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Paramount to bring us another Heavy Metal Movie

Heavy Metal Magazine inspired more airbrushed murals on vans in the 70’s and was the first animated film I watched that I shouldn’t have. I say I shouldn’t have because I was 10. It aired on the Canadian Movie Channel “First Choice” and I was stunned and struck with awe at the imagery and …. well boobies.

This movie spent the better part of the next decade BANNED in Canada. Animation was too easily mistaken as a children’s program and our negligent parents just let us watch anything that was animated. This broke the rules. When it was unbanned, it immediately joined my VHS (now DVD) collection and continued to inspire my sci-fi creativeness (and music) through the 90s.

Coming says:

The film will consist of eight or nine individual animated segments, each of which will be directed by a different director.

Fincher will direct one of the segments; Kevin Eastman, the “Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles” co-creator who is now owner and publisher of Heavy Metal, will direct another. So will Tim Miller, whose Blur Studios will handle the animation for what is being conceived as an R-rated, adult-themed feature.

Doug will be disappointed that this is not tentacle porn, but dammit it is about time for another Heavy Metal Movie. I need me some racy violent animation dammit!!

Nearly 20 years after the first another Heavy Metal movie was made, but this one revolved around a single storyline unlike its predecessor which featured a number of shorts tied through narrative as one film.

It looks like we wont have to wait for another 20th anniversary to get another one, and thankfully they are returning to what made the first film a success. Emulating the Magazine.

I look forward to seeing what they come up with this time.

10 Comments, Comment or Ping

  1. Kevin C

    Isnt David Fincher doing one of the segments as well? I liked the original. Heavy Metal 2000 was meh. Ill give this one a look when it comes out. Its like animated twighlight zone stuff.

  2. Kevin C

    Oops I missed the first part mentioning Fincher, my bad.

  3. Cosmic

    hope they make a COOL one.. the second HEAVY METAL SUCKED!!

  4. Haole

    I agree that the first one is classic, but the second just didn’t have the magic or humor.

  5. ButterOnMyPopcorn

    This is one of those movies that if you watch again now you’ll be asking yourself how the fuck this was popular.

  6. miles

    i am down, i still buy HEAVY METAL on a semi regular basis.

  7. Darren J Seeley

    I will always think the soundtrack from the first film is one of the best soundtracks ever, Sammy Hagar, Grand Funk, Journey, Black Sabbath…but the animation in 1981’s Heavy Metal, wasn’t all that great. There were even shots that repeated themselves.

    I missed FAKK, (Heavy Metal 2000) w/ Micheal Ironside and Eastman’s wife, B-Movie video vixen Julie Strain…(is Strain gonna cameo here in the new HM…?) and Butter summed it up best. But I would think the animation would be more improved upon by now. So the dated look of the first Metal is, in my POV, irrelevant.

    What *is* though, is the same problem as before. While I think a call should be made to Rob Zemeckis to direct a segment (any part of Beowulf would have been welcomed in a HM,methinks) I also think that …well…even Japanese Anime has a tough time crossing over to big screen wide releases in the US (and Canada) from time to time…because sadly, when we think animated, we either think of superheroes or fuzzy penguins. Not that anything’s wrong with that, but you know what I mean. G/PG rated fare. Family/nostalgia stuff. But it seems “mature” cartoons only get a DTV release, regardless of quality.

  8. Bishop

    Man I recall sneaking peeks at my dad’s stacks of Heavy Metal and just getting lost in the incredible visuals and, let’s face it, boobies.

    One of the finest memories I have of the first one is John Candy commenting on his “dork”.

    And the fact that all the breasts seemed to grow exponentially with each scene.

  9. nbakid2000

    As long as it lives somewhat up to the first Heavy Metal I’ll be happy. The second movie SUCKED and I pretend it doesn’t exist.

    I think they need to go with a retro soundtrack, but that’s just me. The first soundtrack was fantastic, as Darren said and it’s sitting on my shelf right now.

  10. Phil Gee

    Yeeeeeeeeeees! Excuse me while i put on Devo’s ‘working in a coal mine’:)

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