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Werner Herzog Eats His Shoe

By Doug - March 31, 2008 - 08:36 America/Montreal

I was first introduced to this short film by my friend Jay of thedocumentaryblog. It is now available on You Tube and I share it with all of you:


  1. Mozzerino says:

    This has been on YouTube for ages, but it doesn’t hurt to draw attention to it.
    All hail mighty Werner!

  2. Doug NAgy says:

    We all need more Herzog

  3. Kristina says:

    We were just talking about this last week in my film class! We had just watched Herzog’s Stroszek, and our teacher mentioned this shoe-eating video.

  4. Fred Ut says:

    This is great, and Morris´ movies are mostly brilliant too, especially the Fog of War and Vernon, Florida.

  5. Doug NAgy says:

    The Turkey Hunter and the cop in Vernon are fantastic subjects

  6. Jesse says:

    Herzog is a great guy. I had the pleasure of meeting him a few years ago at the Sarasota Film Festival.
    Such a Humble and amazing man.

    This film is great. I saw it at the festival as well. It is a statement. And it should be shared at this point in time!

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