Pirates of the Caribbean 4 in 2011?

Found via our friends over at MoviesOnline, it appears that AICN has a “scooper” that is telling them a Pirates of the Caribbean 4 is indeed on the way and that such a film (whatever it will be about… no details are really given) is being targeted for a 2011 release.

First thing I have to obviously say is take anything from a “scooper” with a giant grain of salt. Having said that, let’s proceed with the rest of this post assuming the information to be true. It brings a couple of thoughts to mind:

1) No one is surprised - The films make more money than porn (not really… it’s just an expression), and no matter how bad the last couple of them were, they still made money. This is the movie BUSINESS, and if they think there is more money to be made… then they’ll do it. And so would you.

2) A Pirates of the Caribbean 4 focused on Jack and Barbossa could interest me - Let’s face it, each Pirates movie has gotten progressively worse and worse. The first one was brilliant, the second one was just below mediocre, and the third one was absolute shit. The films got further and further away from their main strengths… namely Captain Jack and Captain Barbossa. If you make a 4th one about these two characters and keep the story tight instead of floundering all over the place, I COULD get excited about it… but even then I doubt it at this point.

3) In the name of all that is good and holy… no more Orlando Bloom or Keira Knightly - I love Knightly, but her character has been nothing but a dead weight in these films. She needs to go. As for Bloom… he needs to consider a career change, or pray he can be an elf again in the Hobbit movies.

So what about you? Does the notion of a Pirates 4 excite you? Repulse you? indifferent?


  • 1. DarthMuppet replies at 3rd March 2008, 7:49 am :

    I agree with you to an extent John… I also think that a focusing on Jack Sparrow/Barbossa could be very interesting.

    I gotta’ say though, I never agreed with your opinion of the second and third films in the series. I know I’m most likely in the minority here, but At Worlds End is actually my favorite film of the series.

    I’ve also never really had a problem with either Knightly or Bloom’s work in Pirates. I’ve never really been a huge fan of KH, but I thought she did a decent job in the Pirates films.

    Another thing that I’m sure will put me in the minority is my take on Orlando Bloom… I actually think the guy is a pretty decent actor and I’ve never really understood what everyones problem with him was. Just check him out in the director’s cut of Kingdom Of Heaven(not the horrid excuse for a film that was the theatrical cut… terrible, terrible film… but the director’s cut is a classic), you really get to see how good the guy can be in that version. If the Director’s cut had been the version that was released in theaters, I don’t think everyone would rag on the guy they way they do. Who knows, I may just be waaaaay off base here. Wouldn’t be the first time.

    That’s not to say that I want Orlando or Keira back in any further Pirates films or anything. Their characters’ story lines were brought to a close and to bring them back would just be plain idiotic.

  • 2. Kristina replies at 3rd March 2008, 10:11 am :

    I’ve had enough. NO.

  • 3. Meli replies at 3rd March 2008, 10:43 am :

    IF the movie will focus on Barbossa & Jack then I’m in. I love pirates and would be interested in seeing a PIRATE movie with all the scoundrel carousing, double crossing and NO retarded love story to distract. Love has no place in a pirate movie! I want the open sea, tawdy whores at port, cannon explosions and sword fights.

  • 4. Jim - 406NotAccceptable replies at 5th March 2008, 11:37 am :

    Just like DarthMuppet I thought At Worlds End was a at least as good as the original. It would be nice to see them remove Bloom and Knightly, as their characters storylines seemed completely finished in At Worlds End.

    Who knows, they could try and make another 3 films with two new supporting roles…

  • 5. Kim- All Disney Movies replies at 5th March 2008, 12:24 pm :

    I am a huge fan of the Pirates of the Caribbean movies, but after the first they began to head downhill. I have to say the first and second movies were excellent and well put together. On the other hand, the third was to long and carried way to many different plots at one time. There were some points in the third movie that just made you want to hit the fast forward button to hurry it up and get to the good action scenes.

    A fourth movie is both good and bad in my opinion. Good because Bloom and Knightley’s departure will help the fourth movie a lot. Their parts (especially in the third) tended to complicate the movies. I didn’t mind Orlando’s character, but I could not stand the character Keira played. Also, I am interested to see what Disney will do with Captain Jack Sparrow and his arch enemy Captain Barbossa and how the story will progress.
    It’s bad because Disney is going to blow Pirates out of proportion and ruin the Pirates Trilogy. The Pirates movies brought in a lot of money so Disney will continue to do them as long as their is a considerable profit in sight. Who wouldn’t?

  • 6. Cheryl replies at 7th March 2008, 7:47 pm :

    I agree that a movie between Capt Jack and Barbosa could be a winner. I’m tired of the lady pirate. Let’s move past the love story and into the pirate story.

  • 7. vader hater replies at 9th March 2008, 7:29 am :

    I agree that it would be pretty cool if it had to deal with just Jack and Barbossa. I actually liked all 3 POTC films, yet I do think that it would be nice to not have Knightley in POTC 4. I haven’t had any problem with her, and I’m not saying she’s a bad actress, it’s just by POTC 3, the love stuff kinda had nothing to it. As for Bloom…heck, I could take him in POTC 4. The only movie I disliked him in was Troy, but that was mostly because of Diane Kruger making him suck. POTC 4. Let’s hope it works

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