rather amusing thanks to South Park).

  25. RyanMag

    @ Andrew James

    It’s a rough estimate, but I think pretty darn close to say half. How do you explain the re-election of Bush?

    and did you really just say that you have not met ONE person that goes to church? Let alone SEE a church with people possibly walking in or out of it?

  26. miles

    well….if he is a scientologist then it means that he

    - is a moron


    - is high enough up that he makes money off of morons

    either way it signifigantly lowers my opinion of him.

  27. Vek

    Firstly, Scientology is another a religion. It is a sect and a very corrosive and dangerous one. To be honest, Will Smith being inferred as a scientologist just makes me question his sexuality. For years people have spread rumors he is gay and Jada Pinkett is a lesbian and when you look at the high-profile people in the scientology sect — they’ve all had those whisperings surrounding them.

    However, I would still watch his movies, I just wouldn’t want to spend much time with him if his core beliefs lie in such a skewered and sinister cult such as scientology.

  28. Vek

    Firstly, Scientology is not a religion. It is a sect and a very corrosive and dangerous one. To be honest, Will Smith being inferred as a scientologist just makes me question his sexuality. For years people have spread rumors he is gay and Jada Pinkett is a lesbian and when you look at the high-profile people in the scientology sect — they’ve all had those whisperings surrounding them.

    However, I would still watch his movies, I just wouldn’t want to spend much time with him if his core beliefs lie in such a skewered and sinister cult such as scientology.

  29. Vek

    Apologies for the double post.

  30. RonSalon

    People are terrified of organized religion; I am as well. People are terrified of unorganized religion; I am as well. Why do I believe that, you might ask. Both are flawed, pointless and that is what causes suffering of every kind, everyday.

    Kristina even said, “It would be like finding out that my best friend is a…” A what? A what?

    “A Nazi, Jew, Nigger,Cracker, Faggot, Basher, Christian, Atheist or The Whatever Things I Fear.”


    I don’t like Scientology or Christology or Jewology or Abrahamology or any ‘ology’. You want to study and pray to what? The Unknown.

    “Sometimes he answers and sometimes he doesn’t, just wait, really, wait. Did you here that?”

    It may be a burning bush or a big tidal wave or maybe, and even better, someones mom didn’t die of cancer while twenty thousand more died in America or Africa from starvation.

    And where is the good Pope? Assigning new sins up there in his castle with Xenu, Ra and Zues. Oh, the Unknown… Now I see…them and us…sin and purity…light and darkness. Perhaps Mr. Freud was onto something! What do you think?

    Did you ever read The Mist?

    Unfortunately, ninety-percent of the world is bound by their god and hence duality. Look what it does.

    Would I see his movie if Will came out a scientologist? It depends on the movie, but if the CGI is as bad as I Am Legend…no.
    Do I think it will change America’s view of Will if he is and hence, box of receipts? Them and us, baby, them and us…

  31. Meli

    I don’t think Smith is a Scientologist, but is simply friends with Cruise. Would it affect my going to see movies Smith is in? Most likely not.

    Will it affect other people from seeing his movies? Yes, a small percentage.

    I don’t care what a person wants to believe in. What disturbs me about this Cult is you can’t be a member for free, as in other religions. Oh the first “stress test” is free, but that’s just to get you in. They might try to put on an innoccent face, but don’t be fooled. They separate families, use kids for hard labor, harass their critics and force people to disconnect from their families who aren’t part of the church. Even David Miscaviages niece Jenna is speaking out. Why would she lie?

    I know other religions have been associated with horrific crimes in the past. It’s horrible what human nature is capable of, especially in the name of their religion.
    It’s time for Scientology to be exposed and put to shame. Things need to be made right cause everyday this cult violates human rights.

  32. leeloo

    knowing someone is a scientologist takes me completely out of watching them for what they intend.
    i guess ive read enough about it to make me seriously scratch my head how anyone could embrace it.
    theres so much info concerning this cults true nature available that to be ignorant about it is just as absurd as l. ron hubbard.

  33. LeoM

    1) Yes
    2) Yes

    I will never see a Will Smith movie again (or a Tom C for that matter) - my desire for him as an actor and a person is lost. You can believe what you want in life - that is a personal freedom - but when Ron Hubbard (creator of ST says he wants to start “a religion to make money rather than writing fiction” my desire to watch someone that I thought was a interesting (smart) celebrity, turns out to be just a naive and gullible person. Read about ST on the internet to become informed.

    I find it interesting that we give the UFO community and Bigfoot hunters nothing but laughs, taunts and grief - not willing to put our name near anything they do, but we are willing to shell out money that Will and Tom can tithe to this pseudo cult? Come on.

    Religious right is all fine and dandy, but if we are going to give a fair shake to these guys, I can only ask why we have such a problem with Jim Jones, Heaven’s Gate & David Koresh - oh yea, because in time they self-destructed and everyone died. Don’t forget the cult of Raelian movement while we are at it.

    I am not giving my money to these guys - neither Tom or Will (and in turn ST). Let these ‘actors’ tell ST there deepest desires, fears and wrong-doing so that ST can hold it against them later in life - their problem, not mine. No Tom, No Will, No Money.

  34. nbakid2000

    1. No - I’m not really a big Will Smith film fan anyway, so it wouldn’t really affect me as far as wanting to see his movies. I actually really really like him as a person, but if he IS a Scientologist I can see myself being put off by it - not drastically, but in general.

    2. I think it WOULD affect other’s opinions on him and his films - maybe not detrimentally because, let’s face it — the dude is a total class act and pretty much everyone loves this guy — but I can see his popularity and films taking a hit because of it.

  35. Travis

    I heard that Smith had been exploring Scientology a few months ago and was relieved when he came out and said that it was not for him. I would be extremely bummed out by an actor that I’ve been a fan of for so long, being sucked into the trap that is Scientology, and it sure would lower my regard for Smith. Would this affect my desire to see a film starring Smith? Yes. More than likely, I would lose interest in most of his films, as they are little more than a fun way to spend an hour or so laughing.. However, if he were to make a film that actually looked important and interesting and play a character that was the same, I could set my personal distaste for the actor aside. I wasn’t planning on paying to see Hancock.

    Scientology sells science fiction novels and self help videos for thousands upon thousands of dollars. My main qualm (aside from the documented cases of physical and psychological abuse within the church as well as abuse aimed towards those that speak out against them) with the organization is the tax exempt status they hold. If you had all the answers to living the perfect life, and knew how to make the world a better place (as they claim), why wouldn’t you want to share it with as many people as possible? It blows my mind that religious texts can be copyrighted.

  36. Kristina


    As long as Johnny looks like that, he can be as weird as he damn well pleases:)


    I know you can walk into a Scientology church, but the manner in which they bully and intimidate people who attempt to investigate their practices creeps me the hell out. And why do you have to pay so much money to be apart of the church? Seems like one big scam to me.

  37. bjon86

    Hey Kristina. Where did you get your information about people being bullied who try to investigate the church? There are people who have gone all up in the church saying that they are investigating when what they are really doing is trying to make it look strange do this and that. ANYBODY can walk in and get a free tour of any one of their buildings.

    Also years ago in the 80s or actually I think the 90s the Scientology church went under a huge investigation and all of it’s books and materials had to be given to the “FEDS” to look deeply through so they could see for themselves if this “Scientology thing” really was a religion. And obviously they came out and said that it was in fact a religion.

    Any time who hear somebody bad mouthing something, ask that person “what is it that YOU did to that group or thing that you are so loudly bad mouthing?” That would be a very good question.

    Just look at the programs they have and look what their volunteer ministers have done and are doing around the world. The fire fighters from 911 LOVED the church’s volunteer ministers and LOVED what they did for them. They were also at Katrina and at that place where that Tsunami hit over there in Asia or something. Doesn’t sound like a “cult” once you get the real information.

    When you’re reading info about a person or a group of some kind, listen to HOW that person describes that group or person. If somebody is describing the inner-workings of a group, they should just give straight data about what they’re actions, programs and beliefs and then they need to give their source which in the case of a religion would be THEIR PERSONAL TEXT. That’s how you get REAL data.

    And they copy write their stuff so that it can’t be twisted and written down by some guy who got the info wrong. What you read in those books is the true data. Look how many religions came from the Bible. That’s just ONE book. Need I say more? I don’t want to anyways.

  38. Travis




    Read the second one (it refers to all the alien stuff), and ask yourself, or your Scientologist friends why there is a volcano on the cover of Dianetics.

    Just things to think about…

  39. Joseph Ferrarelli

    Last time I checked, Slick Willy was indeed a Scientologist.
    I seem to recall an interview he did during press for I AM LEGEND where he outright said it.

  40. erocka

    i be uber pissed if he was a scientologist…. just like i don’t respect mr. cruise anymore fucking will smith best not be a scientologist boy!!!! who’s next…. Keanu?

  41. kryptonite

    L Ron Hubbard (the father of Scientology) once said early in his writing career:

    “The easiest way to become rich quickly is to start your own religion.”

    He did. And Scientology followers all over the world FELL FOR IT. You want to know why Christians, Jews, Muslims and damn near everyone else laugh at Scientology? THAT’S why.

  42. bjon86

    @ kryptonite

    Where did he say that? Where did you get that info from?

  43. Ramsey

    i now hate will smith and will burn all of my fresh prince dvds because he’s now a Scientologist.

  44. nbakid2000

    Smith has admitted to studying Scientology and he has said many complimentary things about the controversial religion. He and his wife are close friends of prominent Scientologists Tom Cruise and Katie Holmes, which has led to rumors that Smith is also a Scientologist. Although Smith has said, “I just think a lot of the ideas in Scientology are brilliant and revolutionary and non-religious.”[23][24] and, “Ninety-eight percent of the principles in Scientology are identical to the principles of the Bible…. I don’t think that because the word someone uses for spirit is ‘thetan’ that the definition becomes any different”[25], he has denied having joined the Scientology Church, saying “I am a Christian. I am a student of all religions, and I respect all people and all paths.”[26]. After Jada made the film Collateral with Cruise in 2004, the couple donated USD$20,000 to Scientology’s literacy campaign, called HELP, The Hollywood Education and Literacy Program, which is the basis for Scientology’s home-schooling system.[27]

    - Wikipedia

  45. nbakid2000

    Smith admits he has spoken with Cruise about the church the Mission: Impossible actor is a fervent campaigner for, but he could never follow writer and thinker L. Ron Hubbard’s belief system.

    He says, “I’ve talked to Tom about it-(there’s) lots of incredible, wonderful concepts (but, my wife) Jada (Pinkett Smith) and I don’t necessarily believe in organized religion.

    “I was raised in a Baptist household and my grandmother would get up out of her casket (if I became a Scientologist).”

    - Hollywood.com


  46. Kristina


    Remember that wacky Cruise video that was leaked online a little while ago, along with that Scientology banquet video? That video was released by the website Gawker, which was beseiged with threatening letters from the Church, threatening legal action against the website if they didn’t pull the video. WHY? There was nothing salacious in the video. It was a video showcasing their religion, produced BY THEM. Why wouldn’t they want the world to know about this religion that they are so damn proud of? Remember the South Park episode that ripped Scientology a new one? Remember how they threw a bitch fit, how Isaac Hayes quit the shot, how Tom Cruise threatened Paramount by saying that he wouldn’t promote MI3 if they didn’t pull the episode? Those people are trying to hide, and when the spotlight is on them in a way that doesn’t suit their devices, they go into legal eagle mode. It’s suspicious as hell. They are sue-happy because they’ve got something to hide.

  47. Ezell

    Yea its bull shit to judge some ones religion. I mean sure all People bash others religion but don’t hate discrimanate them for it. And it seems a lot of the people that have a problem with Mel Gibson saying a remark to a jewish cop when he is drunk da Who wouldn’t talk trash to a cop when there drunk. well those same people In the Media who bash him for that give Tom Cruse shit for his religion hmmm fucking Hipocrites.

    yea my spelling blows well so do the Tabloids.

  48. Meli

    Like to offer another insightful website I have recently been to: http://exscientologykids.com/

  49. bjon86

    @ Kristina

    Aight. I get what you’re saying. I really do. I disagreed with the South Park thing, but I also understood why they were upset. It’s because people beLIEVE that shit even though it’s a joke. They believe all this weird restarted shit about aliens and stuff and the Scientology church is just tired of all that bullshit making people believe it as fact, ya know.

    And that video of that Scientology banquet thing (my Scientologist friend told me this) had been mixed up a lil bit with some other music plaing in the background to make it seem weird when really all they were doing was rewarding Cruise.

    But I get what you’re saying. And I appreciate that, though you feel differently about it then me, you didn’t try to rip me a new one for trying to back it up. But seriously go to a library if you live in the States and pick up one of their basic books. Or go to THEIR website. Never trust the words of somebody who sounds angry, like those exscientologist.

  50. Kristina


    Yeah, I don’t rip people new ones just for having different opinions. I fucking hate it when people do that to me, so I wouldn’t do you the disservice. No problem.

  51. bjon86


    This may be wasting a comment box, but I had to say that’s real cool of you. aight I’m done.

  52. sal

    I would like to say it wouldn’t affect me viewing a film but the truth is it would. I don’t care what religion people are being non-religious myself, it doesn’t bother me. But scientology is different, I don’t recognise it as a valid religion and see it as a cult and therefore think anyone associated with it is a bit whacko for want of a better word. Sayin that though, “valid religion?” I suppose I mean traditional religion. Even so, believing in all that fictional alien nonsense like Xenu and his frikkin galactic colony issues is a bit far fetched.

  53. kanthan


    ‘what a person believes doesn’t bother nor concern me’

    I totally disagree with that John. Sometimes people believe in something through ingnorance. Hitler opinion was that of intolorance. Would I ever go and watch something that hitler was in. NO, of course NOT. Ok scientology may not be as bad but it also has some very ignorant beliefs and if I for one moment thought that someone I respected felt the same then i would disown them. DO I THINK I BETTER THEN HITLER BECAUSE HE HAS A DIFFIRENT OPINION. HELL YES. People are stupid and are lead easy and any opinion that i think is dangerous through my own logic and reason. I am against.

  54. kanthan

    I get so annoyed when people dont question other peoples beliefs. (not bash but question) One reason why we still have religious fanatics. I used to have a GF who was of a diffrent faith from me and she believed that all gay people should throw themselves of a mountain for redemption. Now if i didnt ever question her belief, she would have still felt like that. When i hear a bullshit opinion I call it that. BULLSHIT and if you stop then the world will never change for the better

  55. Ian Morris

    Scientology isn’t a religion, it’s a cult.

    It may be allowed to call itself a religion in the US, but here in the UK, and Europe I think, it is not permitted to claim that it is a religion.

    If people want to give all their money to a cult, then fine, that’s their choice as a free human being. I’m not going to stop them, although I do pity the people who come out the other end realising that they’ve made a mistake.

    I like Will Smith, I’ll keep watching his movies because I think he’s a likeable talent, who knows how to pick good flicks to appear in. I also think Tom Cruise is decent. His problem is different though, he’s still a good actor, but it’s hard to take him seriously these days as everyone knows what a mental case he is. Still, I’ll watch his movies if they are good.

  56. Calviin

    Well, here’s the short of it for me.
    I don’t care for Scientology. I don’t like the way the organization is run and the litigiousness of the group.

    If a Scientologist were starring in a movie, I might actually be less inclined to go see it because some amount of the money they make goes in some way to support that group.

    So for me, I would have to weigh the difference between how I feel about minorly supporting this group, versus how I enjoy the actor’s movies. For Will Smith, I like his movies more than Tom Cruise, so I might still go see them. I am not really sure just yet.

  57. SZ.0000

    (Type your comment here. Make sure you’ve read the commenting rules before doing so)Before you could entertain the idea of not watching Will Smiths movies if he were a Scientologist you would first have to take a look at the long list of other Scientologist actors (Travolta, Jason Lee, Juliette Lewis, Ethan Supplee, Giovanni Ribissi, Leah Remini, Catherine Belle to name a few). Do you consider that factor before watching their movies or T.V. shows?

    Not watching a movie because an actor is a Scientologist would be like not watching a movie because it was made by a Jewish Director or Producer. If you did either you wouldn’t go to the movies much.

    Oh, those anti scientology sites are fine but they’re kind of like going to a KKK rally to learn about black people. You can’t expect to get all your facts straight going there.

    Nuff said.

  58. Kristina


    When was the last time any of the actors that you mentioned were relevant? I don’t their stuff, not because they’re in a weirdo cult, but because they suck:)

  59. sz.0000

    (Type your comment here. Make sure you’ve read the commenting rules before doing so)@Kristina

    Why would you don’t their stuff? :)

    Travolta is obviously Hollywood royalty and Jason Lee is one funny mother fer. There are other rising actors (Michael Pena for instance) who are becoming relevant as well. And on the other side of the camera Paul Haggis (who is a Scientologist) is one of the most important forces in recent film making.

    There are probably many more who haven’t made it public due to the bad image the religion has due to Cruise, and even he learned his lesson. Making an opinion on one man is lazy observation for the public in general. And making an opinion on a religion without checking both sides and believing the hype is lazy research and is the kind of suggestibility that got Bush reelected.

    Nuff said!

  60. Hater

    1. It doesnt effect anything from me
    2. It shouldnt effect anything from others
    3. Its not anyones business

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