The Macho Movie Review: Ursus In The Land Of Fire

My friend Wintle bought me a 50 pack of Sword And Sandal films before I left for Hollywood. He then bought a pack for himself, and we began discussion about going through the series together. Soon after we decided to share our journey with all of you; and thus the Macho Movie Review was born.

Over the next 50 weeks, we plan to have a short podcast for you discussing the Macho Movie of the week. We will be going through the Warriors Movie Pack made available through Mill Creek Entertainment. You can find the set for about 20-30 USD. We encourage all interested to buy the pack, and/or download the films that are public domain.

The Rating System: To go with the theme we will be rating the films out of 9. The hydra has 9 heads, so we will be giving each film a rating out of that number - and will post a picture. For those of you that wish to skip the podcast and are not that keen on buying the set - keep an eye on the hydra. If you you see a film with 7-9 Hydra heads - you may want to track that particular film down.

Today Wintle and I discuss the sixth film in the series: Ursus In The Land Of Fire

Plot Synonpsis From IMDB: Hamilan, a cruel and ambitious general, murders his king and places himself on the throne with the former king’s evil niece as his queen. He then wages war against his peaceful neighbors, killing their women and enslaving their men. A hero named Ursus appears at a tournament to challenge Hamilan’s authority. Though victorious at the tournament, Ursus is arrested and forced to turn a grist-mill under an overseer’s lash. Meanwhile, the former king’s virtuous daughter, Diana, is tormented by her evil cousin, the new queen. Sentenced to a slow and tortuous execution, Ursus breaks free and a revolt breaks out. Ursus throws Hamilan to his death in a fiery pit and then Ursus and Diana enjoy the cheers of a grateful populace.

Ladies and Gentlemen; it is my great pleasure to present our review of Ursus In The Land Of Fire:

To Listen To The Podcast Click Here

Wintle deems this film to be worth 7 Hydra Heads out of 9.

Nagy deems this film to be worth 5 Hydra Heads out of 9.


  • 1. minor replies at 9th March 2008, 5:52 am :

    off the topic

    aXXo is back

  • 2. minor replies at 9th March 2008, 5:54 am :

    aXXo is back

  • 3. Bob replies at 9th March 2008, 10:36 am :

    Cool! Also, if I have a cool new picture from a big movie, how do I send it to you guys to post?

  • 4. BrDanzig replies at 9th March 2008, 7:30 pm :

    Ok I have managed to get caught up. I have not listened to your review yet so I want to offer my thoughts outright. First off, the villain was a magnificent bastard. Whether it was old men, priests, wives…all fell prey to his whims. That alone was worth three hydra heads to me. His shrew of a wife was equally vicious. The scene where she was whipping the princess was downright dirty. Both she and the princess were both pretty hot. I must say that the old man who joined Ursus and Diane went through some serious shit also. The fight scenes were pretty good, much better then Conquerer of the Orient and on par with Spartacus and the 10 Gladiators. Speaking of that film, one scene reminded me of that movie when those soldiers were coming out one by one and the villagers would just kill them. I thought the pacing was quick; there was plenty of action and death. My only beef was the hero. He seemed somewhat generic and that scene with him and Diane at the lake was downright atrocious. It stopped the movie cold for me. Like most movies the hero was no where near as interesting as the villain. Overall I did really like this one and agree with Wintle: this is a 7 hydra heads out of 9 for me.

  • 5. Movie Blog replies at 9th March 2008, 8:55 pm :

    Well, there will probably be a lot of titties and gore so…
    I recommend a free online Web site to see the film “GB Movie Blog“.

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