Sean Connery As Bond Bad Guy

How fricking sweet would it be to see Sean Connery back in a James Bond film as a villain??? I had ths same thoughts back when I suggested that Michael Keaton should come back to the Batman franchise as The Joker. Not only can the man seriously act… but the novelty of it would be totally priceless.

Well, there are reports right now that Sean Connery is indeed in talks to come on board Quantum of Solace (stupidest movie title ever) as the Bond villain opposite Daniel Craig. The folks at Cinematical give us this:

according to Ace Showbiz, a new press release says that the actor has considered returning to the franchise as the big baddie. Connery is quoted as saying: “I wouldn’t mind coming back as a Bond villain. But I don’t think they would pay me enough. They don’t pay the money for other parts, only for the Bond character, although that wasn’t the case when I was doing it.” Ouch! I would think they might want to add Connery in to at least save some face. Sure, things change, but what production wants to be considered penny pinchers that only care about Craig? Ace goes on to say: “Allegedly, the 77-year-old Academy Award-winning actor has been involved in negotiations to land a villain role with the film’s producers since Daniel Craig has been tapped to bring Ian Fleming’s agent back to the big screen with Casino Royale.”

Hot damn sign me up! Casino Royale was my favorite Bond flick to date and I love the direction the franchise seems to be heading. Daniel Craig is the best Bond ever (that’s saying something) and to have the immortal Sean Connery come back to the Bond fold as a villain would be a dream merger. I seriously hope this actually happens!

22 Comments, Comment or Ping

  1. Jason Stanley

    I think this is a bad move. With Casion Royale, the franchise took a serious and darker tone than the last few Pierce Brosnan flicks. Adding Sean Connery would only make it equal to Austin Powers in my mind. All you’ll be seeing is Sean Connery, not some evil baddie.

    I give it a no.

  2. Hey Jason,

    I have to disagree with you. Connery is a good enough actor that within about 2 minutes you’ll forget about Connery and just see the character. Don’t forget, he is one of the best thespians in film history.

    When you see other movies with big famous actors do you fail to ever see the character? So you just see the actor? No, obviously not. I think the same would apply here. Just my two cents.

  3. Matt

    I’m excited by this latest news in the Bond franchise (considering the title reveal was a let down because no one knew what it meant). I agree with Jason Stanley that it will be hard to see Sean Connery as anything other than Sean Connery - It’ll blow my mind if they can somehow convincingly pull it off where it doesn’t take away from the storyline.

  4. JJN

    I don’t know, are you guys saying all you’ll see is Connery, or all you’ll think is “Connery is Bond lololol!!!”? I think he’s along enough in years that you won’t immediately make the visual connection and I think John’s right… he’s a great enough actor that you’ll be sucked into his performance rather than his presence before long.

  5. Kevin C

    This will work only if they approach it seriously and not with a tongue-in-cheek attitude.

    If you have Connery saying a “Bond” line, even off the cuff and out of context, it has the potential for a cheesey jolt out of the story for me. This may have worked in the Brosnan series, which had a lighter tone, but breaking the 4th wall in this series would be bad.

    If they go at it from a serious angle and Connery works as the villain in the script, then great.

    Unfortunately, I dont see Connery coming out of retirement for a Bond movie if he isnt somehow highlighted in the story with a wink-wink, nudge-nudge. If that turns out to be the case, they’d be better off casting someone else.

  6. Jason Stanley


    I take your comments, I just think its too close to being ‘tongue and cheek’.

    I’ve also rarely seen Sean Connery in a film where he doesn’t have a scottish accent. I don’t doubt the actor, I doubt the history behind it, the character he played for all those years. An interesting move but one that I feel maybe too risky.

    Almost feels like they’re just trying to outdo themselves everytime they make a new Bond. That got them in trouble last time.

    And yes I have failed to see the character in many ‘big movies’ before. Ironically, Sean Connery in The League of Extraordinary Gentlemen.

  7. Phil Gee

    Hmm, i thought Connery was definately retired. Also, it was only a month or so ago that Al Pacino was rumoured to be the suprise baddie for ‘Quantum’ (which i don’t think is anywhere near the stupidest movie title ever). Is Pacino out, if it was ever true?

    I would prefer to see Connery take a part like that and i do agree that he has the chops to pull it off without us being distracted. I just don’t think they’ll ever be able to pay him enough to do it.

  8. Patrick

    I’m not sure why he wants the big bucks to do this, sure they should pay him something respectable but…c’mon. Wasn’t this the issue with Indy, as well?

  9. Steve L.

    Best move ever. I loved the direction Casino Royale went and this would be perfect.

  10. Keith

    First, I really like the title of the new bond film. And I’m sure it’s not the stupidest title ever.

    Second, the Bond reboot demonstrated that it was possible to create and different type of Bond, a serious, conflicted, badass beat em up kind of character. More wrecklessly cool than suave cool. With that said, I feel adding Connery to the mix would bring back that camp feeling earlier Bonds had, and potentially distract us viewers from enjoying this new style with the movie constantly winking at us every time Connery is on the screen. Say what you will, but it would be impossible to disassociate Connery from his role as Bond while watching him as the villain.

    Now it’s not to say it would be bad. It’s possible it can work, no doubt. Connery is a great actor, and I’m sure he can pull it off. But I feel it’s possible it would be too distracting and would take away from this “new” Bond.

  11. Ric Ocasek

    No thanks. I love Connery, but Daniel Craig and Co. are trying to create their own universe and do not need anyone distrating from that. Plus, Connery’s retired and has said on the record that he enjoys it too much and is not interested in acting.

  12. Matt

    Sean Connery is too old! All I can see from a nearly 80 year old overweight guy with a Scottish accent is a Grandfather figure! Last time I checked, grandfather villains didn’t work in movies. They tried in League of Extraordinary gentleman but it was obvious throughout that they used doubles for the running and action scenes. For me, the blatent use of doubles took away from Sean Connery’s character in that movie. If this latest Bond film is going to be successful, keep Connery out of it.

  13. DJ Machismo

    Interesting. This does provide more evidence to the fact that Connery just didn’t like how the latest Indiana Jones story was going and wasn’t interested in returning for that. Yet he will return to be a Bond villain.

    Provided these talks are true of course.

  14. Melbye

    This rumor again, eh. Every Bond-movie since Goldeneye there has been a rumor that Conenry would be in it. It will never happen. It would be to gimmicky anyways, and is not needed

  15. leeloo

    i also thought pacino was gonna be the bad guy.

  16. Mozzerino

    Connery is retired and if he wouldn’t return for Spielberg and INDY 4, he sure as hell won’t return to work for the Brocollis, who are still producing Bond.
    The Brocollis probably still hate his guts and they kind of have good reason for it. You guys need to catch up with Bond history.
    Keep dreaming, this will never ever ever happen.
    There is no truth whatsoever to this.

  17. thegoodfella

    Sorry John, I think it would be an awful move. The last time the producers succumbed to that brand of self-referential near-parody resulted in Die Another Day - one of the weakest films in the series. For Connery to return would be one big step back after the breath of fresh air that was Casino Royale; they might as well bring back the infamous Roger Moore safari suit!

    Take these rumours with a pinch of salt though; there’s been countless speculation over the years of Connery making a return to the series either as Bond’s father or as a villain, but it’s all been completely without substance.

  18. alfie

    connery is an old ham and the acting world is better for having him retire. he was great as bond but that is where his career begins and ends. everything outside of that is awful.

    and casting him as a villain would totally undo all the good work they did in casino royale. It would be horrible.

  19. Scott

    Connery or no Connery, I agree with John. Casino Royale was the best Bond movie so far, and Craig makes a kickass Bond. As far as Connery’s age? 60 year old Harrison Ford is playing Indy again, so I think age is irrelavant.

  20. kryptonite

    Actually, the worst possible title for a movie, EVER, would be any combination of the words “War”, “Prince”, “God”, and “Peace”. Throw in a couple of “of”s, and you have title of disastrous, nay, APOCALYPTIC proportions.

    Glad no one’s actually ever been fool enough to use such an insanely ludicrous title before!

    JK John!

  21. Ezell

    That would kick ass so much if Connery was the villain wow. Who cares about how much it cost to pay Connery the Bond Films are the highest grossing film series world wide take that Harry Potter you piece of shit movies.

  22. Matt S.

    I think people need to lay off of bashing the name of Bond 22. It is the name of short story from Fleming himself. He came up with the name.

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