Porn Filmmaking Camp

The porn industry is hard to ignore in the movie world and so is its underlying influence on the mainstream business. I came across this story today and just found it so funny I had to share it here.

You’re heard of filmmaking camps. You know… where some C level filmmakers have a 3 or 4 days “camp” where they show you the ins and outs of making movies. Well, now you aspiring adult filmmakers have the same thing. PORN CAMP! Yes, that’s right… for just $4000 you can learn all the ins and outs (no pun intended) about filmmaking for the adult world! Fox News of all places give us this:

Adult film-star wannabes will have their chance to learn the business this weekend at “Porn Camp” in Tampa, Fla. Led by actress Courtney Cummz, the seminar will cover everything from lighting and sound to legal advice. But the highlight of the three-day event is hands on — participants will shoot their own adult-film scene. “They will tell you, show you and then help while you make your own film … that you will own the rights to,” the seminar’s Web site said.

So who wants to go to Florida?

4 Comments, Comment or Ping


    Wow! It’s a surprise that you get the rights to your own clip. I wonder though, if you’ll have to pay the actors to appear in your “film” on top of the 4 grand you’re paying for the weekend “learning” experience. Let us know how it goes, John! LOL

  2. Mozzerino

    PORN CAMP, now that’s the sequel to JESUS CAMP, right?

  3. scoville

    And to think that I’m actually moving to Tampa in a couple of weeks……

  4. Ezell

    I am a film student and I would love to make porn what a sweet job and you could most likely get some ass from the Sluts i mean girls.

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