Transformers 2 Filming Underway?

An intrepid motorist caught some pretty decent camera phone shots of a vehicle in Culver City carrying one of the stars and stunt double of Transformers 2. Is this to say that filming is underway?

Check out FilmSchoolRejects for a couple more shots of the Saleen Mustang/Barricade.

A set of photos sent over by a friend this afternoon might lead you to believe that the filming of Transformers 2 is getting close to being underway. The pictures were snapped from a camera phone in Culver City, and they are clearly Saleen Mustangs with the Decepticon logo on the side.

I have always liked the idea of Barricade being a cop car. What better way for the badguy to hide than in a law enforcement vehicle.

My concern is this, and I hope it gets explained a bit better. The Transformers all seem to have this adaptive power to “scan” a vehicle and take on its look as to better blend in with the vehicles of Earth right? So what Vehicle did Barricade scan that looks like that? Obviously a Mustang pursuit cruiser, but one that has the Decepticons logo on it and “to Punish and Enslave” on it? Do they have the ability to add their own flavour to their hideaway form?

If they have control to change what they look like at will, then why do they scan an earth vehicle at all? My concern isn’t to nitpick, but rather to clarify. Then mostly so that I can say this:

Prime? Seriously… Flames? Come on…

20 Comments, Comment or Ping

  1. Bryan C.

    That is something out from the old cartoons, I remember one “Tracks” had the big Autobot logo on his hood surrounded by flames. So yeah to answer your question they can.

  2. Gareth

    good Barricade lives now he can go back to hunting Ladiesman217

  3. Fred

    lol As much of a hardcore Optimus Prime fan that I am…I actually started to like the flames and it’s to the point now that I can’t see this version of the Big Bot without those flames. I’ve seen photoshopped pics of this Prime where they changed the top to all red and his legs all blue and it didn’t look good at all. For me, all I need is his personality to stay the same and Peter Cullen voicing him and I am a happy camper :D

  4. Rodney

    @Bryan, the toons all had the logo blazing somewhere on them, but not so much in the movie. Having the Autobot logo on Bumblebee’s steering wheel was a hint at that.

    Barricade is the only one to have given himself something that bluntly specific that would certainly wouldnt have been from the source vehicle he scanned.

  5. Kouri

    As far as the Decepticon insignia is conerned, it’s probably that they need to scan the disguise to ensure accuracy, but the paint job is up to each individual bot. If I recall, G1 Optimus Prime scanned an orange truck, but retained his red and blue color scheme. If you’re going to nitpick, you might also want to point out Ratchet’s insignia on the Emergency Response logo, or Bumblebee’s on the steering wheel.

    As for the flames, it’s just the style that the big rigs are using these days. If you’re going to blend in, keep up with the times, no?

  6. Kristina

    Now they can explain where the fuck Barricade ran off to. Fucking pussy.

  7. TigerClaw

    We never knew what happened to Barricade in the first movie, So this is a pretty good indication that he will be back for the 2nd movie. Great news! :)

  8. fritzilla

    The big question is, if they can just scan something and then be that thing, why not scan a jet, then a tank, then a rocket, then a submarine, and combine all froms when fighting?

    For instance, why are the autobots restricting themselves to driving on roads instead of changing to any jet they want and flying to their destination?

    It seems like if they had to pick a ONE time transformation then it might make sense. Or if it took a LONG time to scan and transform then it would hinder on the spot changes. But we saw instant changes in the movie.

    If I were Bumble Bee, at the end I would have scanned Starscream and became a jet and fought him in the air.

    Just my 2 cents

  9. Chris Bunker

    This film could be “Empire Strikes Back” or Speed 2: Cruise Control im kinda nervous they already shooting so soon the film needs to be great like spider man 2 being way better then the first one great. He hit a homerun with the first one dont hit a double with this. What do you all think?

  10. Kouri


    You’re forgetting one important thing: Mass shifting. Save for Barricade and Frenzy, most of the Decepticons where MUCH larger than the Autobots. Honestly, it’s amazing the ‘Bots survived for as long as they have. Bumblebee wouldn’t be able to turn into a feasible jet - he’d be lucky to have enough material to form a wing. >.>

    Aside from size, part of the decision may also be based upon personal preference. Following G1, Prime was pretty much a stock worker. He chose an alt mode that carried stuff around. ^^;

    Another thing may just be experience. Again, looking at G1 (and yes, I know this move is anything BUT G1, but we’ve got little-to-no backstory for these characters, so I’m using what I’ve got), the Autobots were at their best on wheels and roads.The Decepticons took to the skies. The difference was so great, that specialized teams had to be developed to cover each faction’s weakness. The Decepticons couldn’t maneuver all too well on land, so the Stunticons were developed for land assault. The Autobots had few, if any, fliers, and developed the Aerialbots to compensate. Prime probably doesn’t turn into a submarine or something else because he’s used to driving on land.

  11. pandaboy99

    Everytime you have a question like that… just think that wizards did it… oh by the way… there are no such things as robots who come from other worlds and transform.

  12. Robert(wolf)

    This is a very exciting picture. My blood is flowing and slowing pumping for the sequel.


    Some transformers do, such a Blitzwing and Astrotrain. In the original cartoon the writers only selected few to do this, so they can sell toys. If the writers for the movie gave the transformers the ability to all triple change, then that would suck bastardizing the franchise. If Bumblebee scanned Starscream, everyone would tilt their heads and go WTF???

  13. craig

    this reminds me of the first car pics when ‘transformers’ was just gearing up!!!

    how exciting!!
    all the anticipation for this GREAT!!!

    does concern me tho if these are going to locations or what not they have got a script put together so quickly!!

  14. Ransom

    There are many things about the movie and the Transformers series in general that don’t make sense. I think that trying to explain away all these inconsistencies can only lead to frustration.

    Sure, the writers could have made an effort to explain some things or provide more backstory to the characters, but then there wouldn’t be time for Michael Bay’s close up panning shots or over stylized quick cut action scenes.

    I enjoyed the movie but as soon as one of the Autobots peed on someone, I stopped caring about the story.

    The only way to approach this movie is to accept it for its faults and just enjoy it for its entertainment value.

  15. Kevin C

    I think of it this way, the transformers can scan any vehicle they want, but the little things like color and logos decals, etc, those can be customized by each respective robot.

    I envision Barricade scanning a police cruiser and then making a few changes to the words and logos for a goof.

  16. 12 Monkeys

    Is Barricade heading to Philly? Are they still doing part 2 in Philadelphia like the rumor said? I live in Philly and would take off the entire summer to see 50 foot robots battling it out in center city.

  17. Bryan C.


    I know but I was just answering the question they could and used that as an example. I know as a TF fan I shouldn’t try to mix G1 with the Moive but at the time it was the only logical example I could use. I honestly don’t think they should explain it. It would take away some of it’s cool factor to him.

  18. Matt

    @ Chris Bunker:

    I don’t think it’s too early to start shooting. They have to probably take an entire year to just create all the CGI for the film anyways so I don’t see them starting shooting so early as a problem. Also, keep in mind that this is just a photo of them transporting some props - it doesn’t mean they’ve begun production - just moving props. Nothing more.

  19. Omar

    Remember that Bay showed The Beef some animatics a few months ago so my guess is that they are shooting plates for action scenes and such so they can start work on the CGI as early as possible.

  20. chris bunker

    I want the Dinobots man. I bet we will have to wait for Transformers 3 for that. The constructicons will prob be in this one i bet. The visual effects in the first one set a new standard i hope we are as shocked by the effects in this one or the feel wont be the same. I know Avatar is coming out the same year and that could garner all the attention. I want it to be good and believe it or not i trust Mike to make it good. He knows what we need. Jaw dropping shit. Go get em.

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