New ‘The Wolfman’ Pic!

A new photo of the upcoming remake, ‘The Wolfman,‘ which stars Benicio Del Toro, Emily Blunt, Hugo Weaving, and Anthony Hopkins has surfaced on the web, and let’s just say this picture is truly worth a thousand words.

Slashfilm gives us this picture:

Hmm…is this Benico after he’s been attacked by the wolf or has he already turned and attacked a helpless victim? Either way, this movie looks like it will be on the bloody side, and that’s all right with me!
Just I hope they decide to go the “Rick Baker” route with the werewolf transformation instead of the overly used CGI route. I think ‘Bad Moon’ was the last time I saw a truly scary werewolf onscreen.

So what are your thoughts, movie fiends? Do you think ‘The Wolfman’ is going to surpass your expectations?

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7 thoughts on “New ‘The Wolfman’ Pic!

  1. Rick Baker is actually doing the creature F/X on this film, so it should be refreshingly old school in its werewolf transformations. Also promising is the casting of quality actors rather than the usual gaggle of bland looks-hires in a lot of contemporary horror films. The director is the one big question mark to my mind…Jurassic Park III didn’t exactly thrill me.

  2. Rick Baker is actually doing the creature F/X on this film, so it should be refreshingly old school in its werwolf transformations. Also promising is the casting of quality actors rather than the usual gaggle of bland looks-hires in a lot of contemporary horror films. The director is the one big question mark to my mind…Jurassic Park III didn’t exactly thrill me.

  3. He’s barefeet and the blood doesn’t seem to be his, so I think he’s been feasting as a werewolf whole night long. I also second the Rick Baker transformation scenes. If there’s any CGI it most likely will ruin it for me…

  4. I never have expectations for Scary movies because they are always a let down, but with this cast maybe we can change that

    here is hoping for a good scary movie

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