War Inc Poster

War Inc in one of my most anticipated movies for this year. The cast is just incredible and the trailer, I thought, was fantastic. Not to mention I think John Cusack is brilliant in just about anything he’s in. Man… it sure would be nice to see Ben Kingsley in something GOOD again. Anyway, our friends over at MoviesOnline got their hands on the new War Inc poster and I love it. Man I can’t wait to see this movie!


8 Comments, Comment or Ping

  1. Jason Stanley

    Look at the cast list, its almost Grosse Pointe Blank 2!!

    Yeah looking forward to this one too!

  2. Mozzerino

    I have NO idea whatsoever what this movie is about, even after watching the trailer. Looks like GROSSE POINTE BLANK meets LORD OF WAR, which is a good combination.
    Anyway, I’ll watch anything as long as my boy John Cusack stars in it, so count me in.

  3. Matt

    I really want to know why John and Joan Cusack are in just about every movie together? Is it some family discount thing or something? Grosse Pointe Blank, Martian Child, etc.

  4. Andee23

    I am really looking forward to this film the casting is excellent the trailer is awesome the premise is interesting and topical it feels like something George Armitage and Micheal Moore would make if they ever teamed up.

  5. Mozzerino

    @ Matt

    I guess John has it written in his contract that he only does movies if his sister can have some part in it too.
    He basically is responsible for 90% of her roles.
    Remember, it’s Hollywood, it’s all about fucking and sucking.

    Perhaps they have some kind of arrangment:
    John: Ok sis, here’s the deal: I help keeping your movie career alive and in return, we have Thanksgiving dinner at your house every year. I just can’t stand these people making a mess at my place. Deal?
    Joan: Oh well…..alright then. Just promise me I’ll never get cast as your mother.

  6. frankwolftown

    Finally political commentary worth a damn from Hollywood. Where as this the last 8 years?

  7. Tim

    Hey, I liked Kingsley in You Kill Me last year.

  8. HisDivineShadow

    Wag the dog part 2.

    Looking forward to this!

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