New Poltergeist Film?

Rumors are bubbling in the heavens that another Poltergeist film may be under way. The gossip comes to us via an email exchange between and MGM, and was brought to our attention by movieweb:

Here’s David from :

Here’s my original email to her on March 15th:

Hi Mary, Congratulations on your new position with MGM! I run a fan web site dedicated to MGM’s “Poltergeist” franchise. I’d heard that there were plans for either a new sequel or a remake…do you know if this is still the plan? As a huge fan, I was hoping to see a new sequel. Thanks for any information you may be able to provide. Regards, David Furtney

And here’s what she wrote back yesterday (emphasis mine):
Hey David- Thanks for the email. Not quite two weeks into the new post so I don’t have a specific update but hopefully going forward there will be more to talk about. In the meantime, thanks for your enthusiasm.

Now this is a “we heard from a guy, that heard from another guy” source, so we cannot read too much into this. The reply email doesn’t seem to confirm and/or deny a Poltergeist film; It looks to be a polite email response revealing nothing. I can see how those excited about a project may view the lack of the word “no” as a yes. I simply don’t like to read into things and will err on the side of caution here.

I for one have no desire to see an “updated” Poltergeist film, but may be game for Poltergeist 4. A good ghost film is always a creepy delight. Recently The Orphanage scarred the hell out of me, and it is the current “ghost story to beat” in my books.

International friends do you think this email correspondence hints at a Poltergeist remake - or does it reveal nothing?

5 Comments, Comment or Ping

  1. Meli

    I definitely don’t want to see an updated version of the original, but I would be interested in another installment. Ghost stories are popular and when done right give a delightful chill.

  2. RJ

    Definetly no to an updated version, and more no then yes to a new instalment, but wouldn’t surprise me to see it happen, could be okay but just a bit fed up with all the remakes and sequels.

    I am going to check out The Orphanage.

  3. BrDanzig

    This is not the first time I have heard of this, so your e-mail correspondence is nothing I have not heard before. I hope they don’t remake it. It was a staple of the 80’s and is one of those films that I don’t see being adaptable to another era. A new installment sounds more plausible but they kept getting worse with each successive movie so I am not up for it myself. I think they should leave it as is.

  4. HisDivineShadow

    Another dumb remake.

    File in the won’t see catagory.

  5. Darren J Seeley

    I’m sure it might have been discussed at one point or another. I’m also sure the idea of a remake or Poltergiest 4 was just as deep sixed just minutes after those discussions.
    At one point or another.

    (*tommorow- April 1st- MGM gets a phone call from the folks from Micheal Bay’s Platinum Dunes….)

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