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New Wall-E Trailer

Sticking on the theme of Pixar, the latest full trailer for their upcoming film “Wall-E” was released the other day and honestly… from the early look of things I think this one could end up being their best film yet (it will undoubtedly be their cutest. I mean come on… just watch this trailer and look me in the eye to tell me you didn’t fall in love with this little guy. Can’t be done!)

Below you’ll find the YouTube version of the trailer. You can watch it here, or head over to the Apple Trailer page and watch it there.

10 Comments, Comment or Ping

  1. nbakid2000

    Wow that does look impressive. Can’t wait till more plot details come out.

  2. AjaxLou

    This will be #1 at the Box Office this year!

  3. Chris

    I have to see that film

  4. Louis

    It’s gonna beat Indiana Jones indeed - whoever fails to recognize must have forgotten that Happy Feet opened bigger than Casino Royale when both were put against one another. I wouldn’t be able to name a person that I personally know who wouldn’t say YES to seeing WALL-E. Game Over LucasFilm.

  5. Mr.Death

    I am seeing that. That looks hilarious and touching and funny and everything I expect from Pixar.

  6. clone_tk422

    Looks really good but from previous Pixar trailers this one looks to be giving a whole lot away in the trailer.. I hope theres more to see in the movie that we dont see in the trailer

  7. DarkKinger

    I love it!

  8. Phil Gee

    Pixar in space; it’s about time:) I cannot wait for this one.

  9. Andy

    damn, really dissapointed. the first few scenes were awesome, but as soon as that “modern girl” comes in it just looks really, really bad. the whole modern town and humans look so kidstuff like (where as the beginning looked really “adult” like). ah well.

  10. Jake Vermont


    @ John What do you think about them using more photo real textures?? animations totally lose their comic look is that good or bad? i’m very very keen on seeing wall-e it looks very impressive

    Greetings from Germany to TMB

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