Pathology Party Pics

It’s a holiday weekend around here and things are going to be a little slow so I thought I’d share this with you guys. Last night here in Los Angeles a bunch of us web geeks got together for a Pathology (the new film with Milo Ventimiglia) party. We got to screen the movie (our full review will come in a couple of weeks before the April 18th release date… but I will say that I was NOT disappointed in the least) and then ventured out to a bar with some of the cast and crew and other friends. It was a wild, fun and wonderful night.

This isn’t movie “news”, but a part of this being a BLOG is that we share our experiences with you guys… and last night was quite an experience as a couple of these pictures show (there are some pictures from last night I CAN’T show that I really wish I could!)

First up, our own Serena Whitney with JoBlo’s Jimmy O and Rusty

Me with Alyssa Milano

Sometimes it’s good to be a Movie Web Geek (my friends Jaimi and Christy)

Sometimes it’s VERY good to be a Movie Web Geek (me making new friends)

Me with Keir O’Donnell (Wedding Crashers, Havok)

Milo Ventimiglia with my boys (Kevin, Peter of Slashfilm, Neil of FilmSchoolRejects and Alex of FirstShowing)

Serena with Milo

Serena with Johnny Whitworth (Empire Records, CSI Miami). She’s had a crush on him for YEARS.

Neil and Peter with Michael Weston (The Last Kiss, Scrubs)

Me with Simon Pegg (Hot Fuzz, Shaun of the Dean, Run Fatboy Run)

Yeah, overall it was a terrific night spent with some terrific people. Living in Los Angeles certainly has its perks. It was sadly also Doug’s last night in LA for a few months as he headed back to Canada this morning. I’ll be following suit in a month or so for a little while.

One lesson I learned last night is this… it’s rarely a good idea to mix an open bar with web nerds. Not a pretty sight! ::

45 Comments, Comment or Ping

  1. Peter

    Those are some great shots. Thanks for sharing. I’m fucking envious though, you dirty bastard! You got a pic with Milano!

  2. Lauren

    OMG Milo is so delicious!!!!!!!!!

  3. Sound Designer Dan

    Hey John,

    I found to be really funny that you have the exact same face in EVERY picture you’re in. Gotta love that blue steel/le tigre/ferrari/magnum pose.

  4. Kristina

    You lucky SHIT! You got to meet PEGG!!!!!!!!!

    And yeah, John does Blue Steel in every photo.

  5. AjaxLou

    Was Simon still sporting his Scotty look for ST XI?

  6. Ric Ocasek

    I’m not saying John wasn’t there, but for some reason his head looks like it was photoshopped in every picture he was in.

  7. Robert(wolf)

    You got to hang with Alyssa Milano, you lucky mofo bastard.

  8. Hey Rick,

    That’s because I’m the most un-photogenic mutt in the universe. :P

  9. James

    I call shenanigans - John and Serena both look exactly the same in all of the photos.

  10. nbakid2000

    As do I. In fact, I think some of those shots of his face we’ve seen in other photos he’s shared.

  11. No no… the pictures are quite real… and sadly… that’s the only face I have. :(

  12. crackerjack

    You know John, we have this thing out here in L.A. called a sun, you may want to seek it. I say mean things when I am jealous. Bastard!

  13. It’s true. There’s more color in an Old Boys Gold and Country club than on my skin.

  14. crackerjack

    Hey John, I was sitting in the wine bar at the Landmark last night and wondered if you have been there lately.

  15. No, sadly haven’t been there in a little while. The last thing I saw there was Juno. With the Arclight and Mann’s Chinese within walking distance of my place… I don’t head to the Landmark nearly enough. Have to correct that soon.

  16. crackerjack

    So many people prefer the Arclight but to me Landmark is Heaven. Still cool to walk places, especially if you stop by the bar ar Arclight which is good. Were you out here for the AFI fest at Arclight?


    looks like an awesome time…hows milo like in real life?

  18. Hey Doula,

    Milo is beyond the nicest, most down to earth and friendly movie star I’ve met to date. Great guy.

    If you’d like to talk to him, he’s going to be our guest on the Live Uncut show on Wednesday and he’ll be taking your calls!

  19. rafa1215

    Serena? Are you doing your version of Mariah Carrey head tilt?
    You know she only likes to be photographed in exactly the same pose that you are doing.

  20. Kristina


    Because she has crazy pockmarks on one side of her head, apparently. Mariah, not Serena:)

  21. tobor68

    @Sound Designer Dan: it’s really doug wearing a john campea cut-out mask.

  22. mikey

    John you maybe the luckiest geek on earth

  23. Mike Mai

    i love how serena can be identical in every picture haha. she’s hot.

  24. @ Rafa,

    LOL…that’s what my friends call me….However, I was a little tipsy that night…so I just decided to keep to the pose I know best…unfortunately it’s automatic now. lol But John did say he kept some pictures off the post…so thank god for that!

  25. rafa1215

    Serena - LOOKING GOOD!!

  26. nbakid2000

    Were they topless pics, Serena?

  27. Neil Miller

    Great pics, John. Great party, as well. I feel honored to have been a part of those shenanigans.

    @all… I agree, John does deliver blue steel in every picture. We are still waiting for him to unleash Magnum, though. And aside from being hot, I also found Serena to be a real sweetheart. Not to make you guys drool even more or anything… :P

    And Milo is delicious…

  28. Jay

    Nice pics…mmmm Serena.

  29. Omar

    It will be very interesting to see how insanely positive the review for the actual film is going to be.

    After all this gushing there is no way people are going to take the review seriously. In fact I don’t think this site can even post an unbiased review because of it’s connection to the film.

  30. Hey Omar,

    People are allowed to be closed minded like that or just accept pre-conceived ideas they have all they want.

    The fact of the matter is I started raving about this film a year ago after I visited the set and saw 20 minutes of it. I loved it right away and started talking about it.

    I visited “The Rocker” set and didn’t rave about it
    I was IN Jumper and on the set and didn’t rave about it
    I was on “Midnight Meat Train” set and LIKED it, but didn’t rave

    But for Pathology, I loved it. AFTER I said I loved it I started doing all the other stuff with the film, because I loved it and want as many people as possible to see it.

    But like I said, those who aren’t concerned about “facts” and pre-decide about why I like a film without bothering to look at the history first are entitled to their closed minded, pre-conceived and biased opinions.

  31. Omar

    Sure you have visited the sets of films but unlike those you mentioned you aren’t good friends with the filmmakers. You didn’t have drunken podcasts with the other filmmakers, you don’t hang out with them and they didn’t have one of their actors call your friend as a favor.

    Wether or not the film is good or not is besides the point. you CAN’T post an unbiased review for a film that you are so involved in. Any self respecting media outlet will tell you this. You may recommend it but nobody is going to take a lengthy review seriously after all the very personal gushing that’s been going on on this site for a while now.

    Aren’t reporters supposed to impartial when it comes to news material? That is to say, not to get involved? I assume you want to be taken seriously as a movie news site and you consider yourself a reporter for this establishment right?
    If that’s your opinion, isn’t Fox news always fair and balanced?

  32. Toni

    Only androids can write an unbiased review. People all come in with their set of baggage and preconceived notions about a film, book, whatever. John can do whatever he wants. And you can do whatever you want with the review. If it bothers you so much then don’t read it. Just go watch the movie and decide for yourself…or don’t watch the movie. Jeezus people. Go be negative about Bush or the war or something. These are ENTERTAINMENT sites. Keep it real…keep it light.

  33. Omar

    An unbiased movie review is from a person who only watches the film for what it is but doesn’t hang out with the people behind it. That way I know if I can trust the review or not.
    Doesn’t take an android to do that.

  34. Hey Omar,
    You really have no idea about what the movie blog is do you?

    This IS NOT a news site. Nor am I a “reporter”. This is blog about me, my thoughts and opinions on the movie world. Period.

    But listen, if you want to keep your mind closed and hang on to your pre-conceived notions, and also completely ignore the fact that this is a movie I’ve been raving about long before I ever started “Hanging out” with the writers, then that’s your prerogative and you’re allowed to justify that to yourself however you please.

    I liked this movie a year ago when I visited the set and watched 20-30 minutes of the film in the production office. That’s why I’ve been raving about it, that’s why I’ve been pumping it.

    To suggest I’m “biased” is to suggest I have something to lose if the movie sucks or have something to gain if the movie rules. Neither is true. I saw it, I loved it, so I’m talking about it.

    I’m “IN” the movie Jumper. But I gave it a bad review. I’m “IN” the movie “The Rocker”, but I’m telling people it looks like crap. I have a much greater vested interest in those films than Pathology, but I never give anything but my honest, open and untainted opinion. Period.

    For you to suggest otherwise (without any facts or logic) is nothing but pure, unsubstantiated speculation on your part. But like I said, you’re free to engage in that all you wish.

  35. Jarred

    BURN! Omar got PWND!

  36. Doug

    Just jumping in on the jealousy bandwagon. Glad you had a great time. Wish I was there. I would have loved to meet your new friends :)

  37. Omar

    I didn’t get pwned, he’s just repeating the same stuff he said a couple of posts up.
    And you do have something to lose if you post a negative review, those new friends.
    The last time I checked, articles about Shia Lebeuff caught smoking or new pictures of Snake Eyes (which were fucking awesome by the way) constituted as news, movie news (some more so than others). To suggest otherwise is just silly. So this is a movie NEWS site. Scribbling a couple of lines at the end of each news does not make it anything else. And didn’t you “report” what went on on those sets? And wasn’t that the reason that you were invited in the first place? That would make you a reporter. Studios don’t just invite anybody to a set just because they write about themselves on a blog.
    Look I’m not trying to be a dick or suggesting that the film sucks, I don’t know I haven’t seen it, but I do hope that you see what I’m trying to point out here (and so have others before me).

    If Brad Pitt reviewed an Angelina Jolie film, would you take it seriously?

  38. Servant of Krom


    While I detest the juvenile phrase, yes you did get “pwnd”.

    You seem to repeatedly ignore the most important thing that was brought up: campea has been trumpeting this movie before he started hanging out with the creators. That fact alone dismantles your entire theory.

    On top of that, if you don’t think Jeffery Llyons or Ebert or Malten know a few celebrities or have a few acotr/producer/director friends then you’re crazy. It is possible to know people, and be objective.

    If campea can be objective and give negative reviews to movies he actually got extra parts in, then I have no doubt and no problem in believing he can be objective in giving his honest opinion on a movie made by some guys he’s had drinks with a couple of times. Looks to me like you’re trying to stretch things here.

  39. Omar

    Comparing an unremarkable background extra part to hanging out with and throwing a party for a group of filmmakers for a certain movie is stupid and you know it. Who’s the one stretching here?

    It doesn’t dismantle my theory at all, seeing how he got more and more involved with the persons connected to the project after he saw that film footage. And all this trumpeting over 20 minutes of footage? It better be a fucking AMAZING movie if all this championing is going to make any sense.

    But since this is going nowhere lets agree to disagree.

  40. Hey Omar,

    If you don’t understand the differences between “blogging” and “reporting”, then I’m not sure how to help you.

    Also, I have hung out a LOT more with Ken Davitian (Azamat from the Borat movie), and yet we hammered his latest movie.

    But I go back once again to what I said earlier:

    “I never give anything but my honest, open and untainted opinion. Period. For you to suggest otherwise (without any facts or logic) is nothing but pure, unsubstantiated speculation on your part. But like I said, you’re free to engage in that all you wish.”

  41. Jen

    Great shots and I love your report. I was also there. My first screening and afterparty and both were truly amazing. I was blown away by the movie. I expected more sex, more gore, but what I got was more substance than I had previously thought would be in the movie. It was very refreshing. Now I really, really want to help Neveldine and Taylor get it a wide release like it deserves.

  42. Ann AURA {DSC}

    Hey John!

    I was at that screening too! Boy was it fun! I specially enjoyed the open bar and free pizza :) The movie was amazing and I am looking forward to sharing my thoughts on it as well. Too bad we didn’t get to meet.

    Take care,
    Ann AURA {DSC}

  43. Jen

    Woot! Glad to see you here, Ann! :D That was one smashing time. We gotta go all out on April 18th. Big group together would rock so hard.

  44. Hey Ann and Jen,

    Who were you guys there with? What were you wearing? I’m sure we must have bumped into each other

  45. Jen

    We were invited by the guys from Divide Pictures. I was wearing a pink blouse, black jacket, black slacks, and blueish/purple shoes.

    Here’s a pic:

    Ann’s in the beige dress. We’re with other invites of Divide.

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