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New ‘Indiana Jones 4′ Poster!

Now this is a fantastic poster! got the new one sheet poster for the upcoming ‘Indiana Jones and the Crystal Skull.’ This is very good work from renowned artist, Drew Struzan.

I like this poster better just for the new hints we get about the movie. We see that the crystal skull is something paranormal. ( points out that in the trailer, you can see a shot of a crate marked, ‘Roswell New Mexico 1947.”) Also, we can see that in the far right corner, Indy will have to once again face his biggest fear. lol

What do you think of this new poster?

17 Comments, Comment or Ping

  1. Donald

    Not bad. I can’t believe they got Saddam Hussein!

  2. digital drew

    They are chasing him because he is trying to steal their shit… NOW who’s the bad guy!?

  3. dave

    Yet more reasons I want to see this movie now. I cannot not wait for opening weekend. This poster is great I will have to buy one and have it framed for my collection.

  4. John

    What a boring poster. What’s so good about this? H Ford looks retarded and uninspired.

  5. James

    Finally, I knew eventually they would have to come out with a poster that went along the same line as the originals.

    As for my thoughts on it, I really do like it. Like I said, it reminds me and it has that feel of the posters from the previous movies.

  6. bert belgium

    is it just me or does ford look like doug in this one?

  7. Kristina

    It’s not hideous, but I don’t have an urge to hang that on my wall, either.

  8. Mozzerino

    My thoughts on this:
    Awesome. Just as awesome as the poster for this other films. I love this awesome old-school design, because it’s just awesome and looks awesome. Overall, I would say this is especially awesome and I can’t wait for this (hopefully) awesome movie.

  9. AjaxLou

    Ford has that puffy - “I’m on steroids” look to it. Blanchett looks horrible. To quote another Lucas franchise - ‘I have a bad feeling about this.’

  10. AjaxLou

    BTW, I didn’t know Dom Deluise was in the movie!

  11. Kristina


    He has that puffy, “My face is old and the skin is hanging off” look. You wanna see ‘roid-face? See Stallone in the new Rambo. THAT motherfucker is on the juice. Ford just looks like an old dude, which is what he is.

  12. rafa1215

    Classic poster. I’m glad they kept the same color schemes.

  13. Alex

    I’m a big fan of Drew’s work and the Indy posters but the one’s for this film feel a little uninspired. We’ve waited 19 years for a new movie, and I felt that the posters should reflect that like the teaser for the Last Crusade did. “The Man in the Hat is back.” It does look good, and I’m definitely the first in line at the midnight screening.

  14. bjon86

    haHA! All you whiney ass bums who said that the crystal skull picture was a spoiler and were all upset about that post a few weeks ago, can now kiss some ass. I TOLD ya’ll that shit wasn’t a damn spoiler. :)

  15. watch tomorrow morning theres going to be some bold heading under this poster saying “SOME WEBSITE HAS CONFIRMED THIS POSTER AS A FAKE”
    cuz it looks sooo photoshop but i believe it cuz the trailer also looke dlike it was from 1947…

  16. AjaxLou

    @Kristina - old, ‘roids, does it matter? The end result is the same. ;)

  17. Kristina



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