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The Vice Guide To North Korea

North Korea
When Vice magazine began a web channel, I was pumped. Since launch they have continued to put out some of the coolest content that ’s on the web today. Theses dudes brought us the outstanding documentary on Ghaaal, lead singer of Gorgoroth entitled True Norwegian Black Metal, the bitchin’ Heavy Metal In Baghdad and now the venture forth into North Fuckin’ Korea! You can check out the video series here.

Cheers to Dana for the heads up!

7 Comments, Comment or Ping

  1. alex

    good heavy metal only comes from europe! plus im more into power than heavy…. though their both good!

  2. doug nagy

    Europe does have some bitchin’ metal. I also enjoy power metal, but here are 3 reasons why you are wrong.

    Slayer - U.S.A.

    Sepultura - Brazil

    Manowar - Valhalla

  3. BrDanzig

    Good call Doug but I would also want to add Fear Factory and surprisingly enough you did mention who I think is Canada’s best musician: Devin Townsend. If you have not heard of his solo projects or his band Strapping Young Lad then you must check him out. He was recommended to me by Samoth of Emperor/Zyklon. I owe him for that.

  4. BrDanzig

    I meant to say you did not mention him

  5. Keith.

    Just watched that whole thing, shit. Some pretty crazy stuff going on over there… i’ll have to pass that video around a bit.

  6. Scar91

    For those that are interested in the Vice Magazine check out a clip I posted from the “Vice Guide To Travel” DVD

    The clips is entitled “The Gun Markets of Pakistan”

  7. alex

    @ doug

    metallica- usa

    ture other countries have good metal but europe still reins supreme with sabbath, zepplin, maiden, and in flames!
    usa is a close second if not first these days!

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