Patrick Swayze has Cancer

First we hear of Roadhouse star Jeff Healey passed away because of cancer, and now tragically the head Cooler himself, Patrick Swayze is reported to be suffering from Cancer as well.

MSNBC says:

The “Dirty Dancing” actor has a very limited amount of disease and appears to be responding well to treatment, according to Dr. George Fisher, Swayze’s physician. Fisher’s prognosis was included in a statement released Wednesday by Swayze’s representative, Annett Wolf.

In this day and age with all the advances of medicine and treatment this “limited amount” of cancer may turn out to be nothing.

Cancer hits so many so close to home that we are almost numb to the word. But Patrick Swayze is nearly revered in the TMB inner circle and even when he was playing a cross dressing Vida Boheme I still think he had more guts than any other manly man in Hollywood.

I wish you all the best Patrick. You have kicked a lot of ass, so keep kicking and get well soon.


  • 1. Dylan replies at 5th March 2008, 9:03 pm :

    Sure it’s sad he has cancer, but millions of people are dieing every day of all kinds of diseases and, no offense, but he’s just one man.

  • 2. Jonathan replies at 5th March 2008, 9:06 pm :

    And your point, Dylan…?
    That nobody should talk about this?

  • 3. Brian replies at 5th March 2008, 9:20 pm :

    Exactly, agree with Jonathan. Yes he is one man so does that mean we do not show any bit of compassion? He has my thoughts with him hoping he fully recovers.

  • 4. Kristina replies at 5th March 2008, 10:02 pm :

    Uh, Dylan?

    This is a film website. We cover the goings-on in the movie world. Swayze’s an actor, therefore he deserves coverage here. No one is saying he’s any better than anyone else. We just hope the guy gets better. If you honestly can’t see the logic behind that, I don’t know what to do for you.

  • 5. Meli replies at 5th March 2008, 11:45 pm :

    Let me be mean for a moment…FUCK YOU, Dylan.

    Okay, I’m back to my normal self.
    I am currently dealing with a sister going through a very rare cancer, so no matter how advance medicine is, it will still fall short at times.

    I pray Patrick will have a full recovery.

  • 6. @spence replies at 6th March 2008, 8:00 am :

    I have read and heard that the doctor’s only give him 5 weeks to live. I TRULY hope that they are wrong and that he makes a full recovery. Oh and Dylan, no need to be a fucking asshole, yeah he is just one man, but like Kristina said, “This is a film website. We cover the goings-on in the movie world. Swayze’s an actor, therefore he deserves coverage here.”

  • 7. Kate replies at 6th March 2008, 9:45 am :

    Pancreatic cancer is usually discovered too late to be able to fight it. A former co-worker of mine lived just a few months after being diagnosed. It is a terrible disease.

    My thoughts are with Patrick, his wife Lisa and their children at this difficult time.

  • 8. James replies at 6th March 2008, 9:56 am :

    Is this another one of these things where life imitates art? If you remember or watch M*A*S*H at all, Patrick Swayze was diagnosed with Leukemia.

    I do wish him the best and hope he pulls through!

  • 9. beachbum replies at 6th March 2008, 3:43 pm :

    I’m a health care student so let me tell you that pancreatic cancer is one of the more serious cancers out there. This is because of its fast spreading nature. Unfortunately, there isn’t a whole lot that can be done one detected.

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