The Promotion Review

Hey guys, thanks for checking out our review of The Promotion.

The General Idea

Plot outline from IMDB: Two assistant managers of a corporate grocery store vie for a coveted promotion.

The Good

This film benefitted from a simple and enjoyable story. The movie investigates what can happen to good natured individuals when competition pits them against each other. Consistently funny; humor comes way of illuminating life’s absurdities more than actual punch lines. This film delivered its laughs in a similar fashion to the office, and even brought Jenna Fischer on board to testify to this fact. By sticking to a simple story line we were able to get to know the characters in their element; this allows them to be fleshed out and we have the benefit of being entertained along the way. This was a great tale and it was a delight to watch

This film has outstanding face acting. During Richard’s (John C Reily) first interview he has to lie about a deli sign to his superiors and the back and forth facial expression exchange is fantastic. The deliberate acting out using facial expressions was done a few times in this film, and to great effect. Some of the funniest moments came without a word, thanks to great acting and writing that allowed for comedic pause. Sean Willam Scott plays Doug the rival of Richard and is the more subdued of the two. As the guy who is best known for giving birth to a million Stiffler quoting douche-bags; it was nice to see a film that allowed him to be humorous in a subtle way, and showcase the range of his comedic ability.

The Bad

This was writer Steve Conrad’s first attempt at directing; and you could tell. The shots were very utilitarian and you never had a framed shot that really stood out as a fantastic image. This did not detract from the enjoyment of the film, but if this film was in the hands of a director that really milked each shot for visual style - It would have have been better for it.


I love comedies that illuminate the absurdity of life and this one did it very well. A fantastic story, interesting characters, and brilliant actors combined to make this a memorable indy delight. This is my favorite film of the SXSW festival to date and certainly recommend you check it when and if it gets a wide release. Out of 10, I would give this movie an 8

5 Comments, Comment or Ping

  1. bjon86

    what rating would you give it?

  2. Ransom

    John C. Reily = hilarity.

  3. Brandon

    Isn’t this basically the same thing as Employee of the Month?

  4. Hey Brandon,

    No, this is a VERY different movie from Employee of the Month.

  5. Brandon

    My bad.

    Employee of the Month was the first thing I thought when I read through it..sounded similar.

    I hope its a much better movie ;)

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