The Hills Movie

Hills-MovieTo me, MTV has pretty much become the embodiment of everything that is stupid and witless in our culture. Music Television that doesn’t play music, making shows that highlight the worst and most ignorant in us all… to the point that they GLORIFY stupidity as a virtue (to be fair, they’re not the only ones who do this).
Well, it should come as no surprise that there are rumblings of “The Hills” being turned into a feature film. Our friends over at Cinematical give us this:

MTV reports that according to star Lauren Conrad, it just might happen. Conrad says: “We have kind of talked about it,” with a smile that MTV describes as “we have ABSOLUTELY talked about it.” But really, what could a reality/spoof/whatever the hell it is, do on the big screen? “I think if they were going to do a film of The Hills, they would basically film it like we do the show and they would just edit it into a movie. It would be like a really long episode.” (You can check out the video of this at the link above, but due to the damned Canada ban, I’ve got to stick with the type.)

Has it really gotten that bad? The saddest and most pathetic part about this story is that IF they actually make this Satan Spawn of a movie… that there are people out there who will actually go and see it. Remember, we’re the same culture that made “Meet The Spartans” #1 at the boxoffice.

It’s stuff like this that actually makes me think a mandatory basic intelligence test should be administered to everyone at the age of 18… those that fail are put to sleep. The deal breaker questions would be:

Question #423) Do you watch more than 2 hours of reality tv per week?

Question #93) Did you laugh at any point of Meet The Spartans?

Question #732) Are you excited about the idea of a “The Hills” movie? (An affirmative answer requires immediate lethal injection)

13 Comments, Comment or Ping

  1. roguepirate

    I guess nobody remembers the last “reality” experiment on the big screen Cancoon which bombed pretty bad at the theatres.

  2. chris bunker

    Make it a grindhouse type film with this and FROM JUSTIN TO KELLY so that we can have a true portal to hell on earth.

  3. Steve L.

    oh for fucks sake, can you seriously have a movie like this and why in god’s name would you. I’m going to do a running count of how many times the people in the movie say “like” or “oh my gawd!”. Then i’m going to compare it to how many times they say fuck in the “South Park” movie and see who wins!

    Dear MTV,
    Go back to playing music on your channel and stay away from Hollywood.

  4. kate

    getting upset over The Hills: Movie is not worth your time, Is this movie any more dumb than say Transformers? I say they’re both at the same level as far as smartness goes. The point is that it’s all just entertainment, I don’t think one is smarter than the other. If you want smart, you can go read yourself a book and not look for it in hollywood.

  5. DJ Machismo

    Yes, it is infinitely more dumb than Transformers.
    That is all.

  6. chris (the real one)

    damn mtv…im surprised that channel is still getting viewers. do we really wanna see dumb rich white girls whine about boys and shit. and now movie…Jesus….there is no

    but kate tho i agree transformers is a sorta dumb concept. but in its defense its fiction and entertainment. but the hills is supposed to be “reality”. there is no story or action just people “being real” and stupid rich people at that. that isnt entertainment (at least to me). it seems like sad voyeurism. but thats my opinion and yours is just as valid

  7. Meli

    I fucking hate reality tv and while I hoped and prayed it was fad it has only gotten more popular.

    John - I love your idea about the test! I’ve often felt much the same way.

  8. kate

    My point is that all mass media entertainment is for stupid people. Movies, tv shows, reality shows are all part of that. How is Star Wars, Star Trek, Godzilla, or even No Country For Old Men any smarter than say The Hills Movie? I say basically if you really want smart entertainment that’s for people with brains, you go read a book or newspaper instead of watching a movie, documentary or tv show.

  9. chris bunker

    i dont know about that kate.

  10. chris (the real one)

    “all mass media entertainment is for stupid people”. not really….u can find intelligence in all forms of media, u just gotta look for it. there have been numerous intelligent movies and documentaries. the good shepard is a movie that i consider intelligent, a challenging story which requires one to pay attention. but for u to say there is no intelligence in media is a generalization.

  11. nbakid2000

    At the bitchers: Quit bitching. This movie is not aimed at you. It is aimed at fans of the show. If you have no interest in seeing this movie, don’t go see it. After all, this is MTV we’re talking about.

  12. DJ Machismo

    Star Wars, Star Trek getting lumped in with The Hills?

    Ummm… innovative, imaginative, fantasy, groundbreaking.

    Definitely not stupid.

    Certain mediums are not “smarter” than any other. There are just as many dumb books as there are dumb movies. Same for smart books and smart movies.

    The Hills happens to fall into that dumb category, regardless of media.

    Plus, “Music Television that doesn’t play music, making shows that highlight the worst and most ignorant in us all… to the point that they GLORIFY stupidity as a virtue (to be fair, they’re not the only ones who do this).”

    Exactly, @NBAKID2000, we all know its aimed at fans of the show, any form of entertainment (and I say that loosely in this case) is aimed at fans of the “original” or source material. I just think that we do not need more of the same bullshit out there highlighting the ignorance and stupidity in this world.

  13. kate

    Star Wars, Star Trek, LOTR, Transformers, Harry Potter, reality shows, talk shows, it’s all entertainment to me. I mean, anyone that even cares about that dumb ass stuff is wasting their lives.

    It shouldn’t be taken seriously because no matter how innovative, they are still made to entertain and nothing more. Books and newspapers on the other hand are definitely meant to be taken more seriously and more intellectually because it’s in the print medium. First off, you actually need to read the thing to gain the entertainment. That cuts out a huge portion of the audience. Anybody can sit and watch a TV/Movie, not everyone can sit and read a novel.

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